Congratulations to Berkley and Snufflebump
Jallycat, I agree with Ladytara that it is almost something they are doing on purpose, I am always either rude or let the kids answer the phone, dh makes funny noises down the phone!! We are not x directory or blocked or anything, and i really must get round to it, our phone is upstairs though and i cant be bothered to get it 90% of the time, it has caller display so we dont pick up what we don't recognise either, Sometimes the kids answer it and like mucking about, or say hold on and just leave the phone off the hook leaving them waiting for nothing!
Dh has even made funny noises to my mum as she was withheld, even she has learnt to unblock her number!!
I just say if its important they will call my mobile, which i only give out to people i want to hear from!

How about you? can i ask a really disgusting question, has your discharge changed? mine is more snotty stuff... im hoping this is the start of losing my mucus plug x

yay me too!!! Just noticed it today, like clear thick snot!! I have never had a plug loss b4 but i have only gone into spontanious natural labour once so i could have just missed it, I was so exited this morning, dh really didn't want to hear my vague discription this morning, over his cup of tea and biscuit!!!

I am so hoping this is a sign of something, how weird we have all had this together!
Sorry to bore you guys but I've finally finished knitting and sewing my baby blanket, unfortunatly I had to scrunch it up as it wouldn't all fit on the sofa. It's taken me 14 weeks and really pleased i've managed to finish it on my baby's due date
Hope the pics download OK
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So lovely, I would love to have been clever and done just one thing for the baby, it must be so special to make something and think 'i did that' cooking is my thing, but everyone moans that i bake and its all full of calories, i do cook for the children but dh eats it so i have had to reduce my baking habits so i just do odds and ends with the children now!
Well a renewed hope after seeing thick stuff, nothing else exiting, and how i am getting exited over that i don't know!!
Dh took dd to the fair last night, she loved it, sadly i just felt rubbish so let him have some Daddy time with her, she is a huge Daddys girl anyway, he said he is not sure how can love another baby like he loves her, but i know from mine he will, his ds is the apple of his eye and has not stopped being that, it's just she is only little and is her Daddy's shadow, as little girls tend to be! I look forward to him holding his new baby, and seeing his love just expand! It is amazing how we have the capacity to love, I remember thinking i could not love anyone as much as my first born, but you love them all and in equal, proud, happy amounts!

I love my kids and love being a Mum!
Back later, off to check out facebook, farmville, its no wonder this baby is so comfy with me sat on my arse!!!

tp xxxx