Well. i was just about to make a post about how i'm still here, and yada yada yada,
my waters broke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
went to the hospital, and all is fine with the baby, so were now just waiting for labor to fully start as i'm only having irregular contractions currently.
Oh brilliant, that's great news, another baby on the way!! I have been hoping something would happen but no!
Had my nice evening ruined last night, my ex only has the children once a month, he has a really funny set up where he only lives with his wife at weekends, she cut down the children's visits to once a month and he has them in the caravan he stays at locally, anyway she broke down on the way over this weekend and so it was just him and the children.
I should have known he would call because he was bored but I am just about to pop with my only free weekend in loads as he has missed a load, and he calls to accuse my eldest of attacking my 10yr old, saying if it happens again he will call the police.
What an arsehole, he was going on and on, and i eventually argued a word in.
What happens is the 10 yr old who is adhd and not medicated in the morning til he is up so a nightmare, the 16 yr old is trying to sleep and the 10yr old puts his dirty pants in his face, throws stuff on his bed, put his hand on his face, and takes his stuff and looses it, tbh it would try the patience of a saint, and all the eldest does is flail about and say get lost and sometimes the 10 yr old will get hit by a flailing arm, them comes screaming to me about it.
I have said to the 16 yr old if he were to do anything purpously he would be in trouble but he knows he is not a child anymore and play fighting is not the same as it was.
My 10 yr old knows this has all been sorted at home, and has just gone out and told his Dad to get his eldest brother in trouble, but doesn't seem to realise exactly how much trouble he could get him into.
My ex's argument was my dh doesn't get involved when it happens, ffs, it is not up to him, I said he would moan if he discaplined and because he leaves it to me that's wrong too.
Anyway he totally ruined my evening after such a lovely start, the arguing disturbed dd so she was back downstairs and i was fuming all night, I still want to talk to him when he brings the kids back, why call me on a bloody saturday night and not just mention it when he brings them back sunday, and it is not as if he is concurned with their welfare when he has them, I have been really worried sending them to him at times, the reason we split was his alcoholism, and that is never cured, sorry huge rant but i am so annoyed!
Not helping bringing baby on!
Just boiling eggs for breakfast, can't wait to taste food again, everything still tastes rubbish at the moment.
Big waves to my fellow overduers, Its a week for me today, come on baby where are you? Has my mothers time keeping abilities!!!

tp xxxxxxxx