MixedMama - I can't be next.... I've got no pram LOL. I have been getting tightenings again this afternoon but still adamant this is normal. I think i'm in denial mode at the moment not sure .... How you been feeling today?
hello peeps, firstly thank you to limpets and emzy for updating the thread. im still in hospital atm, using the stupid tv internet thingie to post this. baby is doing ok, as he had no oxygen for a while, his liver and kidneys shut down for a while, but seem to be picking up. we will both be in hosp till friday at the earliest. apgar was 1,4,7, so was touch and go for a while. unfortunately the whole labour thing wasnt as textbook as i hoped, but atleast i got to try everything! normal labour, induced conractions, gas and air, pethadin, epidural, vontousse, forceps and c-section...... blimey!
hopefully Jayden will be out of nicu by tomorrow, and by my bed in a cot..... so in love with him, nothing quite like watching OH and baby have a cuddle together
congrats to all the new mummies, i'll update properly when i get home.
Saw the consultant today, I'm only 1cm and not fully effaced yet so it looks like I still have a while to wait. She did try a sweep and other than quite a lot of bleeding, nothing yet. Oh and I really hurt my back getting off the examination table - I could have done without that!
Have a section date scheduled for Oct 8th - here's hoping I don't need it. Going in on Oct 6th for an attempt to break my waters and get me going, would rather avoid intervention, but having to have another section would be worse.
So back to the waiting game...
just had a thought
Is there a special title for the last of the Sep stars ?
because im sooooooooo going to aim for that title... might make the waiting more bearable..lol
I'm getting lots of period cramps and tightenings tonight - hoping thsi is a good sign, but I know it could be nothing at all too!
Well I am back from the hospital, with my beautiful daughter, Rosie, she was a pretty difficult birth, and that was a shock for my 5th, i thought it would be a breeze, I was very wrong!
Anyway will post a proper birth story soon, the result is a pretty sore throat from gas and air, some stitches because i tore a big vein that would bleed so needed stitching back together, a sore pee tube from having my bladder artifically emptied twice, tube up, back, then up and back again, I was not happy!!
Rosie is beautiful, and very placid, she was on the boob within 10 mins of birth and it seems all the worries the 20 week scan threw up were as the consultant said nothing to worry about and she is perfect.
Had my first pee not in a shower a major acheivement!! Food tastes better already, and i feel a bit delicate but very happy!
Will post pics asap but just shattered right now,
Hugeto those waiting, not long now
Hi ladies! Sorry I have missed so much. Just popping in to let you all know that our wonderful bundle of joy was born Sept 23rd at 3:39am. He weighed 6 lbs and 9 oz and was 18 in long.
Well I am back from the hospital, with my beautiful daughter, Rosie, she was a pretty difficult birth, and that was a shock for my 5th, i thought it would be a breeze, I was very wrong!
It's my due date today - mixed emotions about that one!
Happy Due date Mrs N !!
Just a quickie from me, went to see MW and had my sweep (my cervix is 1 cm dilated and down but still quite thick) It wasn't as bad as I thiought it would be.
MW has concerns because I've got protein in my urine and my blood pressure has gone up again. I also said how my movements have changed. Shes booked me into the hospital I'm just waiting to hear back from them about when to go in, so i'm just waiting for the phone to ring.
Can noone mention anything in FB as my mum only will worry otherwise xx
Sorry for my absence - I've been having a hard time breastfeeding and have been spending most of my time feeding or crying.
well I just had the crappiest mw appointment - baby has moved from 3/5ths to completely free, and has rotated back round to the right. I'm so upset, I thought things were moving in the right direction but apparently not at alllooks like I'm going to be here until the bitter end
Just wanted to say it took a day of niggles be labour was recognisable, i had just aches, but nothing painful til about 8 hours after the random niggles.
Mixedmama, hope you are ok, still a few days for baby to beat induction!