Maybe you should just all become Archie fans and all birth on the 6th!! x
I do hope you all have your little ones before then though really x
so maybe a Oct baby isnt so bad...
thats a good point, mixedmama may just be next... does she have a text buddy ? or anyone have her on FB ?
I get induced on the 5th so I might be on the 6th!!!
Just hoping she comes out ready for her now!!!
i messaged mixedmama and then i see a post from her.. so no she isnt having a baby : (.... on a good note number 100 is up for grabs still !!!....
Morning ladies, any action overnight?
Nothing to report here!
Last day of September so it's pretty certain baby will be October now.
my little lady arrived v quickly on wednesday morning after just 3 1/2 hour labour! doing great and im so happy with my gorgeous family!