Hello my lovlies!!
Becs, gorgeous bumpage hun! Not far off how mine is to be honest, it has grown loads recently!!
MrsJ.... I really feel for you, it's such a stressful situation to be in... goodness knows it has taught me that if, god forbid, me and DH ever were to split up, I would definately always put my children and their happiness above any feelings of bitterness, pity not everyone can do the same!! My SS's mother has yet another new boyfriend, our 5 year old told us at the weekend that he is married! Goodness knows where that came from, she shares far too much with the boys...
F&C etc, so sorry about your suffering with heat

My classroom was like a greenhouse today at work and I really struggled, roll on maternity leave!
Emzy, sorry to hear you're having a bad time of it

Your OH sounds lovely though! I have been having horrible pains as if I've been kicked right in my bits, hee hee, like it's bruised, everytime I get up after being sat down... I really don't know what it is!! Also, I'm slightly concerned that I've been 'clearing out' as I can't stop going to the toilet at the moment! OH said I should be watching to make sure there isn't anything going on, but can't help but think it must just be one of those things! I'm very very sore though!!
Babythinkpink, pics please!
Hello to all new people!
Carley, I'm sure your kitty will be back soon.... I know it's not the same but the first time I let my cat Dolly (as in Dolly Parton) out, she was gone until it was dark, I was crying and in a right state! Even now she rarely comes back to the house when it's light, maybe yours will be the same and wanting the cover of darkness!?
LittleA, lovely video!
Apaton, my belly button is an inny but I can pop it out by pressing on either side! I don't like it!
I can't remember anything else, I'm so sorry if I have missed anyone out.. I'm quite surprised I remembered so many to be honest!
I only have 17 work days left, but in that time I have to take my choir to the local church to perform, I have to organise the school summer show ALONE which is two performances in one evening, I have the year 8 leavers prom, Leavers assembly to organise, year 8 last day out walking at walberswick beach, and the staff end of term do before I can relax!!
I'm at the docs for my 31 week appointment on Thursday morning, and at the hospital on Friday morning as I had a letter back with an appointment with the haemotolgist... I presume it's my results back from the clotting test thing I had done a few weeks ago

We shall see!
RIght I'm off to bed now, long day tomorrow, rehearsal with my soloists at lunchtime and orchestra after school! Night all! x