****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Sorry about the GD, did you have any symptoms or just the blood test say you had it?

No I have no physical symptoms...Im even at a very healthy weight and I excerise regularly. However, I do have PCOS, which put me at a higher risk to get it.
I've been referred to a dietician who specializes in people with gestational diabetes. I am actually really interested to hear what they are going to say. I've been doing a lot of research on natural sugar substitutes...just in case I get a massive craving...and there seems to be a lot of options.
The bad news is that I have to start finger pricking:nope:

I love seeing all the bump pictures! And Apaton- I am so jealous of your belly button. I want mine to pop out so badly. I just think it looks so cute!

Hope all is well with everybody!
Hey girlies

Just popping on to say sorry for the lack of posts lately... I've been totally exhausted this last week or so and I haven't been able to face the computer!! Been on facebook and having sneaky peeks on here on my phone, but largely been having a break from the computer and trying to rest in the evenings after work. I'm too tired to try and catch up properly now, so sorry for the no personals this time! I will do a proper catch up soon I promise.

I've been sleeping really badly, a mixture of really painful hips/back and horrendous leg cramps!! I've had my referral through for my physio for my hips though and going to that on 13th July so hopefully that will help. I've also had a bad pain just under my ribs on my right side and I went to the doctors on friday about it. He had a feel and said it's baby's bum pressing on my liver! Nothing I can do but grin and bear it lol So, been struggling a bit at work and am definitely finishing at 33 weeks. I can not wait!

I feel HUGE all of a sudden as well and a few people at work commented on how much my bump had grown over the weekend! I'll do another bump pic soon and pop it on here. Movements have slowed down a bit now too, no more somersaults but some rather large kicks and wriggles instead. She makes me jump sometimes and sometimes it hurts, especially when she turns over! She likes to kick my desk at work as well, I think she's looking forward to going on mat leave too!! I've got my 32 week scan on Wednesday, which is to check growth and also to check whether my placenta has moved up... fingers crossed!

And I had to tell you how lovely my hubby was over the weekend, I've been so fed up what with the leg cramps/hip pain/babys bum in my liver/swollen ankles etc and was moaning that I felt so unattractive as I can't reach to shave my legs and I can't even see my erm... lady garden let alone trim it. So on Saturday, he shaved my legs, trimmed my bikini line and cut, filed and painted my toe nails for me!! How cute is that! I felt so much better afterwards and appreciated it so much.

Anyway, better get going for now. Hope you are all doing well and can't wait to have a proper catch up with you all soon. Once I've finished work you won't be able to keep me off here and you'll all be sick of me! lol

Night girls

I know that feeling Emzy...Having horrendous legs cramps myself, im also waking with a really tight feeling all over my bump and it is just so uncomfortable...just put it down to baby growing and belly stretching! Don't know if im right or not thou!? xx

Can't believe im 30 weeks tomorrow!! :) :) :) :)
thanx ladies :hugs:

fish and chips i may move closer :haha:

mrsj, thanx for the tip i think thats what we will need to do hes too hyper and would think baby was a toy!,

babythinkpink hope u have a nice weekend away :)

zo u can have it, i want my inny back lol:haha:

emzy iw as wondering where u were , soory uve had a rubbish week, glad to have u back and OMG JUST NOTICED YOUR ON SECOND LAST BOX WHICH MEANS I AM TOO ARGHHHHH :dohh: :rofl:

i better start looking out my tent lol

sorry if ive missed people hate that i cant go back while typing to look at the posts

have a nice night ladies :) x
Thanks apaton and... argggh second to last box!! I didn't even realise! One to go wooooooooooo!
Wow we have rain!!!!!!!!!!! I actually smelt it before i saw it lol x
I can't believe some of you are getting to 32 weeks!! Where is 3rd tri going?!!!!!!
becs its going far too fast for me ! lol ive got too much to sort! lol ive got my 32 week apointment next monday lol x
Its bloody scary that the weeks are flying past so quick!!
Carley i hope you find your cat :hugs:

Cannot read through everything that i've missed :dohh: Hope you're all well and all babies are growing nicely :cloud9:
Oooh also anyone else getting the feelings yet that baby is clawing their way out?? :haha:
Hello my lovlies!!
Becs, gorgeous bumpage hun! Not far off how mine is to be honest, it has grown loads recently!!
MrsJ.... I really feel for you, it's such a stressful situation to be in... goodness knows it has taught me that if, god forbid, me and DH ever were to split up, I would definately always put my children and their happiness above any feelings of bitterness, pity not everyone can do the same!! My SS's mother has yet another new boyfriend, our 5 year old told us at the weekend that he is married! Goodness knows where that came from, she shares far too much with the boys...
F&C etc, so sorry about your suffering with heat :( My classroom was like a greenhouse today at work and I really struggled, roll on maternity leave!
Emzy, sorry to hear you're having a bad time of it :( Your OH sounds lovely though! I have been having horrible pains as if I've been kicked right in my bits, hee hee, like it's bruised, everytime I get up after being sat down... I really don't know what it is!! Also, I'm slightly concerned that I've been 'clearing out' as I can't stop going to the toilet at the moment! OH said I should be watching to make sure there isn't anything going on, but can't help but think it must just be one of those things! I'm very very sore though!!
Babythinkpink, pics please!
Hello to all new people!
Carley, I'm sure your kitty will be back soon.... I know it's not the same but the first time I let my cat Dolly (as in Dolly Parton) out, she was gone until it was dark, I was crying and in a right state! Even now she rarely comes back to the house when it's light, maybe yours will be the same and wanting the cover of darkness!?
LittleA, lovely video!
Apaton, my belly button is an inny but I can pop it out by pressing on either side! I don't like it!
I can't remember anything else, I'm so sorry if I have missed anyone out.. I'm quite surprised I remembered so many to be honest!

I only have 17 work days left, but in that time I have to take my choir to the local church to perform, I have to organise the school summer show ALONE which is two performances in one evening, I have the year 8 leavers prom, Leavers assembly to organise, year 8 last day out walking at walberswick beach, and the staff end of term do before I can relax!!

I'm at the docs for my 31 week appointment on Thursday morning, and at the hospital on Friday morning as I had a letter back with an appointment with the haemotolgist... I presume it's my results back from the clotting test thing I had done a few weeks ago :( We shall see!

RIght I'm off to bed now, long day tomorrow, rehearsal with my soloists at lunchtime and orchestra after school! Night all! x
Oooh also anyone else getting the feelings yet that baby is clawing their way out?? :haha:

YES! I have commented to 2 different people about this...like he is scratching my insides!! lol x
:rofl: Yea its REALLY sore i remember it from last time too...

Ooooh Louise...i dont know if you're still worried about your bump not being big etc. and i said about a girl on here due when i was last time well her bump is the one at the top. Also called Louise :lol:

Hello girlies!
A quick check-in while Simon is napping.
We are at my parents house in beautiful beautiful Nelson, BC on Kootenay Lake. Simon has been running up and down the lakeshore like an excited little sandpiper and his Grammy is spoiling him rotten.
So, we tried camping on the way down and it was mixed success. Everything except the sleeping was good. Sleeping on a thin foam mattress on the ground when 27 weeks pregnant was not one of my best ideas. And Simon was really wound up and kept waking up crying. :(
We had plans to do a few more camping nights, but we may scale those plans back to day trips. If we keep getting sleeps like those, the next day is just a write-off for everyone.
And even with a comfortable bed, these stupid pregnancy hormones keep me up if I wake in the night. Simon needed a change last night just after midnight and I couldn't fall asleep again until about 3 am. Maddening.
I didn't have time to read back very far, but wishing everyone nice summer weather and restful days!
Urgh :hugs: hope the rest of your break goes well Sarah...sounds gorgeous though :thumbup:

I stayed away in a horse lorry at 32 weeks last time for a week :rofl: But i dont seem to get uncomfy when i'm pregnant :wacko:
thanks everyone for all of the support you really are a lovely bunch - just been out for the cover of darkness rumage and still nothing - little sod... at least we're getting some use out of the baby monitor!!! we've set a food trap for him and the baby monitor is next to it so we will be able to hear throughout the night should he come in!!! (and quite a good monitor it is apparently).

Im sure he'll come home soon - will put more posters up tomorrow the heat got to me a bit today.

Need some sleep nite nite xxxx
I think gave Ian a fright this morning, I was dreaming and ended up having cramp in my leg, I screamed out!! Never seen him move so quick!!! Bless him, just getting him ready for the time comes!!!

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