Congrats blondie on the blue bump
Carley, such good news about your cat being home, I was showing ds and dh the pics last night and we all thought someone would nab him because he is so beautiful, so it is a huge relief to hear he is home, it must have been quite and adventure for a house cat, lets hope he doesn't get a taste for it!
Had nails painted this morning, my friend did them as they are pretty good and strong at the moment so we did a french manicure, really pleased they look nice, so that is my hair cut and with foils so looking better, and now my hands are sorted, perhaps my feet next!
Had my midwife appt, she was much better today and much more relaxed and not wanting to shove me out the door!
I had bloods done, and we book an appointment with the hospital as i can never get through to them and they keep sending me stupid times, so that is done for the week we get back.
My urine fine, she will let me know if any trouble with the bloods, baby measuring at 28 weeks so perfect, we listened for a while to baby and midwife says very happy baby in there, so Happy Mummy now!
Got to go, will catch up better later, have to put washing on line b4 we go out, and got to get dd dressed too, ahhhhh!! Busy!
Back later, hopefully with latest bump pics!

thinkpink xx