****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Woo-hoo the kitty is home :happydance: I'm so glad Carley because I too thought someone would pinch him!

Well I'm back from my appointments. They were so disorganised today, I had to remind them about taking my GTT blood on time and then the Midwife from hell (who know's I'm hard to take blood from) didn't even bother trying to take it from my arm she went straight to my hand. It wasn't so bad when the needle went in but when she took it out I nearly punched her and was on the verge on tears. I then started bleeding massively and she had to hold my hand in a vice like grip for a solid ten minutes to stop the bleeding. I then had the joys of the Consultant. I swear these people are disappointed if they don't have anything to moan at you about and find everything to be normal. The consultant said "oh so your scans were all normal" followed by "oh your blood pressure is normal" in a disappointed tone. My tummy was then measured, again normal although she didn't tell me what the measurement was and she found the baby's heartbeat quite quickly. I then had to do my urine test at which point she said with great delight "there is glucose in your urine" to which I replied "that's probably because I've just drunk 280mls of lucozade for my GTT and that sample is the first wee I've had since drinking it" she just said "well we will wait and see the result of your test". DH was with me and he thought she was really negative too. I hope I pass the bloody GTT with flying colours just to shut her up!

Congratulations on your little Boy Blondie.

Babythinkpink - I'm jealous of your manicure. I'm desperate for a pedicure, I keep trying to persuade DH to do it for me. Trouble is he agrees to do it but then says things like "I'll do it but don't blame me if it's rubbish" which doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.

Asher that sounds fab :yipee:

Carley :wohoo: thats great news about your cat and 29 weeks :lol:

Apaton i get pains down there but my baby is transverse or breech all the time :dohh:

Congrats Blondie :)

Gawd you are so organised Becs i havent even started all babies stuff is in bin bags and i havent even started on the nursery :haha:
Mrs J sounds like a bloody nightmare appointment. It always surprises me that people that are meant to be caring are so negative!! Hope you pass GTT!
Hi all :wave:

Very nice Asher hope you have a lovely time!!

carley i'm so pleased that you found your poor kitty :happydance:

Fantastic news congrats Blondie :blue:

pleased to hear that you had a good MW app babythinkpink

Hello to all who have moved over :wave:

Mrs J sounds like you had an awful appointment :hugs: sure thier jobs
are to be positive not negative!! Good luck with your GTT results xxx
Yey on your cat carley!!! :yipee:

Congrats on your boy blondie! :thumbup:

Awww mrs J on your appointments - I sooo know what you mean with the consultant - I have consultant led care and they do seem disappointed if there's not a problem, as if you're wasting their time and could have just seen a midwife. Well, it's not my fault i'm there! lol. Glad everything's all normal and average.. I'm sure the glucose was because of your test. Average and normal are good :)

Well, I still feel like crap. This chest infection just isn't shifting, and every time I call docs they don't have any appointments left. DD has got worse too. Plus, OH's grandma passed away and the funeral is on Thursday, so it's tough here at the mo.. There's loads of jobs to do like the order of service and the funeral tea, and I feel pants :(
Hi Ladies!:hi:

MrsJ: Sorry to hear the rest of your test was a little bit of a nightmare. But now it's over!!! Be sure to drink a lot of water 3-4 glasses to flush that's stuff out of your body. That's what my nurse told me when I did it...and to go home and rest because shortly after you will probably crash from all that sugar.

Asher: Have fun on your trip!!

Carley: So happy to hear your kitty is back safe and sound!! These furbabies certainly know how to make their moms worry just like our real babies!!

Drea: Good luck with your tests!!

Blondie: Conrats on the BLUE bundle!!!:happydance:

Optical: Hope you feel better soon hun! :hugs:

So as I have said before I have been busy with little crafts in the nursery. I got the idea from Laura actually, some of you may have seen her wall startching project on facebook? Anywho, I went and bought fabric last weekend and decided to make a whole bunch of circles and starch them to the closet door in the nursery and the back of the bedroom door. I haven't finished that yet...but I did decide to also cut out some letters and starch them to the front of her door...like the part that we see in the hallway. I have attached a picture to show you the finished product. :happydance:
Laura: SUCH a great idea!!! So cheap and easy!!!:hugs:
I will post pictures of the circles when I am done those!
Also my MIL has finished making the curtains so I have washed them and we will probably put them up this weekend and we built the change table...VERY busy week! and more to come!

and tomorrow night my friend and I are going to see ECLIPSE!!! Can't wait!!!


Oh...by the way...we haven't publicly announced our baby girls name yet...so SHHHH on facebook! :haha:


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My midwife thinks the pains I'm having are Braxton Hicks and doesn't seem concerned but surely they can't last for 30 minutes straight without being spaced apart? :shrug:

Peytons a lovely name Mamabird. :thumbup:

Congrats blondie :blue:
Bekklez, I keep getting really tight pains across my upper abdomen, which last ages. I am sure it's where she has got bigger forcing her feet under my ribs and generally taking up more space. Maybe it's the same for you but lower down?

In other news, happy 31 weeks to us :happydance:

MrsJ, sorry about the appointment - sounds like my consultant. They want something to get excited about and I just want quiet as possible!

Lovely name Mamabird :)
Optical so sorry you are having a pants time, hope you get better soon xx

MamaB that looks lovely, I saw Laura's crafty bits on fb!!! They are fab!

I am waiting on Ian to come home so we can have an early tea and then take puppy to the beach!!
Hi to everyone has moved over.

Congrats on 31 weeks Drazic.

Glad your cat is back safe Carley.

On a selfish note happy 29weeks to me and anyone else who is 29weeks.

Have just got my blood results back from my 28week check and have had to be on iron tablets due to low iron.
ooh well done on the washing becs! I'm waiting for a clear blue sky to do mine simply so I can take photos of them on the line lol!

MrsJ08 :hugs: hope you pass the GTT too!

optical sorry you are having a tough time :hugs:

for leg cramps - bananas (well, potassium) does help, but also being dehydrated can make them worse so make sure you drink loads & loads of water.

mamabird lovely choice of name :) sounds like a busy week!

bekklez, it does sound like BH, hope they ease off soon
Big hello to all,

Love the name Mamabird, we had certain critera for our name, as it has to fit in with the other children, the last 2 are ie names, (Emmie and Sophie) so this one is too.
Love talking names, getting very exited!

My appointment has made me more exited, the midwife was so positive about everything, and so nice about everything, using, just perfect, and just right and very happy baby, etc are nice words to hear!
Last time she said baby was small, so when she said i was measuring perfectly, and told me how baby was lying it was great.
I wish she was in this mood everytime i see her, but i remember she became more efficient as my pregnancy progressed last time, she seems to be more interested in heavily pregnant and baby and not much bother for before except a need to book me in for tests i don't want:haha:

I have had cramp a few times, the other night it really hurt, then ached all next day, I cant eat bananas so must try more water!

The pains are i would say practice bh contractions, anything that is not regular intervals tends to be largely ignored as labour is marked by its regular contractions, the muscles are working very hard by now, from something normally the size of your fist your womb is bigger than a football now and increasing daily, that is some growth spurt in 6-7 months! :hugs:

MrsJ08 sorry your appt was rubbish, it is a shame, mine has made me feel so much more upbeat so sad for you it was rubbish, makes such a difference having a nice consultant/midwife. :hugs:

optical, sorry your feeling crap hun, big :hugs:, hope things get better soon xx

Daisybell, thanks, it makes all the difference! Glad to be getting more regular appts soon, will see hospital at 30 weeks to check a previously low placenta, then i think it is 34 weeks i see mw again, not long gaps now, not the 10 weeks previously!

Anyway, tomorrow its mil, taking her for breakfast, then looking for some holiday shorts for dh, think i will be out most of the day, just getting some holiday ironing done, very impressed with my organisation of packing so far, but i have cheated a bit, bought ds socks and boxers today save me trying to find 7 pairs of each, not sure what my children do with their socks and pants, i only bought him new a few weeks ago for a school weekend trip:shrug:
Got little dd some shorts and tops, again less to wash, iron and pack when i can just shove it in the case!
I wont be taking much, i fit into the dress i am wearing now, and a pair of jeans with various top, oh and a black dress i am just about still in, but now i have my long one i much prefer it to the black one anyway!

Bye til tomorrow, waves to all, sorry if i have missed anyone, my waves to all are supposed to cover everyone! :hi::wave::hi::wave::hi:
Hi to everyone has moved over.

Congrats on 31 weeks Drazic.

Glad your cat is back safe Carley.

On a selfish note happy 29weeks to me and anyone else who is 29weeks.

Have just got my blood results back from my 28week check and have had to be on iron tablets due to low iron.

Happy 29 weeks:happydance:
Hope you get on with the iron tablets, if not you can get it in liquid form you take it with orange juice i think , i remember the tablets making me feel rubbish b4, but i hope you are ok, if not check out alternatives with your midwife rather than suffering! xx:hugs:
Awww totally jealous of your babies lying in the right place :cry:

Congrats on everyone moving over :wohoo:

Also my BH are quite nasty, mine come if i move to fast or even just stand up :wacko: was the same with Tabs...car journeys are the worst :dohh:
Hi to everyone has moved over.

Congrats on 31 weeks Drazic.

Glad your cat is back safe Carley.

On a selfish note happy 29weeks to me and anyone else who is 29weeks.

Have just got my blood results back from my 28week check and have had to be on iron tablets due to low iron.

Happy 29 weeks:happydance:
Hope you get on with the iron tablets, if not you can get it in liquid form you take it with orange juice i think , i remember the tablets making me feel rubbish b4, but i hope you are ok, if not check out alternatives with your midwife rather than suffering! xx:hugs:

Thanks yeah I will see how i get on with them and any probs will speak to midwife, fingers crossed I will be fine on them.
Mrs J, your appointment sounds like a nightmare! Hope you get good results so you can rub her nose in it!

Optical sorry to hear about your chest infection and your oh's grandma passing away. Will be thinking of you both at the funeral.

Little A I've been eating lots of bananas recently... maybe that's why I haven't had one for a few weeks!

Wow Brigitte that looks amazing? I don't get how you did it cause my brain isn't working but I'm very impressed.

Babythinkpink so pleased your appointment went well! That's what all mw's should be like. Mine has been off on compassionate leave for about 2 months now so I've been seeing other women and they are lovely.

I don't think I've been getting BH yet. I get pressure sometimes at the top of my uterus but it's more on one side and I think it's the baby just pushing against the side.
Firstbean I've had to be on iron tablets from very early on in the pregnancy and I've been fine. Hope you will too. x

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