****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Hope you enjoy your class want2beamummy! Ours start on Sunday - can't wait!
I am being a domestic goddess today! I have cleaned, ironed, dog walked etc... now I have started holiday packing! So I have started on a kitchen bag (caravan so we need to take lots of stuff) - tea towels, washing up liquid, kitchen roll, cleaning wipes etc, and I have packed a towels bag and a bedding bag! Go me! And we don't go til Sunday! Hmmmm maybe I should make a start on a hospital bag whilst I'm in industrious mode!!

Good luck ladies with all your classes, it makes it all feel so much more real!
Want2bMummy - hope your NCT classes go well. We have got our NHS one on the 13th from 10am -4pm. I think DH is dreading it! Our hospital still isn't doing tours either because of swine flu - frustrating isn't it? I think I would feel a lot calmer knowing what the labour rooms and post natal wards are like. I've been into triage but that's all so far

Asher - you put me to shame. I spent an hour going through the babies clothes and sorting them into different sizes but that's about the most productive thing I've done today. I've just spent an hour catching up with my friend on the phone as she was driving home (handsfree of course!)

Baby is having it's usual mid afternoon kicking spree. A slight miracle happened last night - I went to bed at 11.30pm and didn't have to get up for a wee until 6.30am!!! I think that's the longest I've gone for ages :rofl:

Its been a few days since I posted...is this us all over in 3rd tri now or are there still a few more ladies to come??

Well I had my hospital clinic which I have to attend every 2 weeks so they can monitor my blood glucose that I have to do 4 times a day and to be honest I thought I was doing so so well as I had only a few high ones....but the ruddy diabetic doctor who kept me and Nathan waiting in a boiling hospital for 1 1/2 hours for her to arrive decided due to me having the "odd high reading" and "what with me having GD before" she was starting me on metaformin with my dinner at night. To say I am gutted is a HUGE understatement:cry:But only 9 1/2 weeks to go ish!

Cant believe we are on the home straight now? Its madness to think we were posting about our morning sickness and worries in first tri and now WHAM here we are!!:wacko:

Blob will your hospital not try and turn baby? I would be asking for that...I have a fear of a c section and have said I would rather be knocked out for it as my OH wouldnt be there as he doesnt do stuff like that and fainted at our antenatal class at the talk of it:haha:and I also have worked with the people so I dunno..my main fear is my epidural didnt work last time stupid but its my fear:shrug:
Anyways I would ask if they wont consider doing this as its mad to put you through major surgery as you say if there isnt a problem:shrug:

Oh glad the kitty is home:thumbup:

I havent had a proper chance to read whats going on with everyone as I hav a nughty little boy intent on destroying the house and anything I go near.:dohh:

Oh and on a good note my hubby won £300 of vouchers (we went ith love to shop ones for using in alot of shops:shrug:) at a competition he entered at work. Of course we were meant to be getting the nursery carpet last week but it seems to have been forgotten about...so now he is saying we can use this towards it. My hormonal answer was that the last time he won a work thing it took weeks to arrive and I am not having another few weeks of no carpet in the room! I NEED a chest of drawers and things out the loft so I can get organised....what dont men understand??

ANyway I better go and glug down the last of my coffee before the young rouge wakes up.

Aw Emma, not the news you wanted to hear! But thank goodness you're so far along now and there's not too long to go. I feel for you with the naughty toddler thing too! Jack is 3, so a big toddler now, but he has ALWAYS been a bit of a naughty boy. Today so far he's actually been quite good, but now Archie's home from school they are both rubbing each other up the wrong way, and it's too warm for them both! Hey yippee for the vouchers too!!

I am quite pleased with my bits of packing I've done today, not like me to be prepared at all! I didn't bother with the hospital bag by the way, can't be bothered! The heat's got the better of me after all!!

1st July tomorrow, that's a bit mad! Time is flying by now. x
Emma they are seeing me early cos of me wanting a homebirth so she's seeing me next week to discuss the 'options' we have if baby is still the wrong way around. A friend today said her second was breech until 36 weeks so i have hope :lol:

:wave: :hi: :wave: to new people over here!!

Eeeeek cant believe you're all starting your classes, that really helped the time pass for me last time :wohoo:
Asher - You've done loads! I can't wait to become a domestic goddess(Almost typed domestic doggess twice then :haha: ) but not having a house yet doesn't help with that. I'm really wanting to get in there and start tidying!

:hugs: Elmaxie

Blob - There's still time for our babies to turn yet, here's hoping that yours turns soon and mine is head down at my 31 week appointment! :D

On another note - this is gonna sound really silly but I'm sooooooo angry right now. I've been spending a lot of time playing scrabble on Facebook, you can play with other people over the world and they decided it was a good idea to have a "Force Forfiet" button. I just spent 40 minutes playing scrabble with someone who just "Force Forfiet" me because I took 1 SECOND OVER the time limit, bloody idiot! I can't believe some people :grr:
Ann: All I did was create letter stencils from cardboard and then traced the letters on the fabric I picked out. Then I cut out the letters from the fabric. And "starched" them to the wall. How you make the starch is dissolve 1/4 cup cornstarch into a cup cold water and bring it to a boil...in no time it thickens to this jelly like substance.
You spread some of that jelly on the wall (it's tacky so the fabric sticks) and then once in place you smear some on top of the fabric as well...then you let it dry. If ever you screw up you just wet it down with water and the fabric peels off the wall and you start over! Voila!! :-)


Wow that's amazing! I'm tempted to have a go myself but think I'll wait until I leave work!
lillybells that bump is lovely, I wish mine looked like that. I'm more whale like now! My dh has promised me a paddling pool to help with the heat!!

Snufflebump and lilbumpblue loving your bumps too!

Will catch up with the other posts later as I'm off home now.. x
Yea i know there is loads of time :) I'm just being mental :haha: Its more that I want to organise things for the HB and if baby doesnt turn then i'd be worried about spending a fortune for nothing :wacko:

:rofl: Bekklez... My DH and i play scrabble games on our phones its SO sad but very funny!
Anyone know where to get some butterfly stencils from?? :nope:
Hi all,
Asher very productive!!!! Im impressed:)
Elmaxie thats great about the vouchers! Hope you get the vouchers sooner this time:) boo about metaforin tho hon :hugs:
Thats sweet wanttobeamummy, should put your mind at rest having the classes.
Mrsj Im the same having consultant led care, Ive seen my mw a few times, only ours are always different mw's, they changed everything here and not for the better. Consultants never do the checks midwifes do in my opinion, the look over scans and make some descisions, no personals from them.
Welcome over any more stars:)

Got all sorts of tests done yesterday at hospital, still got protein in my urine and concerned about my swolleness (if thats a word lol), had ecg done and arteries checked and that was all perfect as was my bp so i doubt pre clampsia is here thankfully.

Its been a lovely day here, we went to asda, Mason & I made cakes and then we had a picnic in the garden:) Then I had a nap, having husband home has some perks!!! have my 4d scan 2moro:)
Aww that sounds like a nice day :)
I LOVE making cakes with Tabs but she refuses to let me help :lol:
I have had a headache all day, think its the heat. Been drinking plenty, so I thought I might have low sugar level so had some chocolate lol!!!

We are off out for tea tonight, I so can't be bothered to cook, far too hot and sticky for that!
well i've just had to rush out and buy an incubator because my bearded dragon decided to lay her eggs today. I was going to order the rest of my baby stuff this month and then i would be finished but the incubator cost £140!!! so my baby stuff will have to wait until next month now!

Oh well when i sell the babies i'll make the money back for the incubator but the eggs take 55-77 days to hatch then they have to stay with us for a few weeks before we can sell them.
Hi all! Wow what a long day, I'm shattered and it's only Wednesday!

I'm a bit concerned that everyone is being told their baby's positions.... there hasn't been any kind of mention to me at all about the position the baby is in, and all my movement seems to be all over!! I have some very high up by my ribs, some very far down and bladder type kicks, and right round by both of my hips and all across the front too! She must still be swimming about in there!! Either that or she has very long limbs!

I'm not having another scan (well it has never been mentioned anyway) and I have my 31 week appointment tomorrow morning but with the doctor, not the midwife.... can they tell by feeling your belly the position of the baby do you know? And if they can, would the doctor (GP) be likely to be able to tell anyway?! Just a bit concerned that the next time I see the midwife isn't till 34 weeks and it seems a bit late to be finding out if everyone already knows from 28 weeks apart from me!!!

I'm also off to hospital to see the haemotologist on Friday morning for what I presume is the results of my blood test (the prothrombin one).... fingers crossed I won't be needing hundreds of injections!!
hi everyone how are we all?

Ive arrived in 3rd now ahhh scary:)

Im okay other than being hot all the time and a little concerned about little ones movements im sure they have just changed positions x
Good for you Mrs J! Let us know what your MW says.

want2beamummy our NCT classes don't start until another month so let us know how it goes.

MrsJ, our hospital isn't doing tours either. Apparently it's too busy. Very frustrating but hey ho.

Grr to the Dr Emma. Can't believe she kept you waiting for so long.

Bekklez that is so funny! I'm used to people being angry about MWs etc but I'm loving your rant about scrabble!! lol

Drea, how bad is the swelling? Mine's pretty bad and I don't know if it's something to be worried about or not.
Louise they can tell you by feeling your tummy..its really easy if you know how though :) I can pretty much all the time tell where baby is. Like you can obv tell if baby is transverse as nothing is at the bottom of your tummy just across. Then the head is REALLY hard :lol: so its quite easy to tell that also...but all depends how much water you have too :)

Boony thats mental, though i really wanted to have puppies while i was pregnant :lol:

:wave: Genies girl

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