Its been a few days since I posted...is this us all over in 3rd tri now or are there still a few more ladies to come??
Well I had my hospital clinic which I have to attend every 2 weeks so they can monitor my blood glucose that I have to do 4 times a day and to be honest I thought I was doing so so well as I had only a few high ones....but the ruddy diabetic doctor who kept me and Nathan waiting in a boiling hospital for 1 1/2 hours for her to arrive decided due to me having the "odd high reading" and "what with me having GD before" she was starting me on metaformin with my dinner at night. To say I am gutted is a HUGE understatement

But only 9 1/2 weeks to go ish!
Cant believe we are on the home straight now? Its madness to think we were posting about our morning sickness and worries in first tri and now WHAM here we are!!
Blob will your hospital not try and turn baby? I would be asking for that...I have a fear of a c section and have said I would rather be knocked out for it as my OH wouldnt be there as he doesnt do stuff like that and fainted at our antenatal class at the talk of it

and I also have worked with the people so I dunno..my main fear is my epidural didnt work last time stupid but its my fear

Anyways I would ask if they wont consider doing this as its mad to put you through major surgery as you say if there isnt a problem
Oh glad the kitty is home
I havent had a proper chance to read whats going on with everyone as I hav a nughty little boy intent on destroying the house and anything I go near.
Oh and on a good note my hubby won £300 of vouchers (we went ith love to shop ones for using in alot of shops

) at a competition he entered at work. Of course we were meant to be getting the nursery carpet last week but it seems to have been forgotten about...so now he is saying we can use this towards it. My hormonal answer was that the last time he won a work thing it took weeks to arrive and I am not having another few weeks of no carpet in the room! I NEED a chest of drawers and things out the loft so I can get organised....what dont men understand??
ANyway I better go and glug down the last of my coffee before the young rouge wakes up.