****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Love the name F&C :thumbup:

Lovely pics Drea!

Sorry to anyone I've missed out

What's Raspberry leaf tea all about? I'm assuming that's what you're talking about having!
Hi there!
I'm having a little break from frantic Canada Day partying. Poor Simon is passed out in his bed, completely worn out from all the fun. :cloud9:
I have to say - life is pretty darn cute with an enthusiastic toddler! :)
So, I think I have found a couple of gorgeous knitting projects for my boys. I definitely found that baby blanket I intend to make for BabyBoy2, and a really cute cabled sweater that I may make in two different sizes, so that both boys can wear it this winter. I am missing my knitting and really wishing that I had brought some with me, as I am feeling rather crafty right now. It's because I am so relaxed. This holiday was just what the doctor ordered. I'll post a FB album and join the September Stars FB group when I get home to show you all how beautiful this part of the world is. It's all mountains and lakes and stunning scenery.

Hope everyone is feeling relatively healthy! We're all getting so close! :)

Louise - :sick:!!! You poor poor thing! Rotten kids! I'd give them all a horrendous holiday homework assignment as your secret revenge! :hugs:
Fab pics Drea! What a lovely wee man you have there!!

F&C I love that name. Harry was on our list too, as it's in DH's family and its sooooo lovely, but we live on Harry Road and we have a dog called Harry (Bazza) - it would just get too confusing! So we're back to Sam again now!! I love it though, fab name!

I won my bundle of maternity clothes on ebay last night, all good stuff, my size, 24 items for 36 pounds, and close enough to collect! Woo hoo! I have enough stuff for my hols now!! Yay!

I have told Jack today that if he has tantrums I am going to copy everything he does. So I just copied him screaming and pulling at his face (nice hey?) and I have both the boys rolling around on the floor laughing. Oh well, comedy mum in the house!
Drea lovely pics xx

Louise what a pain (literally!!). I hope today goes well at the hospital xx

I was awake at 3am, feeling sick and hot! I think it was so muggy and I ate late last night so that didn't help! We have a busy weekend of cinema, Shrek and Eclipse!!! I can't wait!!!!
Hoping for a productive day today - got a few things to get done this morning before settling down for the tennis this afternoon!

want2beamummy glad your classes went well & yay for baby being head down!
Nursekel welcome over :wave:
Drea aw cute pics, glad your scan went well!
F&C that's a gorgeous name - two of my favourites :D
Sarahkka glad you aqre having such a lovely time
Asher sounds like a good ebay win, yay!
becs enjoy the films, I haven't seen any of the Twilight films yet! I'm with you on the weather - it's been so sticky here the last few days hasn't it!
Wow i'm nice and rested this morning :) I've not had a full proper nights sleep for weeks due to being so uncomfy with OH, bump, usually the cheeky dog hogging my bed! Last night OH offered to sleep on the sofa to see if i get a better sleep, and i slept like a log until 5am when the dog decided she missed me and wanted to wake me up with her wet nose :haha: I can't believe how much better i feel after a decent sleep!

How is everyone today? Are we all in third tri now?

Drea - Lovely pics, you've definitley got a little cutie there :)

FishandChips - I LOVE the name Harry, i would have it but one of my close friends has a little Harry!

Sarahkka - I wish i could knit ! Your boys are so lucky having lovely cosy knitted things, and the ones in the shops can be so expensive!

Asher - You really made me LOL there! 'comedy mum in the house' haha

f&c - awesome name :)

Louise - you poor thing , I hope the doc gives you something for it!!

Becs - Im watching New Moon tomorrow !! Eeeek! So excited! Ive been watching the first 2 with my mum this week as she hasnt seen them - but now she loves it! Twilight fever taking over!!

Hope everyones ok =)

Morning all!!! I slept not bad last night, dh is out at an onterview so everything crossed!! Im just so so in love with my wee bubba, cant stop looking at his wee chubby face in my pics:) lol

Asher thats a great bundle!! Now you just need your hol:)

F&C I abso love that name, had a lovely ring to it, Harry is so nice.

Louise hoep you are feeling a bit better :hugs:

Becs, enjoy the cinema!! Thinking we might do Shrek this wkend aswell!
Hi All,

Hi Amy, must have missed your post b4 so saying hi now! Hope everything good for you, nice to see you here :hugs:

Louise, surprised you have not had thread worms b4, they are pretty usual with little ones, little buggers pass everything possible!
I think orange and fresh orange juice is a good natural remedy, but only medication truly gets rid xx
Luckily we have not had them in our household, but nits i have had a constant battle with on my 7 yr old, i comb her every 2 nights to keep her clear, she was clear, so i left her for about a week, combed her at the weekend and she is crawling in them again, some bloody parent not combing, if i can do it so can they! :shrug:

F&C lovely name:thumbup:

Asher, well done on your clothes bundle, picking up is good, saves loads on postage!
My 2 yr old was driving us nuts with a high pitched scream all the time, but dh seems to have stopped it , when all else failed, everytime she did it he was cheering loudly and waving his arms about, at which she would scream louder but eventually she hated him cheering it so much she stopped, i hope! xx

More sickness this morning, yucky yellow stuff, (tmi sorry) that is 2 days i a row i have bought up loads, and feeling rubbish still, on the other side have a lovely wriggly baby today!

My last day to pack today, clean the house and generally get sorted, fh suggested giving the children a day of school but i said no way after their constant squabbling, they would have driven me nuts:dohh:

Got to go, feeling odd again, hoping this passes soon, not heard from midwife yet so hope bloods were all ok, just may explain a few things if i was anemic, not sure otherwise, but i always am pretty sick when pregnant so getting off lightly so far anyway!

Back later when i feel up to a bit more, Have a great day all xxxxxx
Louise - Sorry about your threadworm NOT NICE!!! Have you thought of going for a colonic? As my OH's mum does it for a living and she gets rid of some nasty bum problems. Just a thought!!!

F+C love the name Harry!!!

xamyx - glad to see you on here isnt caitlyn a cuite pie!! Hope you are well hun xxx


apaton - apparently RLT is very good for labour but not so great in taste!! - you can however get it in a tablet form from health shops and they are (apparently) a lot more tolerable. So i think i'll be going for that option. The last thing i want is to be having RLT heartburn - yuk!!

I have my 4D scan tomorrow!! EXCITED. Although im a little worried it'll be shit but i wont tolerate anything but amazing service!! Have to travel a couple of hours to get there too so if they dont meet my expectations they'll know about it!

I cant decide on any names and i feel that we are leaving it a little late, we just cant seem to agree on any and i want something quite unique whereas Dave is happy with normal names LOL. I WILL GET MY WAY IN THE END!!!!!!
babythinkpink hope you feel better soon :hugs:
drea fingers crossed for your DH's job interview
lilia yay for a better night's sleep - amazing the difference it makes to wake up feeling refreshed!
carley ooh scan tomorrow - exciting!

we start our NCT classes on sunday - on the form it says 'bring and share lunch' anyone got any ideas what this is likely to mean??? Don't want to get it wrong and be the odd one out :haha:
Hey girls, hope you are all well. Sorry for the lack of personals but I'm on my phone in the hospital having my GTT. The blood tests are fine but I hated the lucozade. Poor Simba is going mad! I feel shaky and weak. Need my coco pops! Will catch up later x x
Morning everyone :)
Hope you are feeling better soon babythinkpink

Oooh is there a september stars group on facebook? Could someone send me the link so I can join?? xxx

Thankyou, I'm Hannah Allen on there...profile pic is of me and bump in a pink dress
Well I'm back from the hospital, saw the consultant haematologist who wanted a looooooooooong family history of clotting and pulmonary embolism.... she then looked on the computer screen for my results and they weren't there!!! It was looking like they had ticked the 'wrong box' on the form, even though I went to see the consultant obstetrician especially for that condition because of my Dad having it!! GGRRRRRR!! I asked her to phone up though, which she did, and they DID have my results after all and I'm happy to say it came back negative!! Which means I don't have the prothrombin gene mutation, so won't need 6 weeks of injections after giving birth etc which can only be a good thing... it also means that there's no chance that Lilia will have it, or any other children I might have, so I'm over the moon :)

Now just got to wait till 4pm to see the doctor about my little friends!!!! I had a cry to myself last night while hubby was out at a dining out (which I was supposed to go to but couldn't face it after my discovery!) but then he came home and told me the news that one of his oldest friends was blown up in Afghanistan yesterday which put everything straight back into perspective for me. He was in surgery last night, lost both his legs apparently, fingers crossed he pulls through. It's put a big downer on the camp here though as he is ex 9 sqn (this is their base), loads of the lads know him, and he was doing the same job there that Wayne will be doing when he goes :( Horrible horrible horrible..

Anyway sorry to put a downer on everything!!
Carley good luck for tomorrow! Enjoy it! I hadn't thought about having a colonic... it might help me feel a bit 'cleaner'!!
Drazic, hope your test goes ok!

Hi everyone else!! x
fantastic news from the consultant louise! :happydance:
fingers crossed for your dh's friend :hugs:

drazic good luck with the test! I'm so glad I don't have to have it!
Louise thats brilliant news, hope that lad pulls through. They do amazing things in hospital xx

Carley, on the names thing, I think when you see your little one a name will just come to you! Good luck for the scan x

Drea fx'd for DH's interview x

Drazic hope all goes weill with GTT, I am still waiting on my results. It was nearly 2 weeks ago so figured of anything was wrong I would of been told by now!!

OMG I am roasting, just went into town and got some bits, its so muggy out there! Think I need another shower to cool down!
louise glad u gt great results and hope u get something for your little friends :hugs: sorry bout your hubbys friend hope he pulls through they guys are heros :flower:

carley have fun at your scan :wohoo:

drea fingers crossed for hubby :hugs:

drazic hope all goes well with your test :flower:

well im an emotional wreck today, dont know if you remember my uncle passed from cancer in march well today we where going to scatter his ashes on a beautiful hill where his brothers ashes are, i couldnt go im soo hormonal and keep crying , i miss him soo much and he treated me like a daughter :( on the other hand we put in a offer on the house we wanted im just sitting waiting to see if fits been accepted so hopefully we get it .

sorry for selfish post hope every1 else is well x

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