We just had the nicest visit with old family friends. I used to babysit their kids a million years ago and the eldest is just graduating from high school! Makes me feel about a thousand years old!
Simon was his cutest, impiest self and charmed everyone. I was secretly thanking the gods that he wasn't having a grump attack. He's had a few of those this holiday. They pass pretty quickly, but he's giving us a taste of the terrible twos, I think.
A quiet rainy day here. We may go to the little museum later on. Apparently there is a really neat exhibit that is good for little guys. Simon actually does pretty well in galleries, as long as we don't stay too long. He likes looking at pictures and sculptures.
NurseKel - sorry about your news. Financial stress is the last thing you need with a baby on the way.

As F&C said, though, it's small beans when you think about the health of you and babe, right? Hopefully your work is supportive and finds a solution for both of you. I know that you don't have the same kind of maternity leave rights in the US that you do in the UK or Canada, but you do have pregnancy rights in the workplace, don't you? You'd be eligible for some sort of assistance if you had to go on medical leave?

to all who are feeling achey, tired, and/or sick. We are entering the final stretch, aren't we? I'm definitely feeling end-stage pregnancy symptoms a lot sooner this time around. I started this pregnancy heavier, but I also think this is a bigger baby. Still 11 + weeks to go for me!

Maybe longer, unless this giant-sized child makes them induce me early or something.
My new mantra?
"My childbearing hips can handle it. My childbearing hips can handle it. My childbearing hips can handle it...."