Hi girlies
I'm going on Mat leave on Friday woooohooo!! Well, technically it's not maternity leave as I'm only temping, so I'm just finishing my contract on Friday. I'm exhausted and I'm really struggling with pain in my hips, so it can't come soon enough! I was actually nodding off at my desk today lol
I can't seem to eat much at a time either. If I do then I'm sick! Very annoying as I'm starving all the time!
Nursekel, take it easy and look after yourself
MrsJ I'm the same as you, fed up with the aches and pains and even going up the stairs hurts loads because of my hip pain

I also have really swollen ankles, a constant pain my my ribs and heartburn! I can't sleep but I'm so tired and I can't eat but I'm so hungry!!! Still, I keep telling myself it'll all be worth it, but like some of the others have said I'm ready for baby to be here already. I am a little apprehensive about the birth, but I just want it all over and done with now so I can have my baby here!
Apaton, I've had white cells in my urine before and it came back with an infection

Bloody things! I was going to say what Mrs N said about leaning forward, I read that this helps to turn baby round.
F&C and Apaton, I was measuring 2cm above at my 28 week appt, but she wasn't bothered and all was ok at my growth scan. We'll see what happens at my next appt on Weds!
Amy, enjoy the flowers!!
Louise I'd bite your hand off for the dinner, but it's a bit of a trek for me too! I hope someone gets to take it and enjoy it
want2beamummy Ouch for the burn!! I burnt my finger when cooking the other day and it REALLY hurt!