Hey ladies!
I have tried to read back a few pages but I have no clue whats going on
I have semi done my hospital bag....I dont have many mat clothes so I have to keep washing clothes and having a set of stuff on top of my case which I wear and put more out! I just really have hit a wall with the bag situation.
Ahhh your all arranging to meet...if you do remember to take pics!
Blob I now what you mean everyone is so far away...makes us seem quite remote up here...which I am not just a quick bus trip to Edinburgh (not that I have used a bus in years!)
So glad Amy got the star (I saw her FB update and got a bit weepy)
We bought baby a carpet this week and the man is coming to fit it tomorrow

then OH has promised on Saturday we can go to ikea and get a chest of drawers and build it so I can put the baby clothes away and make him go up in the loft for the crib and other baby stuff.
I had a huge gut of general stuff we moved with us and no longer use and put it on gumtree and have had noone interested....I mean its either free or a couple of quid for the stuff.

So now I need to make a trip to charity shop and get rid as its now sitting in our room so its like a challenge in the crystal maze to get to bed past all this stuff!
As I say I only read back about 4/5 pages so I am so sorry if I have missed something important...I am finding it harrder to get on BnB these days and easier to keep up to date on FB on my itouch thing.