****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Blondie, sorry to hear you're having such a hard time of it. Hopefully your blood pressure will stay within some normal ranges and stablize. I admire you for coping with the diabetes during pregnancy. I can't even imagine how hard that must be. I totally understand what you're saying about bubs moving. I feel the same way with my preterm labor problems. I take some reassurance in the fact he moves so much that I at least know he's okay. Even the nurse at the hospital said she wasn't worried about keeping him on the monitor since he kept running from her anyway. LOL
I wish you the best of luck hun and keep us updated.
Thanks Nursekel didn't realise you were also having problems but here's hoping it all goes well for you too. I had diabetes last time too but developed it later in the pregnancy I'm not too worried at the moment and quite laid back and just see what happens. xx
Hello Ladies, my oh my we were chatty tonight!! Tried to read back but keep getting lost, concentraition loss, nappy brain already!!!

So glad Amy got her Star aswell, once again thanks Louise for organising.x

My wee bubba been very active today so Im loving it, Ive got a really sore lower back just now and my bath hasnt eased it. No luck on job front as yet for dh but he is trying, not much more we can do!, Im enjoyong having him here tbh but gotta think about money & the future!. My friend took me to pics last night and we seen get him to the greek it was really funny and just good to have some time away from worrying about him getting a job, looking after mason and getting organised, really done me good:)

Im Glasgow so miles away for a meet, although Im sure there is a few scots and we could meet for lunch?!

Anyways so sorry for the lack of personals, be back on track 2moro!!!.xxx
Wow! 8 pages later, i THINK i'm mostly caught up >.<
I think i might be starting to get morning sickness/nausea again :( I had a hard time getting my shreddies down this morning. Also didn't sleep well last night for unknown reasons, ended up sleeping on the couch at around 6am because my hips were hurting so bad in my bed -.-

And i haven't even started to THINK about packing my hospital bag yet, or even about wether or not the babies engaging lol. she still feels diagonal to me, from my top right side to the bottom left side lol.
I'm definitely going to try RLT, also going to try acupuncture to quicken/bring/ease labor later on.
morning ladies hope we are all well , sorry cant write personals my brain wont permit and dont know how to quote :dohh:

ive half done my hospital bag but not properly, theres enought there to grab if needs be :flower:

drea i would be up for the glasgow meet :thumbup:

my head is spining with all this house stuff :wacko: we are trying to bring entry date foward as it needs ripped bare to shell i might need a tent after all :haha: x
Yaay we should totally do a Scotland meet :lol: I live about an hour from either Glasgow or Edin...hopefully will go better than the other meets i've been on :haha:

:baby: had hicups this morning..was wondering when baby would start :yipee:

I havent even started a hospital bag or even started getting my homebirth stuff ready :shock: I had a kick up the arse last night had a dream baby came early and i was as ready as i am now...eeek!!
okay I'm starting to feel really unorganised now, and in general I'm a very organsied person so I hate that feeling! I have a long long hospital bag list, one for me, one for baby and one for hubby. Have started getting bits together, but we are talking maybe 5 things done so far! eek! Really should get a shifty on, I wanted it done by 32 weeks!

One thing our NCT teacher suggested which I though was a good idea is put all the stuff you want in your bag out on the table/bed and get your birth partner to actually pack it - they'll be the ones sifting through it whilst you are in labour, so it makes sense that they know where everything is!

Louise I live in Bungay just down the road from Beccles, it takes about 30 mins to get to Norwich from here - it's not far but ther roads aren't great!

:hugs: Blondie

I think baby is still doing somersaults here lol!
Is it just me or what but this muggy weather is making me wanna lose my temper!!! Its so close outside, have done all my housework and now relaxing in front of the fan!! It was so hot to sleep last night so hardly slept, think its a combo of the both thats making me really ratty!
Oooo I wanna meet up!!!! I'm a Yorkshire lass, so I could do Trafford Centre in about 1 - 2 hours, even if I got lost. Yey! :happydance:

I haven't started my hospital bag yet, but I'm progressing with the decorating. Hall is almost done, living room is finished, baby's room just needs border and then furniture can go up (after i've bought it lol).

I'm at another wedding tomorrow, so i'm off to the hairdressers in half hour to have my colour re-done. I must say i'm not too fussed about this wedding, as we're going all day (with everyone all day drinking). OH wanted us to get the minibus back with his friends - at midnight! No way... I'll drive. Then, if he wants, he can stay and i'll come home (but still be a bit pissed off that he's not coming back with me).

I went to antenatal class last night, and it was great. I must say though, I felt that although the midwife covered a lot of stuff, she skirted over the more unpleasant stuff, and I kinda felt like she was painting a rosy picture of labour (having gone through it).
I know she doesn't want to scare all the ladies as i'm the only one who's had a baby before), but when someone asked about induction, she just said 'ah well now we leave you till term + 12 so there's less chance of it happening' and then moved on. What about my birth with DD? She was early, but my waters broke, and I had to be induced via drip (after the slow release tablets didn't work). She also skimmed over episiotomies, forceps, cesarians etc, and just talked for ages about positions when giving birth, as if by squatting, it'd mean absoloutely nothing would go wrong. I just thought that all the ladies who don't come on forums such as this will have a shock if they aren't lucky enough to have a completely 'normal' birth! But I didn't wanna be the pessimist in the corner scaring the pregnant ladies into pre-term labour, so I just kept my mouth shut. Think I should have said something? OH thinks I was just extremely unlucky to have been induced with Emma back to back and a tear... I hope I was, and this one will be better (and there's no need to scare people to death!).

Anyways, I'm off to get my hair done. Back soon! xxx
I thought the whole idea of Antenatal classes was to give you a good idea of labour and birth!! So glad the mw who is doing ours is very blunt and open about everything!!

Don't you just love wedding season!! Have a lovely time Optical!! Its gonna be hot, hot hot tomorrow!!

Wel today i am shattered. If I dont go to my bed at 9pm I have no chance theses days with my boy getting up the back of 6am..so am sitting here with a strong coffee and a mars bar:coffee:yes my diabetic doctor would be pleased:haha:

Blondie I cant believe your hospital!! And I can understand your worries although mine are not as bad really at all. I will be going to get the monitoring done once a week and I attend diabetic pregnancy clinic every 2nd week but I am now really lucky as my mum has just retired so is being so helpful as it stresses me out taking him to the clinic for the chats etc but I just cant imagine being strapped to the machine for an hour and getting my BP done with Nathan strapped in his buggy screaming....:nope:
How old is your little girl??

I might (big might) be up for a Glasgow meet too...:blush:

In all honesty it would depend if my OH was off work (or if I could get my mum to watch my boy for me) as I am finding it so hard right now being so huge and running after him...am sure he knows and has turned into a devil boy:dohh: I finish up work in 3 weeks....yay thank goodness!

BLOB!! Get those bags done and your stuff sorted at least a bit! Reminds me I need to put your number in my mobile:blush:

I have some RLT (I didnt mind it last time if I am honest) in my cupboard...when do we start it?
Because of the diabetes I was told my uterus wouldnt contract as well and babies reserves would run out faster so I would NEED surgical intervention ie ventouse/forcep or a section and I truely believe the tea really did tone my uterus and I pushed him out without the need of the docs down to this...but maybe I am biased lol

Emma good on you for having a mars bar!!! Must be a nightmare chassing a toddler around xx

I think I am going to buy the RLT tablets!
My RLT say not until you're 'term' so i'm starting at 36 weeks :rofl: I still have some left from Tabs (FX still in date :lol:)

Emma i need to put yours in mine too :haha: See i will only be able to update you if i end up in hospital though as we dont get signal in our house :rofl: but i shall just be on here chatting about it all :haha: I had BETTER be having this baby in August!!

Yea i need to start..think i'm going to start next week :rofl:
Seeing how many people have started packing hospital bags has given me a kick up the butt to get mine done!! Haven't even bought anything! Just be my luck I go into labour early!!!
I havent either :shock: I dont even have anything ready for my homebirth...
Haha Blob, what are we like!!! I am normally so very organised!! I keep kidding myself that I have all the time in the world!
I just like leaving it until the end so that i have lots to do at the boring 'wait' :haha:
:lol: Yea it is... has anyone else already got baby christmas presesnts :rofl: I have.
Christmas pressies?! Wow, super organised!

I have been picking up bits and pieces, but in no decent order yet. You are making me really feel I should get that sorted!

Many places online say 32 weeks for RLT, but my hypnobirthing teacher said to start at 34 weeks. I am going to have the odd cup over the next few weeks, then go a cup a day from 34, 2 from 36, 3 from 37 and then as much as I can from 38!!

Having so many hip/pelvic problems today, but my midwife is still on holiday so going to have to suffer it through! Anyone else suffering?

opticalillus5 - My hypnobirthing teacher would say that was a good thing. Fear = pain, so scaring people won't help :)

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