Hi ladies!
I'm sorry I'm not going to do many personals as there was sooooooo much to catch up on, but I did read it all I promise!
Blob... ooohhh looks like you might be 'preparing'! Might mean that you're the next one to have your babies... you're already 33 weeks along... how exciting! (and scary!) Have you rung your MW?
Elmaxie - lovely bump

Becs... I know how you feel with the party! We live on the outskirts of camp and there are gypsies a mile or so from us (if that) on the other side of the barbed wire, they have a rave every saturday night and when it's this hot and the windows are open they might aswell be in the garden!
I was naughty and had pizza hut for lunch.... was very nice though! We went and bought loads and loads of baby bits and ticked off pretty much everything that was left on the list!! Got the bouncy chair (the pooh bear one from mothercare, expensive but so cute!) baby carrier, breast pump, a soft lining for in the car seat as I don't like the one it came with as it's too rough, baby bath, and the cutest little baby piglet shoes which were more for me than anything else! Now feel like we are really prepared, just have to wash and do an audit of the clothes we have for her and we're away!
Also, mothercare have a massive sale on and there is a lovely white cotbed in there which was £240 and is now £120.. really think we might go for it.. also they have brought out a pink and a blue version of the 'I love my bear' range which is just too cute!
Anyway I'll stop rambling on.... by the way... happy 32 weeks to me! x