****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Blob thats where I got my cot bedding from!! They have some lush stuff!!!

Emma you look fab xx
Hi ladies

I'm back from my weekend away. Just read what I've missed but too tired to remember everything.

Just wanted to say :hi: to Amy.

I can't get over how much movement I am getting now - it's mad. Baby doesn't seem to be sleeping much at all. My bump is also huge, we saw some friends on Friday evening for the first time since I got pregnant, we saw them again on Saturday afternoon and the first thing they said was "my god your bump has grown since yesterday" and I think they were right. It's crazy, even though the growth scan says the baby is totally average I think I'm having a hippo! :rofl:

I'm off to get an early night. Talk to you lovely ladies tomorrow

Nice to hear from you Mrs J, hope you had a nice weekend xx
all those having girls are SOOOO lucky the little dresses in Monsoon are AMAZING - £35 a pop which is a a little expensive but completely worth every penny........
I hope everyone is doing okay, the days seem to be dragging.
Blob, hope those BH's aren't getting too uncomfortable for you! i know for me they put a lot of pressure on my bladder which causes pain :(
Emma I love the bump pics! I would say you are bigger this time but you look lovely. Mrs N and Emzy, also loving your bumps!

Genies girl, how did you cope at the hen night?

Blondie, that sounds lovely! Glad you had a good one.

Blob, you're getting a puppy?! I'm so jealous! Golden Retrievers are lovely! My folks have 2 plus 1 Labrador. Hope the mw can put your mind at rest re the BH.

Right no more time for me to catch up!!!! I've got to head to the hospital for a scan due to my low lying placenta. FX it's moved up now. Hopefully I will get some pics. Whoo hoo! x
Hi All,

Just popping in to say hello!

Love monsoon stuff, we got dd loads of little monsoon dresses, some from the outlet down the road, some lovely bargains, and the rest were ebay, she had one for every day of the week, she loves dresses and its nice to have a little girl that is girly, both mine are all fairies, glitter, pink and feathery, just great and surprising as i was such a tom boy as a child, go carts and climbing trees!

Ohhh have i kept the dresses on not!!:shrug::pink:or:blue:??!

Feeling better again for another night in my lovely bed, dd feeling poorly, she has still not recovered from being poorly last thursday, now its a cold, and i am so sure it is going to turn into chicken pox, does anyone know the implications of that to baby? I think its ok as long as it not very near due date, will ask tomorrow at hospital.

Well hope everyone is ok, will get pics on here later and may even get a chance to get latest bump pic in if i can take one, I seem to be expanding daily, getting some big movements in now, and if i rub my belly i get something shoved into my hand to rub, another tactile baby that loves contact, my dd was the same if i rubbed a bum would push up!!

Got to go, busy day, back later xxxx:hugs:
oooh it's rained! Finally, so pleased! :thumbup: It was getting so so sticky, the air feels much more comfortable today.
Had a totally lazy start this morning - I never even woke up until 9:30! Reckon I must have needed it.

Blob sorry you had a rubbish midwife, keep an eye on things :hugs:
:hi: everyone!

I've read back to my last post, but i'm struggling to remember everything I wanted to say! Everyone's bump pics look fantastic :thumbup:

I went to the wedding I mentioned on Saturday, and it was lovely... but a really long day! We found out that one of OH's friends who MC'd in Jan have got their BFP again and are now just into 2nd tri, so it was great to celebrate with them too :)

As anticipated, I was told 'wow... you look huge!' instead of 'you look nice' by everyone, but I understand the sentiment and it didn't bug me too much (I guess i'm getting used to it by now lol). But the funny thing was that, as we were having the meal and night buffet, everyone kept passing me food! The sit down meal was a cooked dinner, and everyone kept saying 'do you want my yorkshire pud/beef/potatoes as i'm not gonna eat them'. Then, at the night buffet, they looked at me with pure horror when I only got as much food as them... "is that all you're having?"... and then 'do you want one of my sandwiches/pies/buns bekki?' every five minutes from his friends. Bless them!!! It was so sweet, as it was mainly his male friends, and it was like they felt the need to feed me lol.

I did get the 'tit on' as OH calls it, at one point during the day. Basically, I'd driven to the venue as the minibus home wasn't till midnight, and i didn't think i'd last that long. I didn't know the way home,so I asked OH to not drink too much so that he could direct us home. He drunk pints all day, and wine with the meal, but as we'd eaten too much I didn't mind at all. One of his friends, though, was adamant that they were all going to get 'steaming', and to be honest started to get a little funny with me for 'not letting Chris drink'. I explained that I'm not his mother, he could drink if he liked, but I wouldn't be very happy if he got drunk to the point of slurring/falling over etc. Also, this friend wanted Chris to get the minibus back with them and stay at their house. Again, I wasn't happy with this, as A) I wouldn't be able to find my way home and B) I thought that if we went to the wedding together, we should leave together. Thankfully, OH said 'No' as he didn't want to leave me (off his own back), but his friend was convinced that I'd got him 'under the thumb'. I finally got annoyed with my OH when I walked in on them all at the bar necking Sambucca, bought for them by his friend. At this, I gave my OH 'the look' and walked out. OH followed me, and I gave him a right telling off! I'm trying so hard to not spoil his fun, and I didn't mind him drinking pints at all, but I just didn't want him necking spirits and making himself ill. But his friend was adamant that I was just morngy because I couldn't drink myself.. I think it's because he was drunk as usually we get on fine. OH apologised, and didn't drink any more shots, but it was really uncomfortable. I don't think I was out of order... what do you think?

Yesterday I went to the cinema and saw the new twilight film with my friends, and it was great. I also went to Monsoon, and bought a gift for my DD from the baby. It's a bunny handbag, and it's gorgeous! Plus, it was only £5 as I got it from the outlet store! I'm gonna wrap it and pop it in my hospital bag when I finally get around to packing it!

Ooooo Blob!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited for you!!!!!!!!

Good luck for your scan today fishy, hopefully that pesky placenta has moved!

Ooooo doorbell...

Yey!!!! I've just got my new wetbag and washable wipes, and 5 more cloth nappies to keep my fluff monster at bay!!! Oooo i love fluffy post :happydance:
Hey girls

F&C good luck with the scan! Fingers crossed your placenta is well out the way now.

Babythinkpink hope your dd gets better soon... not sure about chickenpox and unborn babies. I would think as long as you've had it and so you can't get it, then baby would be fine but I'm not sure! I'm getting lots of big movements now too and quite often have an elbow sticking out by my belly button! My baby also likes bum rubs lol

Mrs N it's throwing it down here too and had made it nice and cool! It's due to rain all week here though, so I'll be begging for the sun again by Friday!

Blob hope you are feeling a bit more comfy today x

Optical glad you had a nice time at the wedding. I'm also getting told I look huge every day, which I'm getting a bit fed up with now! lol @ everyone trying to feed you up! I have the same thing with Matt drinking, all the way through he has chosen not to drink to support me but I would never mind if he had a drink... however our friends are always convinced he is under the thumb and I am making him not drink! I don't think you were out of order at all, I wouldn't be very happy if he went and got smashed if he did have a drink. And yay for second to last box!!

Well, today is the first official day of my 'maternity leave' (although I'm technically unemployed now lol) and I've been to the dentist for a check up this morning. All was fine, I'm very lucky with my teeth and never needed any work doing or anything, but always nice to get them polished! I'm going to clean the house top to bottom today as I've not done much 'proper' housework when I was working and it's got a bit grubby, so going to give it a good clean! Been looking forward to it lol

Thanks Emzy... I think it's just because if they haven't got kids themselves, it's an entirely different way of life. Maybe Chris' friend can't understand why you wouldn't wanna get 'steaming' all of the time, as that's all he has to do. I dunno. But i'm glad it's not just me that thinks it's a joint venture. I have to carry the baby around, be uncomfy, get heartburn, lose my body (and my career), so the least Chris can do really is not get absolutely hammered. I must admit though, when i think of this point of view, I leave out the fact that I absolutely love having this baby :happydance:

Yey to maternity leave :yipee: When you've finished cleaning your house, mine could do with a really good clean too :winkwink:
Hi ladies

F&C good luck with your scan

Babythinkpink - chickenpox grrr -it's been going around here too. If you have had it, you should be ok I think. Just watch out for Shingles as if you have had it before it can manifest as Shingles when you are an adult. Providing you have had it, I don't think it can effect the baby. It's Rubella that's dangerous to unborn babies I think.

Optical - I don't think you were unreasonable with your OH and it's for him to tell his mate he is being a cock. I assume the friend doesn't have children or a pregnant girlfriend? My DH stopped drinking completely in May 09 and has hardly been out since as he has felt the only way of resisting temptation is to avoid it. I was a little concerned this weekend as we went to Swansea (his old home town) and met up with his old drinking buddy and his GF. I was a little apprehensive as although I like his friend he is a very bad influence on DH (he's a big drinker) and we used to argue about him a lot. DH hadn't seen him for so long he hadn't told him that he had been in and out of hospital for the past year or so or that he had given up drinking and smoking. Luckily his friend accepted this at face value and bought DH some Red Bull instead and didn't mention it again. However, if I hadn't been there it might well have been a different story and he probably would have said "go on, one Stella won't hurt". For some reason a lot of people (men and women) find it really hard to accept if you don't want to drink excessively with them, it's like they feel better about the excessive amount they are drinking if you do the same. I must admit I do like the odd drink and there has been the odd time while I have been pregnant I would have loved a glass of champagne or a spritzer but I'd rather not drink at all in support of my DH as I know how hard it is for him. It seems like a small price to pay all things considered. However, if I had to give up chocolate I'm not sure I'd be so generous :rofl:

Well I am constantly suffering with aches and pains now, especially in my back. I can't believe there is another 9 weeks to go. I am already finding myself avoiding walking unless I have to, because my hips ache and I walk so slowly and feel completely off balance. Does anybody else feel the same? I'm honestly looking forward to being able to walk to the supermarket at a normal speed without pain. I feel like a right saddo!

I was also wondering whether anyone else has read "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth"?? I'm half way through it at the moment and can't really decide what I think about it. It's a bit "spiritual" for me at times but I think I will draw from it when I'm in Labour. I'm not sure what my DH will think if I suddenly start asking him to snog me during Labour as she suggests. Lol! Apparently it helps you relax and can accelerate dilation :blush:
Thanks MrsJ.. I see your point about them drinking excessively and feeling the need for others to do the same. Before he met me, my Oh used to go out with them all the time, and drink a lot. Now, he doesn't go out much at all, so when he does it's like they want him to 'have a laugh' and have it back like old times. It's not me that stops him going out etc, he's just grown up.

Funny thing is, this is the fella who has just got his BFP with his gf after their MC... At a few points in the night she had to remind him that he was being out of order, but she accepts his drinking a lot more than I do. (which is why it looked like I was stopping Chris from having a drink). Both me and Chris spoke about it on the way home, and concluded that his friend has a lot of 'shaping up' to do before their baby is born. We're over the moon for them, but he'll have a big adjustment coming... unless his gf puts up with it (which I certainly wouldn't).

I sooo know what you mean about walking - i'm driving everywhere. I'm glad it's raining actually, as it gives me more of an excuse to drive rather than walk :)

I can't think of anything worse than getting a snog in labour... I haven't asked for one in the past 6 months, so my OH would probably need the gas and air to help with the shock! :haha:
Afternoon all, I'm just back from my ante-natal appointment (at my new hospital) which I thought would be a quick check and 'yes you can have a homebirth' chat. But no....apparantly I now have to have a growth scan to check EFW as my FH is 35 (2 weeks ahead) when only 3 weeks ago I was a week behind!! Hopefully the appointment won't be too long in coming. I also have to see the anaethetist as I have an allergy to 2 general anasthetics and need to be prepared incase it all goes wrong! Its not looking so good for this homebirth as it was a few weeks ago.
Bubs is fine though, although perhaps a little on the chunky side...but I already knew that! I guess it is a chance to see him again which can only be a good thing!

Hopefully he might arrive about 38 weeks...well I can only wish!

I hope you are all well, and I hope the scan showed good news F&C. xx
You two are right, it's because the friends can't imagine not wanting to get steaming drunk as that's all they do every weekend! To be fair, we used to drink with them most weekends before I got pregnant, but we'd got way past the hammered stage by then! A few of our friends still act like they are 18 and go out every friday night and get smashed in a nightclub somewhere, whereas I'd prefer a night at home with a bottle of wine and VH1 ha ha! We went to a BBQ this weekend and two of our friends were shocked that Matt wasn't drinking (it was 4oclock in the afternoon!) and even kept saying to me "so you've not touched a drink for 7 MONTHS???! Or had a cigarette??!" I was like errrrm no of course not!! They looked at us like we were aliens! A couple of our friends have actually stopped drinking/smoking themselves since we have, just to be healthy and have said that they've really enjoyed not doing it for a change. Just part of growing up I think! About time considering we're all knocking on 30 lol

And Optical, I'd love to clean your house too but I may be some time with mine lol Also, I forgot to mention this before but I am totally ADDICTED to the smell of cleaning products and soap. So much so, that we had this carex soap at work and I REALLY REALLY wanted to eat it!! I can't stop sticking my nose in the washing liquid and conditioner... I just can't get enough of the smells! It can't be good for me! I think I'm finally starting to lose it lol

Oh and MrsJ I am also aching from head to toe, have to stop for a rest after walking for 5 minutes and avoid going upstairs if I can help it as my back and hips hurt so much!! It takes me forever to get anywhere... we attempted to walk back from the pub up the road in half time of the football last night and it took me so long that we missed 10 mins of the second half lol x
Babythinkpink you should be fine so long as you've had them nothing to worry about :hugs: DD was suspected of having them so i spoke to them when we were at the doctors.

Ooooh LOVE mosoon!!!

Teeny my MWs after yesterday were like 'well we're not coming out until you're 38 weeks bla bla' and i just sat and thought 'uh yes you will, cos if i refuse to come in you have to come out' Pffft they think they can just shove you into corners and do as you're told. :grr: Yaay for seeing baby again!! My MW doesnt even measure me :haha: i say how big am i and she says you're perfectly fine :lol: she is AMAZING though.

I've been cleaning tons too :lol: also started painting the nursery today :yipee:

Robin uses me being pregnant as an excuse to drink and not drive :haha: which is fine as he doesnt go out much and doesnt drink that much and also he's quite a funny drunk so its quite sweet :haha:

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