Oh Drea that is great news, must be a huge relief.
Ok rant ahead, feel free to skip my post!
Had rubbish appointment, and really pi**ed off, the hospital are crap, and i just don't get why i even have to go there!
I was early so I phoned ahead to see if i may be in earlier and someone had canceled so I went in so i could get back to my poorly dd asap, was kept waiting ages (although i had technacally just fiitted into this canceled slot) Then I could hear them all talking, they were short of midwifes and low on staff, so why not just re book me when i called?
Then I saw a doctor who faffed about my notes forever so I said why i thought i was there (the low lying placenta) and she did my blood pressure, prodded about the baby, couldn't find the heartbeat for any length because she was pushing so hard the baby was just moving away from it. She then went off for ages and came back with all my notes all over the place, saying i should have come back sooner to discuss the scan at the fetal medicine unit, but i really don't see why, as they reffered me and the consultant at the unit had explained it all to us, she then starts going on about how there could be a problem with the baby (which the consultant had largely ruled out) and how baby would need to be checked at birth for problems, which again I don't get, will 10 mins with me do harm then?
Anyway I have been booked in to go back again for a scan which they could have done there and then to check the placenta, and then a follow up which they can stuff where the sun dont shine.
I said to dh if they insist on this check i will just have the baby at home, I am not having the baby taken off us to be checked when the consultant had said if he had done the first scan he would not have queried it and in his opinion the baby was perfectly healthy.
I mean if baby needed attention of course it would not be an issue but why check it at birth when that can be done at discharge like it normally is, they are not going to be able to change anything looking b4 i have had time with my baby, and having had 4 i know how important those first few hours are.
Ok rant over!
Will just send hugs to all, had so much to get done today!
Got loads of paperwork to wade through due to some council mess up too, having had 2 benefits suspended through their incompetence, so was not in a good mood as it was having printed of mine and dh's bank statements for the last 16 months, what is wrong with everyone that they can't do what they are supposed to?
Having had this holiday and coming back to this i fee worse than when we went, just seems to be one thing after another!
Was on way back from hospital and consoling myself with a bag of haribos and lost a great chunk of tooth, get the feeling you should have just stayed in bed!
Back later in a happier mood I hope!