Morning girls!
I had a prenatal yesterday and am officially being sent for ultrasounds at 32 and maybe 36 weeks. Baby is LGA (Large for Gestational Age - 35 cm at just shy of 30 weeks), but (and this is why I love my clinic) no one is concerned about my ability to deliver vaginally and no interventions are planned if he is really big. they just do the ultrasounds to monitor things like fluid levels, etc - all routine stuff, I guess.
So, that's kind of nice - another chance or two to see Mr.Kicks before he makes his appearance.

As I mentioned before, I am so moody, short-tempered and emotional right now, it is absolutely unholy.
Nursekel - my everloving husband also deserves an award of merit for putting up with me! I am terrified that I am going to snap at someone at work or just lose it on some poor schmuck who bumps into me at the supermarket. I feel like a simmering volcano, but really weepy, too. All the emotions are really close to the surface and it feels like it doesn't take much for me to be ridiculously upset about something.
It's really embarrassing and annoying, actually.
Emzy - during my delivery, I flipped from back to front, from squat to all fours, etc, every three pushes. It worked brilliantly. You can do lots of your pushing on all fours, then flip for the final push, or even flip as soon as baby is out. Just tell them what you want and everyone is usually pretty willing to help support you into the chosen position.
Drea - such great news about your husband and the new job!
babythinkpink - I'd be mad, too. It doesn't sound like you are getting very consistent care? I'd question that doc, as well.
Ugh, here goes the baby brain again - I had a bunch more people I wanted to reply to and have completely forgotten all of it.