****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Hey. I'm sittin on sofa feelin sorry for myself :-( using stoopid phone to get online. Gonna try & eat something now then see how I feel. Normally ok on co-codamol, they not strong enough for me (usually take tramadol).
Thanks for concerns, will report back later xxx
Awww limpets - Fx you feel better soon! I can remember when I was about 16 my mum accidentally gave me her extra strong co-codamol by accident (for a headache) and sent me to school. They called her at breaktime to say that i'd gone in to school drunk! lol. I was slurring and falling over, and she had to explain what had happened to them so I didn't get into trouble!

Emzy & blob... I had a nap today too. Well, I say a nap, but it was a sleep... I was out for 2 hours this afternoon!

I've been in a right mood for no reason whatsoever today. I've just been really irritable.. I went to bend down to close a bedside table door and couldn't, and shouted 'OH FOR F*CKS SAKE!!!!!' at the top of my voice (DD was at my mums thank god lol). Then OH came home, and I had him on ladders messing with the blinds at half 8... I'd put them back on wrong after the hall was decorated, and couldn't get back up the ladders to sort it. I hope I feel better tomorrow... maybe i've had too much sleep.

I'm at the midwife again tomorrow, I seem to see either her or the consultant all the time lately. They're probably giving me extra apps cos i'm trying to lower/possibly come off my anti-depressants before the baby is born. Actually, maybe that's why I was in such a foul mood today! lol.. it's so hard to tell what is pregnancy hormones and what's not.

Sorry for all the ladies i've forgotten to reply to... I had so much to say and now it's just gone.

Hello girlies... what a catch up!!

F&C as soon as i saw your pic i turned the laptopn to my OH and said "familiar?" its uncanny.... my feet are so swollen and painful it feels like my ankles are going to burst! i completely sympathize.... i have started using frozen tissues every couple of hours at work drinking lots and keeping my ankles moving or they seize up... not nice.

Limpets you not better yet sweetie - and theres me thinking id cured you on the phone earlier!! Apparently i dont have super powers...

what horrid news about AQ i honestly dont know what i would do.....

i had my 31 week mw appt today and all is well apart from the feet thing and pelvic agony. She did however mention that the measurements were a bit off on my 30week 4d growth scan and has sent me to get another one next Monday as babies femur is short and belly is big.... (nothing to do with my sugar addiction yeah rite!!).

anyone else getting to about 9pm and feeling like theyve been hit round the head with a sledge hammer coz they are SOOO tired?????? this last week has been exhausting and ive not really done too much!! dont know how im going to cope another 6 weeks and 3 days at work....
I'm flipping exhausted today :nope: About to go to bed i cannot stay awake any longer :cry:

Limpet :hugs: Hope you feel better soon hun.

I'm having a weird day again i just ache all over and really dizzy...its a pain first pregnancy was a breeze i had nothing wrong felt totally normal. But then again i didnt have a toddler last time and could nap and rest if i needed it i guess :shrug:
hope you okay Limpet?

i had my scan today all is well 1 is estimated at 3lbs and 2 is estimated at 3lbs 10 both breech.
Consultant wants to see me every two weeks from now so il be seeing a lot of them.

Night everyone xx
opticalillus5, I totally had one of those days trying to clean the house before OH came home, now that i look back on it, i must have been fairly humerous to watch, slamming cupboards and drawers swearing a blue streak!

limpets, hope your doing well!:hugs:

I had a horrid day at work today. My co-workers decided that they dislike their job and the company they work for, and wouldn't do anything but file their nails and play mahjong on the computer, while i ran around and dealt with EVERYTHING (which involved a lot of bending over) and now my ribs are aching even more then they did last night! :cry:
But on the bright side, i no longer harbor guilty feelings about leaving them short handed when i go on mat leave!!:happydance:

is any one else getting braxton hicks a little more now, or is that just a side effect from a crappy day? lol
Krakir I am getting BH's quite a lot more now, but especially if I have a more active day. They are also more frequent in the evenings. I do remember last time it was pretty much the same when I was having Jack. He was born at 36 weeks, and the last 5 or 6 of those I had lots and lots of BHs.

I can tell I am back home from hols. Walking the dogs and then sitting down for an hour killed my pelvis last night. It took me five minutes just to stand up from the kitchen table and get my left leg moving. I felt like a right idiot! Gym ball it is from now on at night! At least I can get up off that, and it's gotta be good for the old head down position!!

Have a good day everyone, Limpetsmum good luck at the dentist hope you're feeling a bit better this morning. xx
Morning ladies...

Just quickly passing through as Nathan is being clingy and wanting attention all the time...

Yesterday went well at scan and clinic but had problems with the internet so I couldnt reply to the thread as its took forever!

I did manage to reply to limpets thread on you being unwell! I hope your feeling better:hugs:

Will get on later and pray the internet is working better...hope your all good!

aargh i don't know what to do?!

I had my antenatal class last night, and got completely soaked coming home so i went to change when i got in. Just as i was lifting my leg up to get my trousers off i felt a big gush of water, it soaked my knickers and the floor! I don't know if it was my waters or not but i REALLY don't think i wee'd ! It was clear and didn't smell.
I rang triage and they said put a pad on and if there's any wet in the next hour to ring them again, but the pad stayed dry so i haven't rang again. But now i'm really worried, i'm 90% sure i didnt wee, i didnt need the loo or aything like that, so now i'm worried that it could have been my waters?
Would i definitley have carried on leaking if it was my waters? I don't want to ring triage again but i'm worried about infection etc.
Can anyone help?! xxx
Good morning All,

Well got a horrible cough today, my dd has passed on her poorly thing to me and my other dd, but at least i know what has been wrong with her now, its not pleasant!
I have got the dentist this morning but i wonder if she will not really want to have me coughing over her and as i am am in no pain with the broken tooth perhaps i will feel better next week, will go anyway and ask her what is best!
I think it broke because the other side is in pain so i have been off that side, so eating everything on the other side, so now i have broken the in use side!

I am still annoyed about the hospital, I will refuse that doctor if they try giving her to me again, I read the letter and the follow up is the same time as the scan so i will know in 2 weeks if the placenta is out of the way then i hope i wont be going back there til birth and that is a different part of the hospital and they are fine.
She just annoyed me because instead of saying we need to check this she was saying 'your placenta in the way can cause bleeding, and this and that and cut off supply to baby etc, without even knowing if i have it or not. And then reading my notes and telling me what the hospital did b4 the detailed scan, going on about how the baby could have problems when it had been ruled out after if she had read my bloody notes in order! :dohh:

Limpetsmum, Hope you are feeling ok today, pain killers must have been a bit strong for you! Hope the dentist can sort your toothache, mine is so good, I hate stuff in my mouth and i gag and she is so understanding, she has been waiting for baby to come along to fill a tooth properly for me because i am ok after pregnancy, and i wanted to wait for injections and xrays :hugs:

opticalillus, I know the grumpy feeling, bloomin hormones! :hugs:

Carley, yes i am stupidly tired, all the time!

Blob, I feel funny lots of the time, now being one of them! I get hot and dizzy, but like you i put it down to being busy as well as the pregnancy, it is hard work running after a toddler all day, my dd seems especially demanding at the moment, but i know she is not, its me being tired and grumpy! :hugs:

Genies girl, omg, that is a good size already, how long do they let you carry twins? My friend i think had her boys at 38 weeks, so still pretty long way along, and that is a lot to carry about with you!

Krakir, Like you said solved any guilty feelings about work, let them do it all while you are on leave, sounds like my house, because i do everything they all expect it of me, if i stop it doesn't get done!:hugs:

Asher, not blown up my gym ball yet, going to wait, sometimes i feel baby is low, mainly high atm though.
Sorry your in so much pain, can't be nice, I can't get off our sofa, its like a 'off the sofa plan' every time i get up!

Morning Emma, hope you are well!

Sending big waves to everyone else, hope everyone is ok, glad i feel a bit better in myself today despite the cough, in my head i am ok! More like the usual me which is good!


:baby:thinkpink xx
Glad to hear you're a bit more like yourself today Babythinkpink even with a grotty cold!

Lilia, if in doubt I would just give them a ring. The worst they can say is that they want you to go up there to be checked. I hope that even though you would be embarrassed it was just wee!

Right, off to do the school run. Joys. See you later!
aargh i don't know what to do?!

I had my antenatal class last night, and got completely soaked coming home so i went to change when i got in. Just as i was lifting my leg up to get my trousers off i felt a big gush of water, it soaked my knickers and the floor! I don't know if it was my waters or not but i REALLY don't think i wee'd ! It was clear and didn't smell.
I rang triage and they said put a pad on and if there's any wet in the next hour to ring them again, but the pad stayed dry so i haven't rang again. But now i'm really worried, i'm 90% sure i didnt wee, i didnt need the loo or aything like that, so now i'm worried that it could have been my waters?
Would i definitley have carried on leaking if it was my waters? I don't want to ring triage again but i'm worried about infection etc.
Can anyone help?! xxx

Go in and get it checked, it is not worth getting an infection or not knowing if your waters have gone, just get your mind put at rest.
When my waters have gone it has been a gush then a constant trickle, and if i couched or had a bh or contraction more came out where the bump is squeezed with the muscles.
It feels warm the water and i felt like i lost quite a lot because it came out in bits.
There is such a thing as the hind waters though, my dh kicked through his, i had the same water leaking sensation but when i stood up it plugged it but the midwife still classed my waters had broken because the test they used showed it as water present.
Go in hun, get checked out if only to ease your mind, tell them how worried you are xx:hugs:
morning ladies i totaly agree lilia you should go and get checked ust for peace of mind..

Let us know how it goes hun xx

Ahhh ive moved up a box!!!!!!
aargh i don't know what to do?!

I had my antenatal class last night, and got completely soaked coming home so i went to change when i got in. Just as i was lifting my leg up to get my trousers off i felt a big gush of water, it soaked my knickers and the floor! I don't know if it was my waters or not but i REALLY don't think i wee'd ! It was clear and didn't smell.
I rang triage and they said put a pad on and if there's any wet in the next hour to ring them again, but the pad stayed dry so i haven't rang again. But now i'm really worried, i'm 90% sure i didnt wee, i didnt need the loo or aything like that, so now i'm worried that it could have been my waters?
Would i definitley have carried on leaking if it was my waters? I don't want to ring triage again but i'm worried about infection etc.
Can anyone help?! xxx

Lilia - definitely go to Triage and get it checked out. If it was a gush of water and didn't smell of urine it's better to be on the safe side. When they thought my waters were leaking they told me to lie down for half an hour and then see what happened when I stood up. My pad was still a bit damp so I went in and it turned out it wasn't my waters but heavy discharge. I never had a "gush" of water though which is what makes me think you should definitely get it checked. Good luck hun, let us know what happens x
Lila i had trickles after i had the big 'gush' my waters popped :shock: it was really loud :lol: But i would call again just to be sure :hugs:

Yaaay carley :) I want to have boxes :haha:
morning girls, just passing through quickly, so much to do today!

:hugs: to all those having a tough time - pregnancy really is a mental and physical challenge isn't it!
Thanks for all the advice girls :hugs:
I feel like i'm making a fuss because i've had no other 'wetness' since last night, i don't really want to mither at triage! My midwife has her sessions at the clinic on tuesdays , do u think i would be ok to wait to go to that next week and get checked out? xxx
Lilia - It's up to you hun but I don't think you should see it as mithering triage. In my experience Triage are lovely (I've been there twice, both false alarms) and they would much rather you went in and then discovered there wasn't a problem than not go in at all. When I had my false alarm they specifically made a point of saying to me that if it happened again I must go and get it checked out and not to assume it was discharge again. They said they would much rather be on the safe side. Look at it this way if it's a false alarm they may think you are an anxious Mum, if it isn't a false alarm you will be very glad you went in and so will they. If it honestly was a gush not a trickle I really wouldn't wait until next week. x

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