****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Thanks for all the advice girls :hugs:
I feel like i'm making a fuss because i've had no other 'wetness' since last night, i don't really want to mither at triage! My midwife has her sessions at the clinic on tuesdays , do u think i would be ok to wait to go to that next week and get checked out? xxx

Tbh, if it was a gush and you were 90% not a wee, I would get it checked asap, just to be sure, I would be worried otherwise and just getting it checked will put your mind at ease.
I would not be bothered about asking them, nor that it could have been a wee, they have seen it all b4, and it's their job xx
I would say that if its worrying you then phone them and explain that it is worrying you. If you are fairly sure its nothing and you are not going to stress then just wait and talk to your MW. Its really easy to find out if it is your waters... :hugs: I wouldnt think about them and how they will feel think about yourself and your baby. :) I know what you mean though i would prefer not to go in unless its really something wrong.
Lilia i wouldo go get checked, thats what triage are there for, u will maybe just worry if you wait till next week , hope u get it sorted :hugs: xx
I think I'd give them a ring too, just to be sure. That's what they get paid for. And it will put your mind at rest. x
Lilia I would go get checked out if you are worried thats what they are there for.

Yay I have moved up a box :happydance:
Morning ladies

Aww Limpetsmum how are you feeling now?

Optical, I was also in a really bad mood for no reason yesterday. I kept crying for no reason and freaking out at poor matt! I woke up like it and went to bed like it but feel a lot better today. Blame the hormones!! And like you Blob I also felt a bit off colour, I couldn't put my finger on it... just a bit dizzy and sicky.

Carley yay you get to see baby again at another scan! Seems quite a few of us have babies that are measuring a bit bigger.

Genies girl glad all was well at your scan!

Krakir I'm getting quite a few BH now too, normally if I've been doing a lot or rushing about.

Hope you had a nice holiday Asher! Did you every go to physio for your SPD? I went yesterday to the group thing and am also getting a ball as they recommend it for pelvic pain. I had such a bad night with it last night, I always wake up at about 3am with horrible pain but last night it was so bad it made me cry! It's such a horrible nagging pain isn't it?

elmaxie glad your scan went well yesterday!

Lilia I would just call them anyway, just to put your mind at rest :flower: You know your body and it's not worth risking infection, etc. Don't feel like you're bothering them, that's what they are there for! I went in with a similar thing at 17 weeks and I'm so glad I did, even though it turned out to be wee!

Aww babythinkpink sounds like you're having a right old week what with toothache and now a cough! I hope you're feeling better soon hun x

Yay Carley to moving up a box!!

Well I had a rubbish nights sleep but had a lovely long lie in to make up for it this morning! Went to our second antenatal class last night, which was good. It was a different midwife this week and she was nuts!! I really liked her but I think she is the kind of midwife that you either love or hate and you would either really want her or really not want her at the birth! I personally really liked her as I like bonkers people who don't mind showing themselves up lol

Nothing planned today which is nice, but also a bit weird... I'm finding it a bit strange getting used to not working! At least when I wasn't working before I was looking for a job, so now I just feel like I'm being lazy! lol I'm sure I'll relax into it properly soon. I'm not even dressed yet so feel like a right slob! Better go and get in the shower!


Lilia I would deffo go and get it checked out, for your own peace of mind xx

I have just bought a bargain moses basket off ebay, £30 with a rocking stand and its brand new!! We only want one for a few weeks inbetween Hope being born and moving to keep upstairs. I do love a bargain!!
Hi ladies! haven't been posting here in a while. I'll try to catch up quick best I can now.

Limpetsmum - Hope you're feeling better. :hugs:

Carley - Hope everything is ok with the measurments, sure it is and congrats on us moving up a box and making it to 31 weeks :happydance: only one box and 8 weeks 6 days to go! ;)

Everyone who's got pelvis pain - I'm following right behind, it's so painful to walk or move some days. I think it's worse when she's growing and everything is moving around in there getting bigger. :(

babythinkpink - hope you're better soon too :hugs:

Lila- Go get checked over, I would. I really hope it wasn't your waters and was just a lot of discharge or something :hugs:

Emzy - I bet not working is very strange! Get yourself on the sofa and watch some Jeremy Kyle. I don't know what I'd do without my afternoon come dine with me :rofl:

I hope i've managed to cover things there. I feel like my bump is really low, and it's getting lower! I'm only 31 weeks and I'm sure this baby will be coming early. I think she's going to arrive late August/really early September.

I've noticed that over the last two days aswell as dropping I've felt a lot of pressure in my lady bits when she moves and I can feel punches and movements IN my lady bits like at the front and inbetween my legs. It's so weird. I had a midwife appointment yesterday and the midwife said that she's still bum up, head down slightly in my pelvis but only a bit so I guess that's good! she's back to back though, which I suppose is better than breech so she's getting there, bless her. She's trying to hard :haha:

Oh yeah - this is what I was going to suggest. Maybe it'd be fun to update the front page(of course, if F&C has spare time) with everyones predictions on when they'll go in to labor and how heavy the baby will be on the left and then put when they did give birth and how much baby weighed on the right side once they're here!
For instance I have a feeling I'll go on the 28th Aug or 7th Sept and baby will be 7lb 14oz!
Morning ladies, thaank you all soo much for your support & concern:hugs:you really are all a tower of support:hugs:. I was keeping up with threads last night on my phone whilst laying on the sofa as i couldnt keep ketting up & down stairs but it was a pain to reply. I feel much better today than i did last night although i have only just got up. I haven't taken any painkillers today in case it was them so i'll see if the breakfast & cuppa i just had start any pain/sickness & try to get by until i see the dentist this afternoon.

On a plus side i have just had one of my new nappies (well preloved) arrive & my fantastic new changing bag :happydance: it's awesome!!! I'll have to photograph it & post it on here, although you'll all probably realise the extent of my madness when i do :haha:.

DH managed to get some time off for the scan afterall (after playing his face a little :blush:) although he may have to rush off after the scan without seeing the consultant as he has to be in by 11am (scan appt is 8.50 & it takes him 1 1/2 hrs to get to work) but i said as long as we get the all clear at the scan he won't be needed (in the nicest kinda way).

Lilia, i don't know what to suggest but maybe if you call them back & get someone else they may be a bit more helpful?

Well got a horrible cough today, my dd has passed on her poorly thing to me and my other dd, but at least i know what has been wrong with her now, its not pleasant!
I have got the dentist this morning but i wonder if she will not really want to have me coughing over her and as i am am in no pain with the broken tooth perhaps i will feel better next week, will go anyway and ask her what is best!
I think it broke because the other side is in pain so i have been off that side, so eating everything on the other side, so now i have broken the in use side!
Oh dear - looks like were both in the tooth wars! :hugs:I'm exactly the same - waiting until after Tufty arrives as it needs root filling with xrays etc.

Hope everyone is ok today? Thanks again, i feel so proud to have such caring friends xxxxx
P.S. Is anyone NOT having BH? I haven't felt any so far - should i have? Not that i'm worried, they sound a bit owie anyway.
I do feel tight across the top of my bump at times & that makes me feel a bit :sick:not sure if it's bubba moving around or having a growth spurt, all i know is it bloody hurts!
Lilia, it's always worth getting checked. You need to make sure those waters are in tact. They will not think that you have wasted their time, it will be fine.xxx

Babythinkpink, get well soon.xx

Emzy, enjoy the freedom! :)

Bekklez, mine's back to back too lol, I get all my kicks out front. Hopefully our babies will behave and swizzel around :)

Becs, bargain moses basket, I haven't started looking for one yet, I should get a shift on. I already have a stand here which will save some money.x

Carley, yay on moving up a box, time is definitely ticking by. :)

GEnie's girl, congrats on a great scan. :)

AFM, I saw my mw yesterday, my bp and urine were fine, baby was active but hiding from the doppler. Oh and I'm measuring 32 weeks lol, I'm 29+4 but I think that's a generous estimate byb the sonographers who put me forward 6 days for an ovulation day of cycle day 8!!!! So I'm measuring a good 3 weeks ahead, sounds normal for me lol! I'm starting to worry about all the things I haven't bought yet but I guess it'll all get sorted soon enough. Still need to find a 7 seater car!

I hope everyone else is well.xxx
Hi ladies

Limpets - glad to hear you are feeling better today. Maybe it was the co-codemol? It tends to send my DH a bit spacey and sick

Babythinkpink - sounds like you are having a rough time hun. Hope your cough get's better :hugs:

I think I've had a couple of BH but couldn't be absolutely certain until the one that I had last night. It wasn't really painful just felt really odd like a vibration moving up my tummy. Not sure if that makes sense but I don't know how else to explain it!

I was supposed to go to my computer course today but just couldn't get out of bed to go. It's the first time I've called in sick which at 31 wks pregnant I don't think is too bad. I had a headache which has eased a little now. I feel absolutely shattered, although it was great 10am-4pm was a long time to sit in antenatal class yesterday with only a 30 min break. I guess I'm just feeling the effects today. DH told me to put my feet up or go back to bed but I'm struggling not to just carry on with chores. I've been to the post office and the bank and I've been sorting things out around the house. I want to do the hoovering but don't think I've got quite enough energy for that just yet!!

Snoozy&Bekks - our antenatal teacher talked about back to back babies yesterday and said the best thing to do is to sit on a gym ball as it encourages the baby to turn. Also, to always sit leaning forward with your legs open when you are watching the TV etc and to avoid sitting back or slouching if at all possible. To demonstrate why she put a pen in a cup and tilted the cup backwards, the pen then tipped that way too. Obviously, when she tilted the cup forward the pen moved forward she said that babies are the same and that if you lean back it's more comfortable for the baby to stay where they are but if you lean forward they are more inclined to turn around. Sorry if you already knew this but I thought it was worth mentioning just in case.
Hi again...yet another quick post while lunch is being munched...

Lilia I would go get checked over mainly to put your mind at rest.

I woke up at 28 weeks in a warm puddle in bed with water gushing over my legs:blush:I put a pad on and called triage and they were so good to me. Turned out baby had punted my bladder and I had peed (yes all very embarrassing) but I was so relieved to know it wasnt my waters. I had a scan within a few days anyway of this so it wasnt as bad...but i certainly wouldnt leave it a week to be seen if your thinking there is anychance its your waters.

When my waters went there was a gush like I had peed myself then nothing until the baby came out...my pad in hospital was dry...which is why I was so worried at home at 28 weeks.

Better go get the yoghurt for the boy.

Emzy - I bet not working is very strange! Get yourself on the sofa and watch some Jeremy Kyle. I don't know what I'd do without my afternoon come dine with me :rofl:

Ohh yes I spent the entire afternoon watching a come dine with me marathon on more 4 yesterday! love it!

Limpets I'm glad you're getting sorted at the dentist this afternoon. I was at the dentist monday, but just for a check up. I've been blessed with good teeth and have never had any fillings or anything... the only problem I had was an infected wisdom tooth once so I've got away lightly so far! Matt on the other hand has terrible trouble with his teeth and has had to have lots of fillings and a couple extracted.. ouuchiiee!! I hope baby gets my teeth!

Right, seeing as Elmaxie was brave the other day I thought I'd also share a couple of naked bump pics to show you my horrible stretch marks! They started at around 11 weeks and have got worse and worse and are creeping up my bump. I've always been prone to them when I have lost and gained weight and when I first got my boobies they were covered in them, but now just look like faint silver marks so I'm hoping the same happens with these...


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Lilia I really would go and get checked rather than wait until next week :hugs:

Emzy fab bump! :thumbup: I'm sure the stretch marks will fade over time.

I don't think I've had any Braxton Hicks either, not that I know of! Occassionally my bump feels very hard, but I think that's due to baby's position. It's only happened once or twice.
Limpets I'm glad you're getting sorted at the dentist this afternoon. I was at the dentist monday, but just for a check up. I've been blessed with good teeth and have never had any fillings or anything... the only problem I had was an infected wisdom tooth once so I've got away lightly so far! Matt on the other hand has terrible trouble with his teeth and has had to have lots of fillings and a couple extracted.. ouuchiiee!! I hope baby gets my teeth!
I hope bubba gets DH's teeth & health as mine's crap! I was born with disconjoined hips & as a result of them being broken & set i was then blessed with recurrent urine infections due to my urethra not being long enough. My parents options were yrls surgery to give me prosthetic urethras & replace them yealrs as i grew or permanent antibiotics. They went with permanent antibiotics but as a result i have quite a crap immune system, immunity to a lot of antibiotics & no enamel on my teeth as the septrim (syrup antibiotics) stripped it off as they came through. All but 3 of my teeth are filled :nope: i have tried going private to have them all taken out but no-one will perform that on me at my age :cry: (despite my parents both having full sets of false teeth by the ages of 19 & 22 - that's the crap i inherited!).
I'd give anything for a nice white smile, i delayed getting married for so long because i was ashamed of my teeth on the photo's :cry:

Oh well, i have since learnt there are more important things in life than looks. Better go get ready for the dreaded dentist.......don't wanna go!!!!
Fab bump Emzy :thumbup:

Thanks for the info/tips on back to back babies MrsJ!

Hopefully ours will turn Snoozie :)
Limpets I'm glad you're getting sorted at the dentist this afternoon. I was at the dentist monday, but just for a check up. I've been blessed with good teeth and have never had any fillings or anything... the only problem I had was an infected wisdom tooth once so I've got away lightly so far! Matt on the other hand has terrible trouble with his teeth and has had to have lots of fillings and a couple extracted.. ouuchiiee!! I hope baby gets my teeth!
I hope bubba gets DH's teeth & health as mine's crap! I was born with disconjoined hips & as a result of them being broken & set i was then blessed with recurrent urine infections due to my urethra not being long enough. My parents options were yrls surgery to give me prosthetic urethras & replace them yealrs as i grew or permanent antibiotics. They went with permanent antibiotics but as a result i have quite a crap immune system, immunity to a lot of antibiotics & no enamel on my teeth as the septrim (syrup antibiotics) stripped it off as they came through. All but 3 of my teeth are filled :nope: i have tried going private to have them all taken out but no-one will perform that on me at my age :cry: (despite my parents both having full sets of false teeth by the ages of 19 & 22 - that's the crap i inherited!).
I'd give anything for a nice white smile, i delayed getting married for so long because i was ashamed of my teeth on the photo's :cry:

Oh well, i have since learnt there are more important things in life than looks. Better go get ready for the dreaded dentist.......don't wanna go!!!!

Aww I know how you feel, as Matt is exactly the same! He wants all of his teeth pulled and would love false teeth, but it's so expensive and like you said no one will do it at his age anyway! His health hasn't always been the best either and since having post viral fatigue syndrome a few years back, has no immunity to anything and catches everything going. I know what you mean about the antibiotics too, a couple of years back I got cellulitis (sp?) after a nasty insect bite and had to go on IV antibiotics, followed by months of oral antibiotics and after that, I had no immunity to anything! I caught everything going, was constantly ringing in sick at work and was miserable! Someone then suggested echinacia (again, sp?!) and so I started taking the capsules and drinking the tea and I was hardly ill at all after a month or so of doing that. I only stopped since I found out I was pregnant and plan on starting up again afterwards, as I don't want my health to go back down hill again!

Good luck at the dentist, let us know how you get on x
Elmaxie&Emzy - I thought I'd be brave and post a naked bump pic. I too have stretchmarks exactly as yours. I've been using Cowshed Udderly Gorgeous Stretch Mark Balm and it has approved the look of them a little. I guess it's down to genetics - my Mum has them and so does my Nan. I knew that I would have them as I've developed a few when my weight has been up and down.

Here goes....


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