Emzy and MrsJ, I think your bumps are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
Emzy and MrsJ, I think your bumps are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks guys x
Emzy - they are really red when they pop up (literally 3 or 4 over-night) but I honestly think slathering on the Cowshed stuff is helping to make them go silver quicker even if it isn't preventing them x
Hi lillybells, I'll be updating the front page with all the lovely birth announcements. Unfortunately one of our stars has been born already but didn't make it. xx
Emma, our baby is measuring in the 98th centile but I'm not having another scan. He does currently seem to be in the right position though which is good. x
I can't wait for OH to get back from work so i can ring triage! I feel like crying i'm so worriedBaby has hardly moved at all today i just want to know for sure that everything is ok
Heehee - how weird, i took those before i got pregnant too & had a clean bill of health for a year! Hope to re-start them if i can after bubba is born - need to check on breastfeeding whilst on them though.Someone then suggested echinacia (again, sp?!) and so I started taking the capsules and drinking the tea and I was hardly ill at all after a month or so of doing that. I only stopped since I found out I was pregnant and plan on starting up again afterwards, as I don't want my health to go back down hill again
Elmo LMAO aww you had me in stitches! I kinda like Elmo (the red one is super cute too lol). We are sorted for a boy but still nothing for a girl......and i think we've nearly exhausted every girls name under the sun. DH says we will call her girlGoing to read some hypnobirthing later.... by the way has everyone got names now for their babies ? We still can't decide on a boys name and am starting to worry now that we will end up calling them something like Elmo... I dont want my child named after a sesame street puppet
same here, bet i get them during labour or something stoopid! Only this morning DH was praising me for my constant moisture efforts as he puts that down to no stretchmarks, i put it down to sheer luck cos i have them across my ass & thighs from pubertysomohow I have so far managed to escape them but there is still time!!