Sorry all too poorly to say much, really in a bad way, coughing, and peeing myself, I am like a 90 yr old

I had to sleep on the sofa last night as i couldn't stop coughing, I decided i would sleep better not disturbing dh so about half 1 i went downstairs.
Got all the kids off poorly today so a right houseful, at least dd who had it first is starting to feel a bit better, I am a few days behind her.
Having to send dh out to get shopping today, i just cant manage it, I had a bath and feel better for it but the rest of the cold is kicking in now with sneezing and nose started running so feeling terrible!
Baby is having a few wriggle times but because of the coughing i think i am preventing as much wriggles as it would like, there was a good wriggle after the bath so i was happier for that and know baby is ok despite all the coughs and sneezes.
Sorry its all me, me, me, I have had a read through, and some lovely scan and bump pics, little A lovely to see you, either you have been quiet of i have just not noticed your posts but was wondering if you were ok!
Although i don't work i consider my maternity leave to start when school runs finish for the summer in a weeks time, 50 miles less a day sure feels like time off to me! So all being well the children will be ok for their last week of school, and then we all break up

Not too worried about them going back to school Sept as it will be local, double

Seeing babies arrive from ttc buddies is getting me all exited, i fell pregnant only a few cycles after!
Lots of

for someone feeling so bloomin rough!
Got to go my cold is calling!!
Big hugs to you all, will return to catching us prop asap!
