* September Stars 2014 * 41 babies born!

what are white notes and green notes ? lol sorry I'm just so curious! yeah in sure it's no secret how messed up the United States healthcare system is though! we pay boat loads of money for healthcare , for some it's unaffordable. just plain sad that alot of people can't get proper healthcare here .
im originally from germany, where they do an ultrasound as soon as you tell them that you have tested positive, i have also lived in the states and canada and now in the uk, the differences between all those countries are enourmous.

i really wish we didnt have to wait until 12 weeks to get a first scan, its damn scary, esp for a first time mum like me. i mean at this point you dont even know, if there is anything growing inside you or if its in the right place. it stresses me out :(

the midwife im going to see is at a clinic and the doctor did not only talk about testing my blood etc on the first appointment but also about scans, so i really hope that they do an earlier scan. plus there might be a problem with my thyroid still..i cant imagine that they dont take that into consideration..
Chippyslady I'm so sorry for you're going through that xx

Mrsmalcolm I am praying for and praying for a miracle xx

Last week the morning sickness was horrendous, I was so poorly I couldn't leave that house. Thankfully its a lot better this week. My dating scan is booked for 13 February, feels like ages away.

Congratulations to all the new bfp, don't forget to join the Facebook group too, it's a secret group so nobody will be able to see you're in the group or anything you post xx
Facebook group ? Can someone give me a link please?
Anyone else paranoid over lack of symptoms ? :( Feeling scared today....
Anyone else paranoid over lack of symptoms ? :( Feeling scared today....

yup, super paranoid. the only symptoms that dont seem to vanish are me being tired and having slightly sore nipples.
I would also like a link to the Facebook group. It was removed from previous pages before I got to join.

And I HATE that my symptoms disappear... including the sore boobies! They are not nearly as sore anymore and I am only 6 weeks! But I am still tired and I have acid reflux on and off... sigh. I actually want morning sickness. It was so reassuring with my son. I had it with him until the very end of my pregnancy lol. Once 2nd tri hit, I started using the pills they have for it and from then on would only get sick a few times a day (which never bothered me) but I stopped feeling queasy 24/7. Just hoping all is okay in there :) Only a few days until I am past the length of my last pregnancy.
Let me know when you all get your 12 week scan dates and I will add them to the first page :) x
I have an 8 week scan on February 3rd

Anyone else paranoid over lack of symptoms ? :( Feeling scared today....

Yes, today and yesterday i felt pretty symptom less.... but im trying to tell myself that is okay. That i am also not having cramping or spotting, so thats good! FX it just means our bodies are adjusting well.

Facebook group ? Can someone give me a link please?

Hi Ladies,
Cant get onto the fb page ??? Anyone else having difficulty ?

I worry if symptoms go too. Been having headaches last few days but think thats stress in work as I'm the manager.
Just getting home & totally worn out, so not going to fit it, cupa soup now then "baby nap" lol.
Love being able to talk to you all lovely ladies coz nobody knows yet.
OH really wants to tell our family but I want to wait til I see the midwife in 2 weeks time x x x x
One of the things I do like about USA healthcare is that we can customize what we want a bit (that is, if you have insurance). Like my SIL is just a low stress, low worry person, and with her second pregnancy, she's not going in at all until 12 weeks for her NT scan. I on the other hand have anxiety and just had a miscarriage, so I've had multiple blood tests and will have my second ultrasound tomorrow.

I would try not to worry about transient symptoms!! With my first I had so few symptoms that there were many days when I felt nothing other than maybe being tired. They've been more consistent this time just because they've been so much worse - so a "light" day is still noticeable, whereas in my first pregnancy I would have been feeling fine on a light day. Hopefully that made sense lol.

I have my second scan tomorrow, nervous of course!!! Feels like it's been forever since my first ultrasound, but only two weeks.
Hi Ladies,
Cant get onto the fb page ??? Anyone else having difficulty ?

I worry if symptoms go too. Been having headaches last few days but think thats stress in work as I'm the manager.
Just getting home & totally worn out, so not going to fit it, cupa soup now then "baby nap" lol.
Love being able to talk to you all lovely ladies coz nobody knows yet.
OH really wants to tell our family but I want to wait til I see the midwife in 2 weeks time x x x x

oh, i forgot, i think you have to friend request "Princess Tara Sykes" and she will add you to the group... is that right?
One of the things I do like about USA healthcare is that we can customize what we want a bit (that is, if you have insurance). Like my SIL is just a low stress, low worry person, and with her second pregnancy, she's not going in at all until 12 weeks for her NT scan. I on the other hand have anxiety and just had a miscarriage, so I've had multiple blood tests and will have my second ultrasound tomorrow.

I would try not to worry about transient symptoms!! With my first I had so few symptoms that there were many days when I felt nothing other than maybe being tired. They've been more consistent this time just because they've been so much worse - so a "light" day is still noticeable, whereas in my first pregnancy I would have been feeling fine on a light day. Hopefully that made sense lol.

I have my second scan tomorrow, nervous of course!!! Feels like it's been forever since my first ultrasound, but only two weeks.

I am like you... i prefer extra tests and ultrasounds... i have had loads of beta hcgs and once ultrasound so far with another in about 10 days. How are along were you when you had your first? I was only 5+4 so they could see a gestational sac and yolk sac, but no fetal pole... which I'm told is normal but it makes me a bit nervous nonetheless
Chippyslady I'm so sorry for you're going through that xx

Mrsmalcolm I am praying for and praying for a miracle xx

Last week the morning sickness was horrendous, I was so poorly I couldn't leave that house. Thankfully its a lot better this week. My dating scan is booked for 13 February, feels like ages away.

Congratulations to all the new bfp, don't forget to join the Facebook group too, it's a secret group so nobody will be able to see you're in the group or anything you post xx

We've got our scans on the same day :) what time is yours? Mine isn't until 3.30.
So there is still hope!!! I did another HcG test Wednesday and it rose from 740 to 1475. The doctor would still like for it to go higher, but this is definitely reason to feel hopeful. I have another scan next Friday, hopefully we will be able to see something this time.
One of the things I do like about USA healthcare is that we can customize what we want a bit (that is, if you have insurance). Like my SIL is just a low stress, low worry person, and with her second pregnancy, she's not going in at all until 12 weeks for her NT scan. I on the other hand have anxiety and just had a miscarriage, so I've had multiple blood tests and will have my second ultrasound tomorrow.

I would try not to worry about transient symptoms!! With my first I had so few symptoms that there were many days when I felt nothing other than maybe being tired. They've been more consistent this time just because they've been so much worse - so a "light" day is still noticeable, whereas in my first pregnancy I would have been feeling fine on a light day. Hopefully that made sense lol.

I have my second scan tomorrow, nervous of course!!! Feels like it's been forever since my first ultrasound, but only two weeks.

I agree. I used to complain about our healthcare system until I moved to Canada. I thought Canada had figured it out with their universal healthcare but it is a very flawed system. In Ontario it is pretty hard to find a family doctor that is taking new patients, which forces many to go to walk-in clinics. Then family doctor's perform gynecological services such as pap smears. I am cool with my family doctor checking me out with the flu, but I want a gynecologist for everything below the belt. Many don't have the bedside manner for that type of work. The doctor I saw here for my miscarriage last year was looking at me like why I are you upset. Also at another point, I had an abnormal pap, I had to get a referral for a gyn and the wait was 6 months. What woman is willing to wait 6 months for someone to rule out cancer. I went home to the States and saw a gyn that same week. I Now, though I still live in Toronto (hopefully not for much longer) I maintain my insurance in the States and drive across the border for appointments. It is a hassle and expensive, but the level of care can not be matched.
i saw my doctor yesterday and see my midwife for the first time on feb.4th, when im 7w1d.
the doctor talked about how she'll do a bloodtest, ask about my health, weigh and measure me and do scans.
just being happy about the news i didnt ask what scans he was talking about. im wondering now, is it possible that they might do an ultrasound or check for a heartbeat? the midwife is at our local health clinic/centre.
so, does anyone know what the procedure is (UK)?

The midwifes won't do an ultrasound, I've never heard of a midwife clinic equipped to do this, only the hospitals do. They also don't routinely check for the heartbeat until after the 12 week scan as its so hard to find it will make women worry more if it can't be found (which it often can't at that stage, especially on larger women and its not fair to offer a size 8 to hear the heartbeat but not a size 16 iykwim). They will however refer you up for your 12 week scan from your first midwife appointment. The blood test looks at your iron levels, platelets, that sort of thing. It's very helpful later on to see if you have any worrying trends.

Anyone else paranoid over lack of symptoms ? :( Feeling scared today....

Yep, they've gone completely. I'm trying to remember HCG has stopped doubling by now and is slowing down which is what makes women feel rough early.

So there is still hope!!! I did another HcG test Wednesday and it rose from 740 to 1475. The doctor would still like for it to go higher, but this is definitely reason to feel hopeful. I have another scan next Friday, hopefully we will be able to see something this time.
Brilliant news! :happydance:

Green notes/white notes (here they're black notes) are all the information about your pregnancy. They're contained in a ring binder here (black hence the name). This folder is held by the woman, you take it with you to every appointment and the midwife/gp/obstetrician/sonographer will fill in the sections for routine appointments, and then if you're in for something less routine such as severe sickness or bp monitoring they write all about it in the notes section so that when you go see another professional who wasn't there they know what has been happening. It also means if for example you'd gone away for the weekend and were feeling unwell and went to a hospital that wasn't your own they would have all your pregnancy info to help treat you. Its bloody scary though because if you loose those notes the world might well end according to my midwife!

Nice day today, took DD to a craft place which also has a little soft play area. Was good to get out the house after a few poorly days.
Great news mrsmalcolm, I have everything crossed for you!!

And yes that's what I've heard about healthcare in other countries. I am also all for healthcare for everyone, I think it's tragic what so many people to through here in the US. But at the same time, I would hate to lose our access to great care and options.


Jokerette - my first scan was when I was a little over 6 weeks/maybe 6.5 weeks, and we were fortunate enough to see the heartbeat - though even at that point the ultrasound tech had warned me we likely would not. With my first pregnancy/my now 2 year old son, I had an ultrasound at 5 weeks 2 days due to spotting, and we didn't even see the fetal pole, just a yolk sac, so totally normal!
So my hgc was just over 2000 which they were very happy with. They did a scan but couldn't get a good enough pic so I'm back in for another scan next week but they were happy enough with the bloods and told me go and not to worry. They also told me im 5 wks today but j only calculate 4+ 4. Weird. So I'm hopeful and keeping things positive. I have had no spotting today just the dull aches but all normal they said. Also symptom wise. My boobs are absolutely killing me!!!!! :) hope everyone doin ok xx
i saw my doctor yesterday and see my midwife for the first time on feb.4th, when im 7w1d.
the doctor talked about how she'll do a bloodtest, ask about my health, weigh and measure me and do scans.
just being happy about the news i didnt ask what scans he was talking about. im wondering now, is it possible that they might do an ultrasound or check for a heartbeat? the midwife is at our local health clinic/centre.
so, does anyone know what the procedure is (UK)?

The midwifes won't do an ultrasound, I've never heard of a midwife clinic equipped to do this, only the hospitals do. They also don't routinely check for the heartbeat until after the 12 week scan as its so hard to find it will make women worry more if it can't be found (which it often can't at that stage, especially on larger women and its not fair to offer a size 8 to hear the heartbeat but not a size 16 iykwim). They will however refer you up for your 12 week scan from your first midwife appointment. The blood test looks at your iron levels, platelets, that sort of thing. It's very helpful later on to see if you have any worrying trends.

Anyone else paranoid over lack of symptoms ? :( Feeling scared today....

Yep, they've gone completely. I'm trying to remember HCG has stopped doubling by now and is slowing down which is what makes women feel rough early.

So there is still hope!!! I did another HcG test Wednesday and it rose from 740 to 1475. The doctor would still like for it to go higher, but this is definitely reason to feel hopeful. I have another scan next Friday, hopefully we will be able to see something this time.
Brilliant news! :happydance:

Green notes/white notes (here they're black notes) are all the information about your pregnancy. They're contained in a ring binder here (black hence the name). This folder is held by the woman, you take it with you to every appointment and the midwife/gp/obstetrician/sonographer will fill in the sections for routine appointments, and then if you're in for something less routine such as severe sickness or bp monitoring they write all about it in the notes section so that when you go see another professional who wasn't there they know what has been happening. It also means if for example you'd gone away for the weekend and were feeling unwell and went to a hospital that wasn't your own they would have all your pregnancy info to help treat you. Its bloody scary though because if you loose those notes the world might well end according to my midwife!

Nice day today, took DD to a craft place which also has a little soft play area. Was good to get out the house after a few poorly days.

that is so strange! lol. I'm pretty sure no one does anything on paper in the US anymore lol
That's what I was thinking too! It's all on the computers here

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