* September Stars 2014 * 41 babies born!

:( got sick AGAIN tonight. I am so tired of this. I feel like a walking zombie. so tired all the time and throwing up at least once a day and nauseous on and off throughout the day. I don't ever feel 'good' for more than an hour at the most. it just sucks. I was in tears tonight talking to dh because I just can't handle it anymore. kinda feels like an ongoing flu for a month now. I ate lunch today which obviously came back
up:( and had a bowl of cereal late at night. hopefully that stays down . I don't like the thought of only eating once a day just for it to come back up. but the baby must be getting some type of nutrients because its def. growing. I wake up every morning with a bump almost to my belly button since about 8 weeks. if my first sono didn't show just one baby I would swear it was twins. but unless my second u/s says otherwise I'm trying not to convince myself of that. sucks because my first u/s was at 6w3d so a twin could easily be missed but I'm not getting another one until 15 weeks and I'm 10 now. and that's because we are paying for a private scan. the doctor isn't doing another until 20 weeks :/ I do have another appt Monday though . I'm gonna mention going on zofran. I hear it helps and I pray it can work for me! & maybe I can convince them
to do just 1 more u/s to ease my thoughts:)
:( got sick AGAIN tonight. I am so tired of this. I feel like a walking zombie. so tired all the time and throwing up at least once a day and nauseous on and off throughout the day. I don't ever feel 'good' for more than an hour at the most. it just sucks. I was in tears tonight talking to dh because I just can't handle it anymore. kinda feels like an ongoing flu for a month now. I ate lunch today which obviously came back
up:( and had a bowl of cereal late at night. hopefully that stays down . I don't like the thought of only eating once a day just for it to come back up. but the baby must be getting some type of nutrients because its def. growing. I wake up every morning with a bump almost to my belly button since about 8 weeks. if my first sono didn't show just one baby I would swear it was twins. but unless my second u/s says otherwise I'm trying not to convince myself of that. sucks because my first u/s was at 6w3d so a twin could easily be missed but I'm not getting another one until 15 weeks and I'm 10 now. and that's because we are paying for a private scan. the doctor isn't doing another until 20 weeks :/ I do have another appt Monday though . I'm gonna mention going on zofran. I hear it helps and I pray it can work for me! & maybe I can convince them
to do just 1 more u/s to ease my thoughts:)

So sorry! I hope you feel much better very soon! I agree, you should talk to your doctor and maybe they will give you something like zofran. My MS hasn't been that bad, but my fatigue has been just awful! So I understand the overall crappy feeling! DH said to me earlier this week "But you're always tired!" To which I responded, "Do you THINK I WANT to feel this way?" However, yesterday and today when I have woken up (which has been pretty early), I have actually felt better, more rested. Not sure how to really describe it. I don't know if it is just because it's the weekend, that I got through the first week of the new job, or what...I just hope it stays around!
Sorry for all you ladies with ms. All the scan pics look great makes me want mine even more! One more week!! I haven't really had ms which makes me think I'm having two boys because my pregnancy is identical to my sons!
We had the NT scan as well - although it was part of the dating scan so we didn't get to see baby another time separately. Just got the results through today by letter & they've come back lowest risk 1 in 7200, so we were pleased.

I had a combined screening as well. Got the results back within 2 days, low risk 1 in 10069. :)

@ Raspberry: sorry to hear about your loss. Take good care of yourself!

Hmm, made me realise I had my NT screening a week ago and I still haven't heard anything :s

Scan was last Monday, and all looks well. Baby was a right lazy blob and didn't move at all! DD was so active so I'm now feeling team blue. She moved me on 6 days, but I find that unlikely as that would mean I OVd on CD8 which seems unlikely so I'm wondering if the baby is a little large for dates, again making me wonder if its a blue bean. Still haven't told many people though, I just don't think the reactions are going to be great given the journey last time most people we've told so far have said things along the lines of 'well so long as you're happy' which is just depressing.

FIL and my parents have generously given us about 70% of the money for a holiday to try to up my vitamin D levels and encourage me to relax, get this baby closer to term, so we're off to Morocco soon for two weeks, can't wait!


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Have got a consultant appointment tomorrow which I think is to discuss my VBAC options, am not looking forward to it as I'm going to be telling them that I want to go to the birth centre and not the hospital. I'm expecting a lot of resistance going by friends previous experiences, at least I know the midwives are on board. If they won't 'let' me then I may be opting for a home birth, which isn't my first choice but preferable to going into hospital for no real reason.
like clockwork, sick again tonight :( I thought my appt was tmw but it's actually Thursday so my mom is gonna ride with me to the hospital and hopefully they can give me a short term prescription for the nausea because I just cannot handle this anymore. and the hormones on top of it make me just want to cry about it lol. I hope all of you ladies are doing okay. sorry for being a complainer but it seems my ms has hit a peak and I am just not as tough as god thinks I am! lol. I actually told dh 'I just want my mommy' lol like a little baby. as for now I'm completely exhausted like I typically am a good 15 hours out of the day .. so off to sleep I go.
we are expecting a snow storm here on the east coast of the u.s.. it's like our millionth one this winter. I am so ready for summer. I am just praying the roads are ok enough to drive tmw!
it is very true what they say that each pregnancy is different .. I remember complaining about my pregnancy with my dd in the first tri but this time is making that time look easy ! lol.
goodnight y'all .. prayers for a continued healthy pregnancy to all of you. and if you suffer from ms like me just know that it just means we have a strong fighting baby growing in there.. at least it can give us some peace of mind that it's doing ok ;) that's what I'm gonna keep telling myself for now.. try to be positive
Just as I thought my ms had pretty much subsided, nothing has sat well all day. Lunch came up pretty fast. At least everyone at work knows now, and I didn't have to come up with an excuse for running out of the staff room. Feels great to be able to talk to people about it openly now, but I am an emotional and worried mess.

From what I have read, after 12 weeks everything is meant to get easier and the worry lessens... I am the opposite. More worried! Because I don't 'feel' as pregnant and have less symptoms, I am petrified baby is not ok. Over analysing the firmness and lack of bloating of my tummy, etc.

I don't have my next appt and scan til 19th March at 15w5d, and to me that is forever without seeing or hearing my bubba! I am cranky with myself for even thinking something could be wrong when everything has been going as well as we could ever hope. Poor hubby just keeps telling me everything is fine and to trust we have one strong bubba growing. Hopefully I will just snap out of this stupid thinking and be happy and content again. I love this baby so much and it may sound weird, but I am so proud of it already.

Sorry to be such a downer, just needed to vent :cry:
Jillie - that's what this board is for - to share good times and bad. I could have written most of your post myself. After trying for so long it's hard to believe that having a baby could actually happen to us. You just have to try to focus on the positive points as hard as that is. My tummy also seems to have changed and today the little bump that I was starting to see seems to have disappeared. We are only a day apart so maybe it's normal!

Cnsweeney - I'm so sorry your ms is kicking you. Just try to remember why it's there and how happy the end result will be!

Loopy - sorry to sound ignorant but what's a VBAC?

Dinah - lucky you!!!! I went to Marrakech a few years ago and it was fantastic! I'm trying to decide what to do with holiday this year. I've got 6 weeks to take but due to work commitments I can't really go anywhere until May when I'll hopefully be 5.5 months so not sure how I'll feel about flying. DH is Canadian and is keen to go home for a bit (we've not been back since Christmas last year so I think he's pining for some Canadiana!). For those of you that have children before - how did you feel at 6 months? Would a 6 hour flight be an option or should we look for a holiday closer to home?

Good luck to all those that have scans this week!
Wow very jealous of you going to Marrakech Dinah! X

We had a holiday booked from before I fell pregnant, we're going to Spain with all the family for my Mums 50th. I can't wait but the only downside is that it's not til 9th July so I'll be 32 weeks! Personally I think a 6hr flight might be too much Hilslo but it's personal preference really xx

Cns I hope your Ms starts to ease soon, poor you! Xx
hilslo, it stands for vaginal birth after caesarean. I had an elective section last time and I'm really hoping for a vaginal birth this time, not feeling terribly hopeful at the moment but then I am the eternal pessimist!
Lovely scan Dinah! And that's so nice of your family to pay for most of your trip.

My Grandma is paying for our tickets this year to go to England as a christmas gift, we're planning on going in May when I'll be about 24 weeks. I won't be too huge to fit on the plane at least but I'm already starting to suffer a bit with SPD so I'm worried I'll be hobbling everywhere like I did with my daughter. Lucky it's only a 1hr15 flight but with the airport transport and coaches we always end up travelling all day. I'll struggle through though, I haven't seen my family since Christmas 2012 and I'm feeling a bit homesick these days!

Cnsweeney I'm with you on the nausea, I'm so fed up of it and hormones are making it all seem worse! It will end though, good idea to talk to your doctor.
going for my scan in 1 hour.. soooo nervous, but excited at the same time
Wow very jealous of you going to Marrakech Dinah! X

We had a holiday booked from before I fell pregnant, we're going to Spain with all the family for my Mums 50th. I can't wait but the only downside is that it's not til 9th July so I'll be 32 weeks! Personally I think a 6hr flight might be too much Hilslo but it's personal preference really xx

Cns I hope your Ms starts to ease soon, poor you! Xx

Hmm... Maybe I'll visit my sister in France instead. A bit closer! Thanks for the advice! I just can't imagine being 6 months so hard to know what I'll feel like doing. That's why it's good to have you ladies! :)
Well I had my scan. Amazing. I'm measuring 12+3. No pics yet as I'm on my phone but I will add one later. I'm on cloud 9
I'm out ladies.. had an emergency scan after having mild cramping and brown spotting .. Baby had passed away at 7 weeks .. I'm still in shock .. I wish you all very happy & healthy pregnancies xx
I'm out ladies.. had an emergency scan after having mild cramping and brown spotting .. Baby had passed away at 7 weeks .. I'm still in shock .. I wish you all very happy & healthy pregnancies xx

Oh no I'm so sorry :nope: I saw your post over in first tri and I was just going to check up on it, I was thinking of you. Hugs :hugs:
I'm out ladies.. had an emergency scan after having mild cramping and brown spotting .. Baby had passed away at 7 weeks .. I'm still in shock .. I wish you all very happy & healthy pregnancies xx

Oh no hun I'm so sorry.. I'll update the list for you now. I really hope you get your sticky bean soon xxx
I'm out ladies.. had an emergency scan after having mild cramping and brown spotting .. Baby had passed away at 7 weeks .. I'm still in shock .. I wish you all very happy & healthy pregnancies xx

Oh dream, I'm so sorry hon. I've been there and know how sh*t it feels. I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better but I know there's not. Take care of yourself. Xx

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