* September Stars 2014 * 41 babies born!

I've got my 20 week scan tomorrow! Excited to see my little girly again (and make sure she's definitely still a girl lol) but I'm mega nervous aswell in case something is wrong. I wasn't nervous like this about my sons but he was born with a limb difference (which wasn't even picked up on the scan) and I think that's why I'm more worried this time! Keep your fingers crossed for me xx

ahh good luck for tomorrow! I'm sure everything will be fine :) hope you get some good pictures of your little girly!

So I've been reading about the ramzi theory. Has anyone heard of this? According to mine it's saying boy . Basically look at your sonograms that were done between 6-8 weeks (if you had one) if it was a transvaginal u/s and the placenta/baby is on the right side it's a boy. Left side =girl. If it's trams abdominal the left side is boy and right side is girl because it's a mirrored image. It actually has like a 97% success rate in a study done with 5000 people. Just curious if anyone else who has already found out the sex of their baby can find some truth in this?

This is really interesting...I had a scan at 7 weeks, so definitely going to dig it out and have a look now! Have my 20 week scan next Thursday, so will be able to find out soon whether it's right or not!
I found it really interesting as well! Can't wait to hear if it holds true for you
Good luck for tomorrow Bananabump. I've been feeling some pretty intense kicks the last couple of days. Last night I could even feel them from the outside!!! Unfortunately DH works away Monday-Friday so he missed it :-(.

Hope everyone else is doing ok?
Thanks both! Scan was lovely and she's definitely still a girl :happydance: All her measurements were spot on and everything was normal apart from her heart but the sonographer said she kept wriggling into awkward positions so it could just be that she couldn't see it properly. She called another sonographer in to have a look aswell but she said the same. We've got to go back in 2 weeks for a rescan so hopefully everything is fine and it's just madam being awkward! lol She's still very pouty! Can't wait to meet her xx

Haven't been about for a little while, hope everyone is doing well :flower:

We had our 20 week scan today and it looks like we're having a boy! I did some swotting up last night on girl and boy bits on scans and I was pretty sure before the technician even said :D

We got a lovely picture:

cnsweeney, It looks like our baby's were in almost exactly the same position for their scans!
They haven't changed my dates either so it's looking likely I'll be the first to pop! I'm sticking with my original dates though, that way if he comes earlier it will be a nice surprise :)
Haven't been about for a little while, hope everyone is doing well :flower:

We had our 20 week scan today and it looks like we're having a boy! I did some swotting up last night on girl and boy bits on scans and I was pretty sure before the technician even said :D

We got a lovely picture:

cnsweeney, It looks like our baby's were in almost exactly the same position for their scans!

Haha yes it certainly does look like it doesn't it? Congrats on the baby boy !
They haven't changed my dates either so it's looking likely I'll be the first to pop! I'm sticking with my original dates though, that way if he comes earlier it will be a nice surprise :)

Ahh well I'm having a planned section at 39 weeks so I might just beat you if he doesn't come early lol xx
Hi Ladies, haven't been on for a while, but think I've caught up lol.
Congrats to those who have had their 20 week scan
I have mine next Thursday and it can't come quick enough.
Can feel proper kicks now, just wish OH could feel it too to share in the experience.
Need to get the house sorted now in the next few weeks before summer is here x x x
Lady Luck we have been doing the same thing ! Getting patio furniture tmw to put on the back deck . Have been doing a lot of yard work . With summer coming and our gender reveal party we have been doing some major spring cleaning:)
hey ladies! The scans look great! congrats!

Today, one of my co-workers asked me if I was enjoying my pregnancy...I said, honestly, no. She asked if I had a lot of morning sickness. The reality is, morning sickness has not been much of an issue.What has been an issue are the hormones and how bad it has made my anxiety. I wake up almost every morning with an anxiety attack. I will have a two week period where the anxiety is so bad that I am just barely functioning and then things are a little better for a short time. I have been talking with my doctors and therapists and while the decision to go back on meds has not been made yet, it may be coming. I am seeing my therapist tonight to talk about a plan of action and Tuesday I go to the OB and will ask them questions. From there, I will talk with my psychiatrist and a decision will be made.

Have any of you had people ask if you are enjoying your pregnancy? What has been your response? People's perceptions of things baffle me sometimes...the way they ask questions and the way they word those questions. I am not upset with my co-worker for asking. She was being nice and expressing genuine interest in my well-being which is really nice. But she doesn't have children, nor does she plan to. I don't think people always understand how something could be very enjoyable to one person but not to another. Sorry, I am rambling...
Had a check in scan today with our OBGYN. 18w6d...

He was finally confident enough to tell us that we are team :pink:! :happydance: We were convinced we were having a boy.

Everything is looking great. Bubble wouldn't cooperate with staying still long enough to get a decent picture (she tried to turn around, wouldn't stop squirming and then put her head on her chest lol.) But knowing she was moving so much, had a beautiful heartbeat and is doing so well we don't mind at all that we didn't come home with a perfect pic.

20 week anomoly scan in a week and a half.
Hey ladies auch beautiful scans. I have my anomaly scan next wednesday so hoping to find out what we are having. I have been getting alot of things organized in the house. I am nervous for the scan since the doctor uas some concerns hoping some of them will be put to rest next week. I have been having alot of problems with hormones. Everything seems to be fully attacking the last 3 or so weeks. And today after posting my weekly bump photo to fb I had someone comment saying we are about to pop lol I didnt think I was that big like only 18 weeks tomorrow. Dr said repeat csection again bit I guess such is life. Im hoping next ob appointment to get an approximate csection date.
Congrats in all the scans ladies! My 21 week scan isn't until May 1. Only a few more weeks till we can see our girly again!

Bump picture! 18 weeks! Feeling much bigger now!


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MgreenM, I know what you mean. When the morning sickness was really bad I most definitely was not enjoying pregnancy but I am starting to now and I remember with DD once I started to feel well I really did. I would think like most things if you haven't been through it you just don't know what it's like in reality :)

Thought I'd mention that I had my appointment with a supervisor of midwives on Wednesday, I booked it because I wasn't happy with the events leading up to the decision for my dd to be born by elective section. It was absolutely great, they took me very seriously and are putting plans in place to help me be able to make informed choices about this baby's birth and hopefully have the birth I want. Anyone in the UK, take advantage of this service if you ever need it.
Lady Luck we have been doing the same thing ! Getting patio furniture tmw to put on the back deck . Have been doing a lot of yard work . With summer coming and our gender reveal party we have been doing some major spring cleaning:)

Yeah, we're having a baby shower in the summer so need it all tidy and want the nursery all done by then too xxx
They haven't changed my dates either so it's looking likely I'll be the first to pop! I'm sticking with my original dates though, that way if he comes earlier it will be a nice surprise :)

They haven't changed my dates either so it's looking likely I'll be the first to pop! I'm sticking with my original dates though, that way if he comes earlier it will be a nice surprise :)

Ahh well I'm having a planned section at 39 weeks so I might just beat you if he doesn't come early lol xx

I'll be shocked if I don't beat you both, been given a 50% chance of delivering before 30 weeks and a 90% chance of being early to some extent. Really hoping to get past 32 weeks this time, which would be the start of July but so long as it's not May sometime hopefully things will be okay. My earlier optimism has vanished lately as my blood pressure has started to misbehave a bit.
Congrats on all the scans ladies, I am totally not jealous of you all finding out what your LO's are lol.

My anatomy scan isn't until 15th May which seems agesss away x

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