* September Stars 2014 * 41 babies born!

22 weeks today, only one week to my first pregnancy goal (23 weeks, first resuss date) then I can start focussing on some more positive ones. The ultimate goal I have written on my list is getting to 34 weeks.... just got to hang in there 84 more days. Went to pregnancy yoga last night which was lovely and relaxing and made me really miss how much yoga I did pre-pregnancy, so going to start up at home again during DDs naptime. Also tried a different acupuncturist as mine is on holiday this week and that went well too, very different style but she certainly relaxed me and at this point that needs to be one of my main aims as I'm driving myself loopy with worry about another preemie.
Hi! I'm due sept 20 with a BOY another for team :blue: my daughter was also born in sept of 2011 :)
WannabeMummie and babylove I've added you both to the list... congratulations! :) xx

Try to stay positive about being early again Dinah.. I know it's easy said than done though. I'm worried too that the same chain of events will happen this time as it did with my son, I'm just trying hard to push those worries to the back of my head xx
Hey ladies glad to hear qll the gender updates. I had my 20 week ultrasound on the 16th but baby was shy so I couldnt find out what we were having, hopefully another scan soon so I can find out. 20 weeks today yay!!! Cant believe how fast the first 20 weeks have gone and im sure the next 20 will go by even faster. I have been so busy over the last week trying to get things ready for our new arrival :p my oldest turned 4 on wednesday it was kinda bittersweet but as usual I cried. On easter sunday I got my son his new big boy bed and now baby can use his crib. I also switched our room with the kids as right now we are in a 2 bedroom apartment and as spacious as it is we are going to have to move. Right now money is tight so we probably wont he able to move for a yr so we are trying to utilize all space which we are doing well. So we switched rooms with the kids, my son got a new bed, we revamped my almost 3 yr old daughters toddler bed crib into a loft bed so she "got a new bed" to and we are changing my sons toddler bed crib back into a crib for little bean. We seperated the living room so we have a smaller living room but the kids have the whole other half for a play room as its huge and it is using the space and has given us more space in the bedroom for the kids. We are totally making this work and I am glad. Our room is still a disaster but I am slowly working away at it as it is a work in process since we completely downsized our room for the kids. Once we get a small storage locker things will be better till we move. We are all excited though and since the kids are still so little this place still works for now for the time being :D
Had our 20 week anomoly scan this week. Mixed emotions about it. I came out in tears - happiness and worry.

Our OBGYN told us that they would tell us everything at the scan, but when we were there, the sonographer said the report would just be sent to our OBGYN and she could not tell us too much. My next appt with our OBGYN isn't until 8th May! Ages to know if everything is fine or if something is wrong :cry:

I was 20w3d on the day but baby measured in quite consistently at 19w6d with all the measurements taken. I panicked straight away. She then reassured me that a few days off was nothing to be worried about and because everything was measuring and dating the same, bub is most likely developing normally. I didn't understand any of the images she was taking even though she was saying, this is the heart, this is the spine, etc. I just wanted to know if it was all looking fine!

The scan was meant to take 20/30 minutes... it took over an hour! Bub was face down in my pelvis and did not want to move. The sonographer tried to get bub to move so many times and I even went for a walk but bub didn't move much at all from the awkward position. So many times as soon as she went to take the image needed, bub rolled back over. Legs were clamped tight together as well, so we could not confirm gender although our OBGYN was pretty certain at our last scan.

I just have to assume and hope that our little IVF miracle that is kicking away consistently is all ok. Still doesn't take my constant worry away though.

I am in love with the profile pic we got and a photo of one of its little hands.


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Jillie.. I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry! I'm sure the baby is completely fine ! And the sonographer is right .. A few days off is completely normal since the correct size is just an average of all babies at that gestational age . Yours is just a couple days below the average . Not anything to worry about :)

As for me felt peanut kick for the first time tonight ! So exciting! It's been so long since I've felt those and I wanted to cry ! Unfortunately dh was asleep but hopefully it will do it again tmw ! Lol. It did it about 10 times in a row & it's funny because I had my hand on my belly when it did it the first time and I was thinking about how I am 18 weeks today and this is about how far I was with dd when I felt her kick and boom peanut kicked my hand haha. Kinda like it was saying see! I can do it too! Lol
Sorry not been on much lately. Poorly with a chest infection which sucks! Been coughing for almost 2 weeks now and it's been causing my morning sickness to reappear every now and then. The constant coughing can't be nice for poor baby and my tummy is so sore! On a course of antibiotics now so will hopefully feel better soon.
Got my 20 week scan in 3 hours! Nervous and excited. Baby is kicking away right now, really hope s/he behaves!
Hi everyone wow look at all the boys wow..can I be added to the front page please my EDD is 5th September!!!
I know there is a real boy boom going on at the moment!

Jillie as other's have said try not to worry about the size, when they come out they're not all exactly the same size, just as they won't be when they grow up. A few days out is nothing to worry about, especially if everything is in proportion. Last time my DD was at the 25th centile at 20 weeks, this time my son is actually a bit ahead on head and tummy but has skinny legs, doesn't surprise me as apparently my brother was the same way with legs at the 9th centile and the rest over 60th, he's now a 6ft 1 healthy lad who cycles competitively, so those weedy legs haven't held him back on the outside! If there was anything they thought they needed to investigate further or act upon you would be called in sooner rather than waiting for your appointment.

At my scan last week she told me all was well, then gave me the print out that said all the body parts checked, all stated normal except limbs which said 'abnormal', I had a real freak out and went to see my consultant. Turns out she'd clicked the wrong drop down box and everything is fine, but jeez woman, how to scare a pregnant lady who is already a bag of nerves!

Seeing my consultant again today, bp has been on the high side but not high enough that I think he'll want to up my medication. Going to push to start seeing him at least every 2 weeks, but preferably weekly from now on as I don't want to go into the cycle of admissions every week because we're not ahead of my bp rising.
I know there is a real boy boom going on at the moment!

Jillie as other's have said try not to worry about the size, when they come out they're not all exactly the same size, just as they won't be when they grow up. A few days out is nothing to worry about, especially if everything is in proportion. Last time my DD was at the 25th centile at 20 weeks, this time my son is actually a bit ahead on head and tummy but has skinny legs, doesn't surprise me as apparently my brother was the same way with legs at the 9th centile and the rest over 60th, he's now a 6ft 1 healthy lad who cycles competitively, so those weedy legs haven't held him back on the outside! If there was anything they thought they needed to investigate further or act upon you would be called in sooner rather than waiting for your appointment.

At my scan last week she told me all was well, then gave me the print out that said all the body parts checked, all stated normal except limbs which said 'abnormal', I had a real freak out and went to see my consultant. Turns out she'd clicked the wrong drop down box and everything is fine, but jeez woman, how to scare a pregnant lady who is already a bag of nerves!

Seeing my consultant again today, bp has been on the high side but not high enough that I think he'll want to up my medication. Going to push to start seeing him at least every 2 weeks, but preferably weekly from now on as I don't want to go into the cycle of admissions every week because we're not ahead of my bp rising.

Thanks for the reassurance. We were sorta whisked out after the scan as they were running behind schedule and I never got to ask, will someone call me if anything is wrong?!?! I am just petrified of everything and the unknown.

With my PCOS I am at a greater risk of gestational diabetes, and diabetes runs in the family too. Add in family history of pre-eclampsia. My mum developed pre-eclampsia with me and I was born a bit premmie and low birth weight. Same with my brother and sisters (triplets) who were born at 29 weeks and all very low birth weigh. My blood pressure has been 120/80 throughout, but the last one it was 130/85 at 18w6d... so that rise to a not so desirable level before 20 weeks I am freaking out about. Dr is seeing me every 3/4 weeks but wish it was more.

Hope they sort your medication out for you and you can see you consultant more frequently. :hugs:
Well guys I am team PINK !!! had an amazing gender reveal party today :)
My 20 weeks scan is this Thursday! I'm so excited to see her again! :happydance: Thursday can't get here fast enough!
Me too team pink......the ultrasound tech was not certain, but as we didn't see any boy bits and my dh saw the three lines, we are not holding back our excitement :).

Congrats to all ladies who had their 20 week scan and have a healthy little thing growing inside, and very best to those awaiting their turn.

take care
Yeah some girls to even up our numbers xx congrats ladies xxx
I am new to this group.

I am due September 7th and I am having a girl.
I was surprised. I was convinced the whole time that she was a boy. She has a lot of boy stuff.
Hi all, I don't post on here often but just a wee update: We had our anomaly scan today and it went really well, baby was wriggling like mad and the sonographer couldn't get a proper look at her spine so i'm to go back in 3 weeks. Excited to see the baby again so soon :) Oh yeah and we did find out the gender: Team pink again, our big girl is getting a little sister :happydance:

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