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****September Stars!!****

Oh with no1 I was so constipated all the way through no matter that I drank loads of water and was addicted to veg....I also took fibogel everyday but it never touched it. I would say go see your doc see if he will give you something to get things going especially if your now in pain!

I have been so so lucky I have only had it occasionally very early on.

My hubby just pointed out I have a craving other than skittles....its Nachos!
I just cant get enough this will be my 3rd day of eating them and I just went out to the shops to get stuff to make them for my tea.

Thanks ladies. Am hating the prune juice but my stomach is making noises now so FX I'll have some luck soon! Gonna try with my legs up next!!! If nothing happens tomorrow, I'll book an appointment with my GP. x
Good luck with the constipation Fish&Chips!! I hope you get a "result" soon!!
Thanks Asher!!! Just downed some prune juice and I was nearly sick everywhere so think it's on to wholewheat pasta now!! lol x
Have you tried copious amounts of bran flakes? That seems to do the trick for me!! Usually anyway! That and a good book as distraction! Good luck! x

Posted in first tri thread too, but I have my scan at 11am tomorrow and am scared as hell! Hopefully I will be back tomorrow with a pic. I am doubting the prescence of anything in my tum at the moment, but I think it's just normal nerves!
Awww thats so not nice :hugs: Hope it gets better for you hun....

Well i spent my day today doing a peadiatric first aid course, i tried to do one before Tabs was born but never found one :happydance:
Ladies just a quickie to say that although it's a little bit naughty I ate some red liquorice to get my bowels moving. I don't normally have problems going because of my IBS but I've found I have over the last few weeks. The liquorice solved the problem over night and I only had a few pieces!!

Elmaxie - I've been craving skittles too but only the Sour ones - yum yum. My other cravings are fruit and squash so relatively healthy ones.
Just bought my Bubba's Cot Mobile!! He He! Fisher Price Ocean Wonders from E Bay, well chuffed.
Goooo ebay!!! Well done hun!
I've found the travel system i want on there but i'm wondering if it's too early to buy it. It's the only time i've seen it for sale in the new limited edition colour & it's below half the price it should be!

Well I got home on Friday and as we had a new carpet put down in our spare/baby's room, my dh had put up the cot and wardrobe and put some of the little clothes etc in to it!! It made my well up! We've just got back from a weekend at my brother and sister-in-laws and they've given us a moses basket and loads of baby clothes! I'm so happy.

I know this question has been asked before but are any of you suffering with constipation? I can't remember the last time I went properly and I keep getting stabbing pains now when I sit down.. not good. I'm trying to drink prune juice but anybody got any other ideas? At what stage should I see my Dr?
Aww how sweet hun! I've emptied my already there wardrobes - well condensed items into one so the baby can have one (shared with my maternity clothes lol). We also collected our baby changing unit today which fits perfectly into the gap i made for it so DH said we don't have to take it down :happydance: now i can fill it with goodies heehee!
I'm suffering with terrible constipation too - not to mention the wind! (which DH no longer finds funny by the way). I'm not too worried as i was never regular until the past few years so going 2-3 x a week is nothing strange to me :shrug:. I'd say go to the GP if your having tummy pains and/or straining hun. Keep your fluids up too as this is the main cause for constipation in pregnancy.

Limpetsmum - of course you can use my poem when u read it to the little one let him/her know its from Auntie Carley!!!
Aww thanks hun - bless ya! I'll use it on the layout i'mdoing of my scan pictures & post a photo on here once i've done it (after 20 week scan).

I forgot to mention the other day i had the letter with my Down's test results - bubba is in very low category :happydance: sorry i can't remember the actual number, 1:10,000 or something crazy! Another worry over.
Speaking of worries i should get my blood test results on wednesday telling me if i need to go onto injections to thin my blood. Not too worried though, although i do have a needle phobia which won't help!

Today i managed to get out in the front garden, i trimmed the hedge under the bay wondow ready for new windows next saturday (yay), hacked back the clematis from last year & even planted some tulip bulbs! It was lovely to feel normal again, i love gardening & want to keep it in shape so i can spend time out there once bubba is born & whilst the weather is still nice.
Well, i'm feeling tired so i gues it's about bed time! Night night ladies, have a good week everyone :sleep: xxx
Well today I feel like crap on legs....AND I am on holiday for a week and Nathan is at childminders until 13:30.

I am craving nachos and had them again last night for the 3rd day in a row. But it seems this morning my body decided nachos were not for it and I have been awake since 4am with them layign in my tummy, trapped wind pains and well some not so very trapped wind escaping:blush:then up at 6am with Nathan only to hurl the lot back again.....YUCK!!!

Am meant to be doing loads of things around the house that I never get a chance to like wash the kitchen floor and put handles on our wardrobe etc etc but I think I may just go to bed again for a few hours kip and hope I feel a bit better.

Can I just ask when you all had bloods for downs etc done?? I see my mw for the very first time tomorrow so am thinking they will be done then but surely its verging on the too late side of time limit?? I must try to find my leaflet in amoungst the clutter (another job that needs doing!)

Hope your all having a happy Monday!

Morning all! I too feel crappy today elmaxie, it seems that the few things I can eat are laying really heavy in me at night and I'm having some awful nights sleep recently - yet again I'm having today off work as I just can't shake this sicky/headachy/tiiiiiiiired feeling and I can't face an hour commute each way to work. I'm really worried that they are going to start getting really cross with me soon :(

Good luck with your scan today Asher! I had the same fears when I went to mine, I'm sure everything will be lovely!

I have managed 3 days without being sick... maybe it's finally over?! Just feeling sick now, which is slightly preferable to being sick every day! x
Morning Ladies,
I just COULD NOT SLEEP last night, trapped wind driving me up the wall, and I couldn't get comfy! Might have a snooze later after work before the kids get home.... He He!

Limpetsmum, I love gardening too. We have just put in a lovely border in the back garden, and slowly I am putting my plants in, my kitchen looks like a nursery at the mo with all the propagators in it!!! LOL.

Elmaxie: I had my bloods done when I went for my 12 week scan and the hospital, but I think it can vary. Give your doctors a call, they should be able to tell you?

x x
Hello ladies, i'm 13 weeks today, was just wondering if i can join you over here a little early?...I have my scan tomorrow, and first consultant appointment, so looking forward to that. I hope your all well xxxx
Hello Mamma2connor! I came over when I was 13 weeks. Exciting stuff!!! x x x x
Ooooh good luck tomorrow :hugs:

Elmaxie I dont get my blood tests for ages its really annoying me :nope:
Brownsie, i think i'm finally allowing myself to get a little excited now! :D
And thank you Blob!! :hugs:
Oh, can i please get my due date put up please? 13th september. xxx
This must be a day of feeling crappy....I feel quite sick this morning which is unlike me really as I don't get MS or anything...the nausea left a few weeks ago but seems to have returned for today!!!
I have to go to uni for lectures later and I cannot be bothered. I am getting so behind as I seem to have no motivation to do anything!!!
Perhaps its just my hormones as I am very active usually with one thing or another!!

Have a good day. xx

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