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****September Stars!!****

Yaaay exiting!!! I love listening to the hb :cloud9:
hi how r u all????

its been about a week since i was on here been busy and bk to work.

work are being very unfair with me i work in a school and they are asking me to change app 2 out of school time iv been in touch with my union and they said not to and im entilted to them!!!!! im so annoyed

then 2day i find out my partner has been txtin other girls behind my bk im fuming as its happened b4 although not 4 a while
Oh no choc, have you confronted him?? Hope you are ok? x
Choc!!! Are you ok???? Try and keep calm honey, remember bubba. x x x x

Just to let you girlies know, I found the Heartbeat!!! It was about and 2 inches below my belly button and was quite hard to hear. I can hear my Heartbeat as well which is kinda distracting, but its amazing to hear that little persons Heartbeat. Makes it feel so real.

Is anyone having an early scan to find out the sex?

x x x x
yes i have confrunted him said they are numbers off a old sim card. hes out at the min and is txtin evey 10 mins so i think he is defo feeling guilty

to add to things im really worried i still have no bump and preg signs are slowley disapeering feel very starange at the min xx
Limpetsmum I just read your a nurse and seen you wear scrubs....what kind of nurse are you?
Hey hun, i'm an Endoscopy nurse :thumbup: i wear large scrubs as they are the only size we get with matching tops & bottoms (and i have crazy ocd lol) so they are huge on me hence hiding my bump. People actually gasped when i put my civies (normal clothes) on after work friday as they didn't realise what a bump i had actually got already lol.
What theatre work do you do?

Limpetsmum, can I come to the brum meet too?
Drazic of course you can, we are all going on the friday - i'll post a meeting date & time closer to the actual date. PM me your email addy please hun & title it Baby Show :winkwink:. Same for anyone else coming please - cheers xxx

Carley22 - can i have permission to use your poem in my scrapbook please hun? It's beautiful xxx

Brownsie - how you doing sweetie? Glad you found the heartbeat - sounds in the same place as mine (which makes sense lol).

Choc - aww hunny, i know EXACTLY what your going through as i was there a few years ago. Please PM me if you want to sweetie & just remember bubba & try to stay calm! Thinking of you hunny xxx
i was gonna go on weekend so hubby could come with me but i might convince him to let me go it alone so i can meet you ladies x
Hey Limpetsmum! All good thanks love, just chilling now after eating a sticky toffee pudding and custard!!!! Yum Yum!!!

Amy, I might be coming on my own too. Not sure yet.

Sorted out my wardrobe today... have no clothes left in it now that will actually fit me LOL!!! Got a few maternity bits which are so comfy.
Anyone feeling breathless? I'm worried now that I have symptoms of preeclampsia.
I dont mind going on my own as long as im meeting up with people... but i think id get pretty bored walking round all day with only myself for company haha
Sorted out my wardrobe today... have no clothes left in it now that will actually fit me LOL!!! Got a few maternity bits which are so comfy.

I did that yesterday!! It was kinda nice...but kinda pathetic to see what's left in my closet. lol! Oh well I guess that means a little retail therapy in the near future!!
Cafferine, I am getting that too, try not to worry too much hun.

Just bought my Bubba's Cot Mobile!! He He! Fisher Price Ocean Wonders from E Bay, well chuffed.

x x x
I seem to be wearing the same few bits and one pair of jeans lol!! Although my smaller jeans fit they are uncomfortable after a while!! So not good for me or baby!!
Gonna hit the shops tomorrow to buy some bits!!
Brownsie - i lurve your scan picture - it is so clear & detailed :thumbup:

Anyone feeling breathless? I'm worried now that I have symptoms of preeclampsia.
I've been feeling breathless for a few weeks now - i sit on the sofa wheezing away somethimes - even DH has commented on why i have to breath so heavy eeek! I didn't even realise it might not be normal - i put it down to me being off work so long & becoming out of shape!

I'm off to collect a gorgeous pine baby changing & bathing unit my Mum has bought me off ebay tomorrow - soooo exctied to be getting my 1st pc of nursery furniture, although DH has said we need to dismantle it to store it until needed :growlmad:

I've been wearing maternity clothes for a while now as they are just more comfortable......i don't know why i wasn't converted years ago :haha:
Morning everyone!!
14 weeks today, how exciting! I've actually had 2 days in a row where I've not been sick in the morning... that's the most exciting thing of all! Although I have felt sick throughout the day, nothing beats being able to get up without rushing to the bathroom! Maybe it's a sign that morning sickness is coming to an end?!

Me and DH went shopping yesterday, I am so impressed with the maternity section in New Look! Got some really nice stuff, including some combat trousers and T Shirts which aren't just made for 8/9 month bumps which is nice! SO much better than debenhams red herring stuff which although is nice, there's hardly anything there!

Really considering getting a doppler now, but I'm worried to as at my scan the sonographer said I have an anterior placenta - although she didnt write it on my notes - and after some research I've found that it can stop you hearing the heartbeat as it acts like a barrier... I don't want to get one that I can't use, I think it might just worry me! ANy ideas? x

I have been in maternity clothes for weeks....mainly as my bloating was so bad that my clothes were too tight and now its gone my fat tummy has turned harder so they are not even going to do up...and I have lost a few pounds too:happydance: But the lovely stretchy waists and roomy tops are sooo comfy. I went round the shops trying stuff on then went on ebay and got bargains on jeans etc....but maybe I am just mean lol:blush:

I have a craving for skittles....I have NEVER liked skittles but now I want them alot. PLUS I found myself buying a potnoodle too....again I HATE them but god it actually tasted nice:dohh:

I wonder if they do any baby shows up here is Scotland? Might have to look into it.

Has anyone else got a sore back?? I was out at the shops yesterday with my mum and my god I felt crippled when I got back. I dotn think I have ever felt so sore across the top of my bum/lower back.

Hope your all having a relaxing Sunday!

Hi girls just popping by in the all new 2nd tri section - I cant believe how far along you guys are getting
Glad to see you are all ok and the little bubbas are doing well

Hello all!!

Had a lovely time shopping, finally treated myself to some maternity bits!! Just tried my jeans on and OMG they are sooooooooooooo comfy!!!!!! Got some other bits from Next and New Look!!! All good!!!

Hope you are all ok xxx
Hi all! Cafferine, yep I'm constantly getting breathless. Well I got home on Friday and as we had a new carpet put down in our spare/baby's room, my dh had put up the cot and wardrobe and put some of the little clothes etc in to it!! It made my well up! We've just got back from a weekend at my brother and sister-in-laws and they've given us a moses basket and loads of baby clothes! I'm so happy.

I know this question has been asked before but are any of you suffering with constipation? I can't remember the last time I went properly and I keep getting stabbing pains now when I sit down.. not good. I'm trying to drink prune juice but anybody got any other ideas? At what stage should I see my Dr?

F&C - yes constipation is apparently quite normal - my MW said that when i go to the toilet to elevate my legs with 1-2 yellow pages so that im more in a squatting position makes it easier. It's been like trying to poo out rocks!! YUK!.

Limpetsmum - of course you can use my poem when u read it to the little one let him/her know its from Auntie Carley!!!

Anyone going to the birmingham baby show let me and limpetsmum know and we;ll get a list and badges sorted....

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