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****September Stars!!****

Hi Becs, Emma, Claire, Brigitte, Louise, Amy, Carley, Louise, Charleen, Aurora (Becca), Jem, Tina, Becky (I can't wait to find out if you're right about your pink bump!), Katie, Louise, chachadada - Am loving the pictures!!! More more more!!

Limpetsmum.. the best thing about the cake (which I left my aunt to decorate as she saw fit) was that my aunt put on each corner of the cake, something from other wedding cakes from family members. So there was a little sugar slipper from my Grandad and Granny's cake and so forth. It was so lovely!

Louise aka MrsJ.. lovely pic hun! You must be feeling so happy right now! Congrats also to Caezzybe!! Is that your new scan pic in your avatar?

Aurora.. yey to shaking off that darn morning sickness!!!

Aww, I am excited. I think I am having my first preggo nesting cravings. I have brought a baby cross stitch sampler off ebay as I HAVE to do it for the babies room. It's so cute, I want it to be here now!
Argh! Where do I start. I'm feeling angry, upset, tearful, hungry & tired! I've spent 10 blimmin hours sitting in the admissions unit at the hospital as they thought I had a PE (pulmonary embolism - blood clot on the lungs). I went to my fetal medicine appt for my sticky blood results (which I'm chuffed to report were negative) and happened to mention my shortness of breath & giddiness when I get up too quickly (I put these down as normal pregnancy stuff). The next thing I know I'm being stabbed for blood in 3 different places (including aterial which made me scream & cry........I was on my own at the hospital by the way). Then I have to have an ECG (heart trace) which scared me coming back abnormal. I had to wait an eternity for the blood results only to be told they are normal ( I know I should be glad) & that the symptoms are caused by the heart having to pump the extra blood I'm now producing to support bubba & it's a normal & common side effect ARGH!!!!!
So why all the bloody trauma (on my one precious day a week when I finish at 1.15 too)? Surely the maternity doc should have known all this & not panicked, it has scared me that they did this & referred me to a medical team as they couldn't deal with it!!!
To top it all off (ha.....you all thought I'd finished-no chance ladies, sorry!) my DH thought he'd be verbally helpful by calling me every 10mins (I know hexwas just concerned but....) to moan about how long it was all taking & how incompetent the hospital is :growlmad:
I tried to explian that I wasn't the only patient they had to deal with & how the labs can only process bloods as quick as the machines will allow. It just seems to give him the ammo to argue for a home birth (which a: I don't want & b: can't have anyway cos of all the complications).
I've now stormed off to bed & told him I don't think he has the foggiest idea what the birth will entail & it's his job to view & choose a hospital so he can't blame me when we're mid labour & he starts getting arsey with the staff cos in his eyes they are not treating me like the first woman ever to have given birth!

Am I being unreasonable here? Is anyone else worried their other halves won't cope when the time comes? It is the only thing that is really getting me down at the moment as he won't even talk about it (he reckons it'll 'just happen').

Sorry for the extra long super rant but I know you ladies will understand how I'm feeling. I was in bed when he came in, he came up, kissed me & asked if I was ok & what lunch I'd like making for tomorrow & has now settled into his playstation for the evening (he doesn't come to bed until about 1am-lucky sod manages great on minimal sleep). He's saying & doing all these lovely things for me, everything but the HUGE one that really matters!

Right, i'm off to console myself with a mars bar :thumbup:
Aw Limpetsmum! That's a crap day indeed! Thank goodness though that all your results came back ok after all that. Still stinks though. Bless you, you deserved a good rant!!


I am promising myself today that I will be patient. I have zero zero patience, and Jack is pushing me to the limit. I am off this week and am supposedly trying to get stuff done, but actually getting nothing done and just getting more and more peeved.
Ooo! ooo! I want to play the name game. :p

I'm Becky, 21 and my OH is named Ben, 24. I met him when I was 13(and him 16) as friends and we've been in a relationship for five years this May. This is our first baby, so excited! I have a feeling it's going to be a girly bump. :D
I think I'm going to sneakily move over to 2nd tri now, 5 days early and I'm excited to join the rest of you September girlies. :)

Oh I meant to ask...so some of you have bumps now do you???

I definitely have something going on there, but I think that it's mostly just bloat and fat. Haha.

Also, is there anyone else due on 14th Sept? (Orgionally my due date was 7th september and I have a funny feeling that baby is going to make an appearance on the 7th not 14th though) :)


Im due on the 14th too bump buddy!!!
Hi Girlies,

Just an update from my scan....my EDD is now 7th September.

Hope you and bumps are well !!xxx
Limpetsmum - i keep saying to my OH oh what if i cant do it when the time comes, what if there are complications and it all goes wrong. He just replies "you have to do it - you have no choice"

God Forbid we get an answer like "dont worry about it babe i'll be there for you whatever happens" BUT NO!! Men dont think like this...... drives me mad.

Then just like yours he gets tucked into his Xbox and i trot off to bed..... Bugger!!
Limpetsmum - i keep saying to my OH oh what if i cant do it when the time comes, what if there are complications and it all goes wrong. He just replies "you have to do it - you have no choice"

God Forbid we get an answer like "dont worry about it babe i'll be there for you whatever happens" BUT NO!! Men dont think like this...... drives me mad.

Then just like yours he gets tucked into his Xbox and i trot off to bed..... Bugger!!

Yeah, my hubby wants me to make it straightforward, with as little fuss as possible. Oh yeah, and if it's not too much trouble, he wants it quick.... not cos he can't stand to see me in pain, just that it's boring being stuck in one of those rooms for hours on end....... :growlmad:
Thats a poo day Limpetsmum, so glad all came back fine!!

I must be one of the lucky ones, I have more faith that my OH will cope better than me!! He is just so calm about everything and really reassuring.

I have only just got up, my puppy had us up and down all night so when OH took him to work at 7 I thought I would have a lay in, 3 hours later here I am!!! I guess I better get on with the housework!!

Have a nice day ladies, no doubt I will be back soon!!
Hey guys I had my dating scan today and my Due date is now 19/11/10 :D Can it be changed please? xxxx
Hey ladies.....its been a few days since I posted in here.

Aw limpetsmum that was a really crap you had!! OH is probably worried for and baby but yeah they really have no clue do they! So can you choose between hospitals or are you sticking with the one your at?

Lovely scan MRSJ!!!

Well I think I am now getting morning sickness. Every morning for the last 4 days I have woken up boaking and brought up bile. Then I am fine. I got tested twice by clinic midwife then my midwife for urine infections but there are none. Hoping its a stage and it will pass....or my urine shows an infection soon.:shrug:

I asked my midwife about getting the bloods test for downs. She said matter of fact yeah we can do those up to 20 weeks plus a day....now no matter what ours come back we are keeping the baby but I do think if you get them done 20 weeks and you are at really high risk and have decided that you wouldnt continue with the pregnancy its a tad late really.....:shrug: But I am getting them done in 2 weeks. We just want to be prepared at our outcome really.

I am still waiting for my 20 week scan appointment to arrive but madly enough when I was in getting my glucose tolerance test done I went and booked my 22 week and attempted my 28 week scan but their diary didnt go up to June so it will be sent out in post so my 22 week scan is 30th April and the 28 week scan will be on 15th June at some point (they put it on a day when ou have clinic so it will be that day but who knows what time!) I then have another scan at 32 and 36 weeks....I am so so lucky!!
BUT I do have to do fasting glucose tests at 14 and then a horrible controlled glucose test at 28 weeks and continually give pee and blood samples.
Anyone else with diabetes or gestational diabetes?? I dont have it yet but because I did during last pregnancy I am told I will most likely have it again. Been doing my blood sugars and so far so good. Just need to see how my results from yesterday turn out:wacko:

As for your OH mine during the 1st preg was so scared stiff it was unreal. Then he passed out at antenatal when we were talking about sections. I thought he was going to be the worst birth partner ever and considered bringing my mum too but decided against it in the end. He was so good but really worried for me. I must say the care we got in the triage unit in early labour was bad and we were left alone for hours at a time waiting for a midwife to check my blood pressure, a doctor to prescribe pain killers and he just couldnt understand why noone was with me helping me....after 2 hours waiting for pain relief I did send him out to find someone then I had a shout at them:blush:but hey once I was in the labour ward I had a great midwife who was so good she was telling OH what to do for me as he was standing in the corner like a startled rabbit...and he never felt faint or passed out and even saw his head come out! So hoping this time round he will wipe my brow, fan me and give me water during contractions like last time now he has done it once!
As for being bored he wouldnt bloody dare....I would rip his bits off!!:blush:

Gosh I have written a whole book it seems here.:haha:

Anyways....erm think thats all oh limpetsmum I have no clue what I am putting in the enclosure yet since its my 1st proper one. I have wild seed mix and weed mix which I need to start growing but need to go on and find the edible plants list (I am on tortoise world and shelled warrrior) and get down the garden centre although i did see some nice pansy bedding plants at our garden centre for £3.50 so might get a few trays of them and plant them and bring them in once he has devoured the ones in his enclosure:haha:
Unfortunatley our weather is just not so warm that he can be out day and night but I bought a nice table which sits in the corner a year back as his other one was too small. I would love more but I almost bought one and then read into it more that males will fight really bad and need seperated and females will get pestered unless there are 3 or more per male and I just dont have the room!!


hi ladies hope you are all well my comp still isnt fixed, juat wanted to let u all know that i got newborn nappeis last night in asda for £1 they where reduced from £4 i dont know what there like but if there rubbish i can throw them away at that price, there not smart price and theyve won a mother and baby gold star award , just incase any1 is stocking up :) xx
I boguht 2 packs of those today. My friend who has a baby says asda nappies arnt the best but i thought for £1 so what, you can just change them more offen for that price
One more day and i'm officially 2nd tri!

I find it strange how you are all having to wait for your 20 week scan date! I was given mine after my 12 week scan!

Me too i made the appointment for that before i was out of the room!! 27th April seems like forever away but they've managed to book it on exactly 20 weeks lol!!

Bought a doppler online and it's arrived today - cant wait to get home and use it!!! I'll let you all know how it goes.... so darn excited!!
Hello my dears.

Have any of you noticed that your leg hairs are all growing at super speed? Like I never have shaved my thighs... never needed too but they're starting to look like my, rather neglected, calfs atm :s xx

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