****September Stars!!****

Wow. We do have a good five-week spread for due dates, don't we? I've got over four weeks until I move over to third tri and I'm due ~21/22. I still don't think I'll even manage to give birth in September. Simon was so late and I'm convinced this boy will be, too. They let you go max 10 days overdue here, then they induce, so that will put me in October.
I'm getting ahead of myself, though. Maybe this will be a nice, well-mannered baby who leaves the womb on schedule? :)
So many sweet little kicks and thumps from baby these past few days. I love this part of pregnancy, too. It is fun. And still manageable, physically. At least for me, anyway. I know a few of you have had some rotten symptoms.
:hugs: Asher - that must have been a shock, but it sounds like a good decision on your doctor's part? Fairly proactive, anyway. And you'll be able to focus on physio and things to help you cope. That's great.
limpet - the nesting is completely over the top, isn't it? It's like some manic force and you just can't stop, even though you are really tired. I've had spurts of it for days now. At least I'm getting lots done? :shrug:
i feel like I am missing that nesting part because I haven't been doing that at all. I have no energy at all and have been feeling really sicky but I am hoping the nesting kicks in as I have so much to do and no motivation to do it lol.

I have my GTT tomorrow, three hours of waiting and being poked by needles, hope it goes okay though, nervous.

Hope all your ladies are doing good, anyone else got results or done the glucose screen or the tolerance test?
I dont think i'll start properly nesting until July :lol:

Sarah i dont think i'll have an August baby am fully expecting to go over and i'm refusing induction :rofl:
Good morning September Stars!

I am in a better mood this morning, the not going to work thing has sunk in slightly. Iam making little plans for what pottering I am going to do today, and not worrying about not being in work. Tomorrow is my Dad's 60th birthday so I am going to be doing some baking for him.

I am enjoying all the little movements and belly popping things this baby is up to now! I think it's had a huge growth spurt in the last week, as all the movements feel much much bigger and more like a baby! Fab!

Hope you all have a good day. x
Yea i think my baby just had a growth spurt too :)

Awww Asher its not a bad thing, you can get lots done at home :hugs:
Glad your feeling abit happier today Asher, your'll soon be thankful being signed off, by the way loving your new profile pic, boys look adorable!

Well my husband wants me to go over due!!! Aaaaagggghhh, ... I told the baby not to listen to him. So far since being pregnant he's said 3 major wrong things

1) At Ultrasound... Ohhhh cool looks like were having a really big baby....
2) At second ultrasound... Ohhh it's good baby has a big head it means they are brainy
3) Baby needs to stay in there a couple of extra weeks so they can be born on my birthday

My responses
1) ummm no big baby travelling through my foofoo
2) ummm no big head travelling through my foofoo
3) ummm I will try everything on this planet to get this baby out on time
Please note my face expression is fierce when saying these to my DH

I've now made it my daily task to talk to the baby and tell them to ignore anything stupid dad says.

Also during football last night I think he suggested everyones name in the england football squad as a name for the baby....... poor Rio Roonie Gerrard
:rofl: Jellycat... my OH wants the baby born on his birthday but luckily thats 11 days early for me :haha:

Firstbean :wohoo:
Hi Everyone. Thought it was time I was officially added to the September Stars. Been reading your posts for ages now lol. My EDD is the 23rd Of September. Please add me to the list. Got my rescan today so hopefully find out the sex then:happydance:
Congrats Firstbean :yipee:

Welcome Family Matters you EDD is the same as me :wave:
morning girls!

ooh a 3rd tri thread already! that sounds wierd when I am only 22 weeks today lol! I won't be coming over until at least after I'm viable! But might come over a little earlier than the official date.

:hugs: asher. SPD sucks :(
your doctor is right though - it's about not aggravating it. I've been off since 16 weeks with it, and it's wierd to think I won't be going back to work until August 2011! I just can't put the patients at risk, or go to work and end up in agony every night.
I do find it helps to make lists of things to do at home, and do a little at a time, otherwisre I'm sitting around all day bored as anything!
I really, really, really have to say this. I've been waiting to for so long now.

My baby is VIABLEEEEEEEEEEE today!

I told my OH we'd dance and eat cake when we got this far, so I think I'll buy a cake in ready for the weekend. He'll probably think I'm crazy.
Jellycat you made me LOL! Rio Roonie Gerrard! haha! My OH was suggesting every player from the team he supports as well as a few famous jockeys! never gonna happen :dohh:
I can't believe we're heading into third tri its soo exciting! :happydance:
I've got my 25 week midwife appt. this afternoon i'm keeping my fingers crossed all is well , and that i get to hear my little bubbas heartbeat again :)
(and on a more selfish note, so i can apply for my HiP money, so then i can book a 4D scan!)
The horrible heat has subsided a bit where i am, its so lovely to feel a bit cooler!!

Hope everyone is well today, congrats to everyone who is viable today :thumbup:

Congrats Bekklez and FirstBean on the viables!!! :happydance:

Welcome family matters and congrats, good luck at your scan!

Jellycat!! Footballers' names!! How funny, my DH said "let's be different and call ours Fabio"..... no love I don't think so!!

Thanks jellycat and Mrs N. I am actually quite enjoying today already!!
Howdy ladies xxx

Congrats on all the Viables!!!

Asher, you just take it easy with your SPD xx

Well yet another naff nights sleep with my blisters!!! The savlon is working and they are drying out, so fingers crossed it will only be for another day then I can get back to normal lol!!!!
I'm just about to head off to work.
My family gets back day after tomorrow! yay!
I am planning to bake my fanciest rhubarb pie for their homecoming. All parts from scratch! And rhubarb from the garden.
Congrats on viability, Bekklez! One more week and a bit for me.
I fully support celebrating pregnancy milestones with :cake:!!
It just seems fitting. :)
Myself, I go for very decadent cupcakes.

Um, and this is from the girl who is worried about the gestational diabetes screening? Hmmm.

Speaking of...
Laura - I am awaiting my screening results. I am measuring large (25 cm at 22 weeks) and I started this pregnancy slightly overweight (I still had 15 lbs to lose from my last pregnancy when I started this one). Otherwise, I have no history of it or any particular risk factors, but for some reason, I'm just really paranoid about it this time around. I took my test on Sunday, so I am guessing that I will hear back this week or next if the results aren't good and I have to go do the GTT.
Good luck with your test! I know how worrying it can be. :hugs:

Okay, off to teach junior high students about the water cycle!
Have a great day everyone!
I'll pop back on to chat tonight.
Hi All,

I am ok with moving early, as soon as i am viable which is this Sunday anyway!:happydance:
Like someone else said we are all in this together! I am planning on an on time baby anyway!! :haha: My last was born one day after due date, waters broke the day b4, and she was the first not late and i managed that with a good old regular bounce on my gym ball, sitting with legs open on edge of sofa and bouncing, and sex which i managed to get dd to partake in when he knew it could bring on labour:haha:

Anyway, I have to go and get some ,milk and bread, forgot today:dohh:

Asher, your doctor sounds great, and that is brilliant news that you will get the relax and rest you will need.
I am waiting for school to break up for the summer holidays so i can spend the last few months of pregnancy relaxing at home with the children, and when they do go back to school it is a walk not a drive, so i am counting down the weeks!! Week 7 this week, we have one week off (next week)and one week on holiday (july)and then they break up!:happydance:

Will catch up later, just popped on to see how things are going!!

hello ladies

selfish post i know but IM VIABLE

BAD NEWS : im sooooo poorly.... darn cold has caught up with me i feel completely rubbish......

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