Right, I am back for instalment number 2!!
Welcome newbies
Congrats all viable today
Jellycat, I think should i dare to ask dh football names a boy or girl would be called Stevie G so best subject avoided!!
Louise, I get sudden panics about birth, but they are pretty fleeting, and I soon forget it! I just start thinking about the size i get and how baby has to get out some how!! It is not a worry i have for long and it just makes me determined to have a calm birth.
Carley, hope your feeling better soon
Anyway, time to see how many hundreds of posts i have missed not being on facebook today!
I am less itchy today, but been cooler, so thinking it is just the heat, I have made a huge effort not to scratch too, and must moisturise better!
May even have a nice bath later, and then cover myself in moisturiser b4 bed!
Back tomorrow, off to check out Amy's journal and the fb!
Bye til then,
Oh and baby has turned over again, so bowel and bladder having regular kicks, and like everyone else i have noticed them getting bigger and more noticible, and they are not comfortable inside like that, like being kicked up the bum from the inside