****September Stars!!****

Happy viability to those celebrating today. xx

Just back from the midwife and little man is laying across my tummy today! He is fine and heard his little heartbeat! :thumbup:

Also, the midwife says that I can have a homebirth!!! :happydance: If everything is fine up until 37 weeks I can have him here, and I am so excited about that! She will come and visit me at home at 32 weeks and discuss the plans...Yay! It seems so much more real when you start discussing labour plans...like time is going so fast. 6 days until 3rd trimester.

Picked up my HIP grant form so hopefully have some savings for bubba soon too.

I have to say I am so glad that the weather has cooled down!!!

I went to bed at 9 last night and slept till 9.15 this morning!!!! After 3 nights of not sleeping I was so tired and getting a moody cow!! My sunburn is loads better and its comfortable, I am at last wearing my normal bra's and can get dressed unaided!!

Congrats to all the viables today xxxx

Hope was kicking like mad last night, my tummy was making some weird shapes!! She loved it when Ian was reading to her, was so sweet x
Hi All,

Just popping by to say good morning :thumbup:

Still being beaten up from the inside, this baby seems pretty strong already, i hope s/he moves to a better position for me soon!

I have had another appointment from the hospital, but i don't really understand why, I am with the midwife for my care, but because i was refered to the foetal medicine unit for the scan and i think the hospital want to go over that, but they refered me in the first place because their equipment is not so good, and so i see little point in going back to discuss what has already been discussed with the consultant at the unit? I have already been told what the scan saw, and what it could mean but they didn't think it did!!:dohh:
So I may try and cancel, I was told i didnt have to do anything i didnt want to do, and this is one of those things! I am getting fussier in old age i think, I really am going to try and blag a home birth, by accident, I laboured fine with the last one(s), and i figure if i go on long enough b4 i call the hospital they may just say stay put and get the midwife to me!!
I am also a bit funny because they want to throughly check baby at birth because of the scan, but I cant see how a check at birth will tell us anything we need to know immediatley, I want time with my baby not for them to be whisked off to check something that won't effect them straight away, especially when the consultant was so sure baby is perfectly healthy, and i can vouch for the fact there is nothing wrong with babys kick, thats for sure!!
I am also prone apparantly to bleed more after no5, but i could always go to hospital later, I am not sure, I think i will do as much as i can at home anyway, and hope they dont see that bit on my notes to check baby out at birth! (can i get in trouble for taking that page out of my notes!!)

Time to go, excuse mistakes, mil trying to hold a conversation with me and is not noticing my trying to ignore her:haha:

Back later for a catch up, hope everyone has a nice day xx:hugs:
Wooo hoooo!!! Just caught up and was met with loads of Viables from today and yest!!! :yipee: HUGE congrats!!!!

Limpets, I've bought the totsbots ones (I think! lol). There were so may different stands for them, that I just got all confused in the end with everyone saying that their nappies were best. In the pack I ordered you get about 10 all-in-one nappies, and a few ones that need wraps (for night-time). I think.... I'm just waiting for the set to be delivered and then i'll find out lol. It said birth to potty, but starting at 10lbs? I don't want to give birth to a 10lbs baby! lol.. so I might get some smaller ones, or use disposables for the first few weeks. All depends on the size of bubs when s/he's born i guess... I'll be more likely to get the smaller ones if bubs is about 6lb than if they're 8lb with the cost.
I was confused about the cloth nappy thing, but when i've had a chance to look through my set properly i'll post on the natural parenting thread i think and get some advice before bubs is born.

Glad your sunburn's getting better becs!

My house is a complete tip. The nesting bug has GONE. thankfully, so has the one for cake too, and i'm starting to not put weight on so quickly. I'm glad about this, as i've put on 20lbs already, and was starting to wonder when it'd ever stop!

Just about to post some ebay stuff. It's great getting money for stuff that you don't use anymore.

Oooo 3rd tri? I'll move over when you ladies do, even though I think i'll go over.

As for being scared of the birth, I posted a thread a few days ago saying that i'm TERRIFIED. It was actually a thread asking whether you're more likely to tear second time if you have first time (as I did with DD). But i've been having nightmares and everything. I think it's cos the first time, i was like 'ah well, i'll just have lots of drugs'. And I did, but they made me so ill that this time, I don't want any at all (well, maybe gas and air and tens). But because of this, i'm now really worried about the pain of tearing without drugs (didn't feel it much last time with the epidural). Does that make sense? I'm gonna go to childbirth prep classes and hopefully that'll calm me down a bit.

At the moment i'm just trying not to think about it :)
Happy V-Day ladies!!

Becs, glad the sunburn is getting better.

Babythinkpink, maybe you should go to the appointment to discuss what will happen after the birth? You can put your question to them and see how they respond. If they still think it's necessary to check the baby then what can you do but at least they should explain why.

:hi: everyone else! xx
Hey ladies!

Havent been on in ages and there is so much to catch up on.

Hope you are all doing well and not long until 3rd tri. Everything is going well with us.

Just really came on to find out the update on Amy and to say I am upset and shocked is an understatement! I am praying for her and her wee girl...:cry:
I dont know if its been posted here but you will find an update by wobbles in her journal.


Hey Emma long time no hear! Good to have you back.

All I can say is that I'm in tears at work about Amy. I truly hope that the next news is good and that the Drs are only being pesimistic to prepare her just in case. x
Oh no, I've just read the update on Amy's journal. I feel so terribly sad for her :cry: I just hope the Dr's are wrong and this one is a little fighter. Sending her lots of :hugs:
Just read Amy's news, so devastated for her. I really hope that she makes it a bit longer and that the little one is stronger than they think. Can't think of anything else now! It's terrible, just waiting for updates. I hope there is some positive news soon. x
I know its just so sad but I am hoping and thinking positive thoughts for them all!

To think I think I am having a bad day...doesnt even really compair really.

Poor Amy and family...but I recon her wee girl is a fighter.

Positive thoughts for Amy :) I think she's a fighter also...

Finally have booked my 26 week apointment :rofl: so i shall be going on Friday :)
I cant remember the rest of what i was going to say :wacko:
Poor poor Amy... like you guys I sincerely hope the doctors are just preparing her for the worst and everything will turn out fine, she doesn't deserve to go through it all again :(

I hope everyone else is ok and had a good day? Congrats to all the viables xx
Oh poor Amy, hope things are all ok for her and baby :cry:

Really puts things into perspective, how fragile and precious our babies are, like everyone says hopefully the worst case is put to her.

Hope everyone is ok, sending :hugs: to all xx
Poor, poor Amy. It's just not fair :cry: . Come on little one, you can do it! :flower::flower::flower: I have everything crossed for her xxx
I can't even begin to imagine what Amy's going through right now... Fx the docs are wrong about the stats. :hugs:

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