****September Stars!!****

Morning all,
Hugs to Amy and her family. xx

Well. I took out my belly bar for my operation about 7 months ago, and this moning it is infected...yuck, yuck, yuck!!! Perhaps its where my belly is getting bigger and stretching the scar??? I must get out the savlon. I hope it doesn't get any worse.

I am off shopping and taking OH out for lunch. Have a good day. xx
Hi Hannah!

So babythinkpink, does that mean that when I go to Glastonbury in a few years with our LO, we can stay at yours!!! lol xxx
I wish the weather would make up its mind what it wants to do here!!!!

I am off out for a stroll withmy neighbour in a bit!!!

I wonder what Amy has called her little Princess and how much she weighed!!!
Hi girlies

Just nipped on on my lunch break from work to see how Amy was getting on and I can't believe our first little star has been born!! Massive congrats to her and her family and I am willing her little girly to keep fighting. I just knew she'd be a little fighter :flower:

And Happy 26 weeks to F&C and MamaBird!!

I'm quite scared/excited that I'm in 3rd tri in 2 days eeek!

Hope you feel better soon Louise, think there are lots of bugs doing the rounds at the mo.

Anyway, must get back, be back later :kiss:

Wow lots of peeps nealy on third trimester!! Cant believe it:) Congrats to Amy with our first star, fight wee one fight.x

Im having a lazy one today while ds at nursery and hubby at work!! Checking on facebook and watching home and health.......just perfect!!

Anyoen else who wants to add me on Facebook, Andrea Fulton-Prentice.xxx
Ohhh so I have!! Eek only 2 boxes to go!!

Right really must get back now lol

Hey Ladies,

Huge congrats to Amy! Fx she keeps fighting :hugs:

Well, I've officially lost ALL my energy and can't be arsed to do anything apart from sleep. I've taken the dog walking in the hope that the fresh air would wake me up a little, but it hasn't. I'm sleeping LOADS but I'm so tired and lazy!

I hope you all have something more eventful planned for the bank hol than me... My OH will be working all weekend, DD will be at her dads. I'm going out tomorrow night though for a meal and to see sex and the city 2 with my girl friends which should be fab :)

I'm gonna have a cup of tea. I know it has caffeine, but I haven't had anything like it today and I can't keep my eyes open!
A cup of tea never hurt anyone Optical so you treat yourself! I just had a chocolate brownie.. mmmm..
I'm going to have some mint choc chip ice cream that I found in the freezer! It had a little note attached saying 'I hope Lilia enjoys the ice cream, love Daddy'....

I lurve him :cloud9:
Hi all just wanted to come here to be able to shout

I'M VIABLE TODAY :happydance:

Im so excited to have reach this mark!

Although last night i had a bit of an accident! I got my foot caught in the wire for the computer, fell into the sofa which had the recliner bit out so it scraped against my tummy and hit my knee really hard on the floor. I was really worried last night as baby had stopped moving after it happened - luckily by about half 10 this morning he was moving about again!

Didnt help that my boyfriend shouted at me for falling over. I didnt do it on purpose!!
I'm going to have some mint choc chip ice cream that I found in the freezer! It had a little note attached saying 'I hope Lilia enjoys the ice cream, love Daddy'....

Awww. That's so cute!

StarLightxx - Happy V-day! and :dohh: I've tripped over the laptop wire a total of two times this week, but have just stumbled and managed to regain myself before I fell. Stupid laptops!
Glad to hear you and baby are alright though!

Hi Ladies!!

Happy V-Day to all the viable bumps!!!:happydance:

And Happy 26 weeks to you too Ann!! I can't believe we;ve reached double digits! 99 days to go!! :happydance:

I wanted to write a whole bunch of stuff and of course now I can't rememeber! Darn baby brain!!

Emzy! YAY for 3rd tri in 2 days! I can't wait for 3 Tri!! Home stretch! lol!

A BIG congrats to Amy and family!! Keeping everything crossed that LO keeps fighting!

SO tonight DH and I are having a little evening out! We are both off tomorrow so we decided to go to the movies! I am dragging him to see Sex and the City 2!! lol! should be fun!

Anywho, hope all you ladies are having a great day!

Here is my 26 week bump...last picture posted on this thread!!

emma i love watching your ticker :thumbup:
louise that is too cute :cloud9:
mamabird fab bump :thumbup:

:happydance::yipee: xxx
Looking good MamaBird :thumbup:

I really want to see Sex and the city 2! I think my boyfriend would rather claw out his eyes than watch it though. There's no way in hell I'd get him to tag along for that. :haha:
Hope you two have a good time, you'll have to tell me wether it's good or not :D

(mental note for me to stop using exclamation marks in everything I write. Really starting to bug me now :haha:)
Great bump mamabird:thumbup:

Louise, how sweet:hugs:

Fish and chips, your most welcome, but if we open the windows you can hear it and watch it on tv, save you a fortune in tickets!!:haha:
Its a sore subject when your a local, its only immediate houses they goive out tickets to, but if effects a good few miles about, and we are about 2 miles down the road, dread to think how loud it must be there!

Baby is having a right wriggle, not sure what set it off but its going nuts!

The children made their own pizza tonight, and the girls decorated some cakes, tea was easy tonight!

I use way ytoo many exclamation marks to, but i am not annoying myself with it yet, must try smiley faces instead:thumbup:

Back later, lovely afternoon, have to iron the bedding now, then i really look forward to :sleep:
:rofl: I use way too many smiley faces too! :blush: they're good though :thumbup:

I was laying on the sofa earlier watching TV with the controls on my bump and she started kicking and wiggling right under them trying to get them off. She gave one really big thump bit didnt quite manage to knock them off, poor thing :(
I thought to get my camera quick while she was going so I could show my OH but as soon as I had the camera she stopped moving and hasn't done anything since.
I keep telling him that she's moving a lot, kicking and wiggling but whenever he wants to feel or see she stops. I can see when she's older she's going to run riot around the house while he's at work and he'll come home to me having a nervous breakdown and she'll be sitting down, good as gold looking like an angel and he won't believe me :haha:
I have been trying for ages to get baby moving on camera! And finally managed it!! I posted it on my Facebook!

Congrats to Amy! Keep fighting little star!!!
I have just had the lushest stir fry!!! It was so yummy!!! I think this could be a healthy craving to have! Followed it with rice pud and cake haha!! Good job I went for a long walk earlier and still have the dog to walk later.
Aww Louise your dh sounds amazing.. what a lovely thing to do!

Happy V-Day Starlight! Naught oh for telling you off.. he should be making sure you're ok and looking after you. Tut tut.

Brigitte, I am so jealous. I really fancy a night out but my dh has gone round to a mates to play computer games! At least I have my mw appointment to look forward to tomorrow.

Babythinkpink, I bet that is really annoying. And not just the noise but the traffic must be terrible. At least the weather is normally terrible so you don't need to be outside! lol. I've only been once but had a terrible time as we couldn't find my friends who had the tent so ended up sleeping in the open with an old itchy rug we bought from an army store!! We kept getting woken up to be told that someone had stolen our tent.. grrr.. I was meant to go a couple of years back but I split up with my ex and he decided he was going to go so I thought better safe than sorry and stayed away. I actually ended up with my current dh before hand though and we went to the Maldives instead!!! Much better!

I want to catch little fishy on camera but he's apparently camera shy. Hey ho! x

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