****September Stars!!****

Oh & i thought i'd told you to go to bed young lady!!!!! Don't make me come down there & slap you missus! :haha: You know you'll only enjoy it :blush: hahaha
AMY UPDATE. Pictures of Darcie Helena Sivewright are up on facebook :cloud9:
What a beautiful little lady, and what a lovely name! I'm so glad things are ok at the moment and I pray they stay that way!

I have to go to bed, I will catch up with what I missed tomorrow! Love to all! xx
Just a quick hello!
My family is home!!! :happydance:
Oh, I missed them both so much! I swear Simon is taller, thinner, more grown up and less baby-like after only 10 days. And it is so good to see my darling husband, again.
The quiet spell is over. good thing I'm rested up and rarin' to go!

Oh, just so you can all make a mental note NEVER to live in Calgary, it is SNOWING here again. A heavy snowfall warning has been issued and we are supposed to get 20 cm of snow overnight.:growlmad: :cold: :growlmad:

Welcome to the world, little Darcie! :hugs: Amy!
Limpetsmum we have been to Jamie's Italian in Oxford twice as it's about 30 mins from me. The second time I was newly pregnant but didn't know it. I was nearly sick when they bought out a platter of cold meats and couldn't drink the bubbly we had to celebrate my friend's birthday! I thought my dress was just a bit tight!! lol

Welcome to the world Darcie Helena Sivewright!! What a beautiful name. I don't think I ever added myself as a friend on FB, I got totally confused!! lol, but I can't wait to see the photos.

Re the weight thing, last week I was 11 stone 2 pounds. I was 10 stone 4 pre pregnancy and then went down to 9 stone 5 with the nausea from the first tri so since the 2nd tri I have managed to put on nearly 2 stone!!!! AAGGHHHHH!!!!!

Just seen the pics of little Darcie, she is completely gorgeous and perfect xxx

I have been up ages, slept so well last night and feel so revived!!! Feel loads better about myself too!! Stoopid me!!! Someone slap me!!

Not sure what the plans are today, need to hoover up and downstairs, washing already out and kitchen cleaned!!
i dont have amy on my face book :nope: but im soo happy everything is well and her little girls name is gorgeous(sp) :cloud9:

i had an eventfull night last night , was having braxton hicks all day ,
i usuaully get them once or twice , by the time oh came home from work i was sick everywhere and didnt feel right LO was moving but i phoned triage and they told me to come get checked i was on the monitor for ages and everythinig seems fine :shrug: i felt soo stupid :blush:, midwifes told me not to worry and to go up with any other problems, she said id could be a bug or my muscle fibroids rubbing together :shrug:
soo my baby is oficially a menace lol, im not going back to hospital till im giving birth ( well apart for rhesus jags ) lol

hope you are all well xxx
Awwww apaton :hugs: dont worry its better to be checked out :)

Tabs let me sleep in this morning, she only woke up when Robin came in for coffee :cloud9:

Apaton are you tempted to move over yet :lol: I just went looking at 3rd tri and feels quite nice now moving over :rofl:
Darcie Helena is beautiful in the photos, can't believe how well she's doing and sending loads of love for it to continue. xx

I felt abit wetter on Tuesday and when me and the OH BDed :blush: there was a massive wet patch in on the bed afterwards so I rang labour ward and went in. They did a speculum and there were water drips so was told they are pretty sure my waters had gone and admitted me, gave me steroid injections in my leg to mature the baby's lungs and some antibiotics.
The next morning, after being scared the living crap out of thinking i'm going to lose the baby, another doctor comes round says she doesn't think my waters have gone and to have an ultrasound and if everything is ok will be discharged. So they did the ultrasound and the water seems fine round the baby but the thing is what was the big wet patch then if it wasn't amniotic fluid? I didn't really understand and when I asked I was just told all results from tests were fine but I'm not asking if they were fine i'm asking if it was amniotic fluid or not and they don't seem to be able to give you a sodding answer. Anyway i'm home now panic over just abit annoyed by being told my waters have gone and will probably have the baby within a week to being told theres nothing wrong with me and get out the hospital! :shrug:
OMG Cafferine, how scary for you xx Glad you are ok and everything is well xx
Oh wow... Darcie is so gorgeous! And I too love the name. I can't believe that there is a baby that looks like her in my tummy. I have no idea how they fit - especially with Amy's bump... Where was she hiding? She's gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.

My Friend has a baby who is 13 weeks old now but still only around 7lbs, and I see her every other day. She was born at 36 weeks, but had stopped growing at around 25.... She'd been maturing, but not growing, and because of this she was only 2lb 10 when she was born (but could breathe on her own etc). I think that my baby is going to look HUGE to me by the time it's born because i'm used to seeing Lilly now! lol... I look at her at 13 weeks and think 'she's only the size of a newborn' - it's crazy that a lot of the clothes i've bought for bubs would be HUGE on Lilly now... she's still only in first size. She's so good though... she sleeps from 8pm till 7am already, and hardly ever cries; she just kicks away happy as larry in her vibrating chair. It's a good job that i'm pregnant already otherwise i'd be sooooooo broody - i'd be a nightmare to live with! I talk about bubs all the time, i'm sure it does my friend's heads in.

I didn't know that about washable nappies and hospitals Limpets - thanks! I'm guessing it'll probably be easier to get a pack of pampers until I get into the hang of things anyways :thumbup:

I'm going to see SATC 2 tonight and for a meal - i'm excited! There's a group of 6 of us girl-friends who went to school together that are still pretty close. Thing is, since I've been preggers I haven't seen as much of them as they go out to pubs/clubs every 2 weeks. I've seen most of them individually, but there's only been about 4 occasions when we've all met up together and done something that I could do. I was quite the party animal and went out with them all the time before I caught on (if any of you are fbook friends it's pretty obvious from my pics lol) - as dd goes to her dads at the weekends. So i'm missing them quite a bit. I'm also missing going out a little, but not much - I think it's the 'friend' time that i'm missing rather than the drinking. Well, I hope it is, because I'm going to try and breastfeed for 6 months if I can... ruling out the drinking for another half a year!

As for weight, mine seems to have calmed down lately (thank god). I thought it'd never stop - every time I got on the scales they went up! I was 9st 10 pre-preg (size 11 which was really bloody annoying), and i'm now 11 st 1 ish (although I haven't been on for a few days). I seem to have been 11st 1 for about 2 weeks now, which is good :thumbup: Watch this - I'll get on the scales and be 12 stones or something.

Righty, I'm off to try and get my motivation on. I did sooooo well yesterday and mopped, hoovered, polished and everything, so today I just have to tidy (and disinfect the kitchen as the dog came into season overnight). But I wanna get on to my sewing pile (yeah - I still haven't started it). And the washing. And the ironing. And get around to putting that pole-dancing pole and green day tickets on ebay. Does anyone know non-pregnant pole-dancing green day fans who would be interested in them cheap? Might as well ask while i'm here ;)
Cafferine i'm so glad you and baby are ok :hugs: how scary.
cafferine im glad your ok :hugs:

blob yeah ive been sneaking a peak lol , ill wait till you and emma go :thumbup: im too scared to go on my own :rofl: xxx
Bah i'm so impressed we're waiting until exactly 27 weeks :rofl:
Darcie Helena is beautiful in the photos, can't believe how well she's doing and sending loads of love for it to continue. xx

I felt abit wetter on Tuesday and when me and the OH BDed :blush: there was a massive wet patch in on the bed afterwards so I rang labour ward and went in. They did a speculum and there were water drips so was told they are pretty sure my waters had gone and admitted me, gave me steroid injections in my leg to mature the baby's lungs and some antibiotics.
The next morning, after being scared the living crap out of thinking i'm going to lose the baby, another doctor comes round says she doesn't think my waters have gone and to have an ultrasound and if everything is ok will be discharged. So they did the ultrasound and the water seems fine round the baby but the thing is what was the big wet patch then if it wasn't amniotic fluid? I didn't really understand and when I asked I was just told all results from tests were fine but I'm not asking if they were fine i'm asking if it was amniotic fluid or not and they don't seem to be able to give you a sodding answer. Anyway i'm home now panic over just abit annoyed by being told my waters have gone and will probably have the baby within a week to being told theres nothing wrong with me and get out the hospital! :shrug:

OMG - I'd have been in bits. i can't believe they told you that when they weren't 100% certain! Surely they must know how much you'd panic if they said it?!?!?!?!?!

So you've had the steroids? That can only be a good thing I guess. Maybe it was just where you'd bd-ed? And you got to see LO again on the scan? I'd ask your midwife specifically to look at your notes and tell you exactly what it was if she could. If not, I'd wear a pad all the time, and if it gets even a little bit wet then they have something which they can test.

:hugs: to you hun, that must have been awful. So glad everything is ok :hugs:
Morning all,

Cafferinne, how scary, hope things are ok, hospitals are rubbish, you would think they would know! :hugs:

Weight is my biggest 'thing' I think i have issues!
My family are big and I have always been told it was inevitable i would be too, but never been happy with that! At 14 I had eating disorder, but by 21 when i had my first baby, i was a happy size 10-12 and about 9 and a half stone, I piled it on with my first pregnancy and panicked that my family were right and this was the start of me being big! I was too big for size 18 clothes and couldn't even tell what weight i was, I lost it all with aerobics and weight watchers, and a stone on top,(so about 4 stone off) i was a size 8 and 8 and a half stone and felt great, I maintained that as ww reeducated my food habits.
My next baby was born and i only put on a stone and a half, and same with the next, both i found easy to loose after babys were born, my last baby I piled it on again and was a house again when dd came along, but yet again with jogging and diet it came off and here i am now! I put on about half a stone b4 i fell pregnant as i had relaxed my diet to get pregnant, I don't really weigh, I know its going on, but i am growing a baby so not thinking about my hips!
I freak when baby is born, but breast feeding seems to pull my shape back pretty fast, those extra calories you burn seem to really help, so i am chilling with my weight but it has taken 4 previous pregnancies to get here!

Amy, Darcie is a gorgeous name, I must try and find you amongst facebook friends as some of us seem to be on yours and some not! I would love to see some pickies!!:hugs:xx

I am confused too, the names and b&b names confuse me, but then I am pregnant:wacko: My last forum I only had about 4-6 ladies we kept in touch over fb, and it took me ages to think of them by their real names!!:dohh:

Apaton, braxton hicks can be pretty scary, they get strong, I have had a few irregular ones but one or two have taken my breath away and not really been very nice!:hugs:

Time to go, check out fb, see if i can find some more of you, I will say who i am if i send any requests! xx

Oh and Amy's journal! Must check that out too!

Hope everyone has a great day, baby seems to be kicking really high today, but at least has moved away from my bladder!

:hugs: everyone xx

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