****September Stars!!****

baby pink think im ashley donnelly on face book, on this apaton - paton is ohs name and wen we where ttc i didnt want any1 to find me lol x
Yeah I had another scan which seemed fine and I had the steroids which I guess could only be a good thing as a just in case at least I know now that if anything happens the baby's lungs have matured abit. I see my midwife on the 1st June so will see if the test results are on the system, the thing is though when the doctor was doing the internal he took swabs and sent them away to be tested, I just don't know if they were tested to see if it was definitely amniotic fluid or if they just tested for infection.

Welcome to our first gorgeous star Darcie...she is totally gorgeous!:thumbup:
I swear I havent been very emotional the last week but the last few days I have had a few tears for this wee girl...some sad and lately some veyr happy ones...keep strong wee girlie!

Not much happening with us....I think I am finally over my cold...I had a bad vomiting bug a few weeks back and have been bad and not done any blood glucose testing for a few weeks as I got so fed up of them being normal:blush:but have my fasting glucose in 2 weeks so will start again tomorrow...they will probably give me a row but I dont care...I was so so good with Nathan and it never started until 28 weeks with him and even then I managed with diet alone until 32/33 weeks....so I have been good (most of the time) and have felt fine. None of my mw urines have had anything in them....maybe I might go against the rule and not get it this time?:shrug:

Still no word of my 28 week scan....I handed the card in months ago...like when I wa 14 weeks. They said it would be a while before I heard due to the diary not being that far in advance but its only 3 weeks away so maybe I should call...

Right I better go think my boy is waking up.

Oh only 9 weeks left to work (well 8 as I have 1 week off) thats only 16 shifts YAY!

Cafferine - you poor thing that must have been so scary??? Is it possible that you lost some fluid but it has now replaced itself? I've heard of that happening to some people. My friend started leaking fluid at 30 weeks but her waters didn't break completely. Next Thursday she will be 37 weeks so is being induced.

I wish I could see the pictures of Amy's little princess Darcie. I hope someone manages to post some on here for us to see. Amy's been in my thoughts a lot over the last few days. I'm so pleased that she and Darcie are doing well.

I hope we are in for some nice weather this weekend. We have got my SD from tonight until next Wednesday and I know she will get really bored if she is stuck in the house. We are pretty skint at the moment so if the weather is bad it's quite hard to entertain an 11 year old without spending a fortune. At least if the weather is good we can go to various different free parks to feed the deer and have picnics. I might persuade DH to take her to the Science or Natural History museum on Monday as I want to go and see SATC with my best-friend and will be in need of a reprieve by then. It's DH's birthday next week so if we do have a rainy afternoon I will rope her into helping me make a cake for him. Any kind of baking has the propensity to distract her for an hour or so. Unfortunately, she is at an age where the first thing she says when she arrives is "what are we doing this weekend" it's quite hard to explain to an 11 year old that it costs us nearly £150 to go and collect her, bring her back to London and then return her home again (she lives in Swansea) so there is no money left to do expensive things when she is with us. Having had divorced parents myself I do remember that as I only saw my Dad at weekends, there was an expectation that we should be "entertained" when we were with him. My Dad wouldn't play that game though and we had to entertain ourselves the majority of the time, just as we would have done if we were with our Mum. Are there any other September Stars with this kind of step-family arrangement?

Hope everyone has a nice day
I can't stop looking at Amy's pics of little Darcie, she is just so fragile and perfect x
Oh cafferine how horrible, big hugs to you and hope your doing ok now. Thanks for the adds on FB, be great once that rest of bubbas start coming as I know ill prob have a piccy and news on there first as i can get on that from my phone easily! again Im Andrea Fulton-Prentice

Well Ive had a productive morning been in town, got 2 big family weddings coming up, found an outfit in debenhams but it was just me and ds and really his opinion was opening the curtain, throwing my shoes out and saying look at your belly.....not the best!! The best was a skirt and top which will be stretchy enough for the 19th June my cousins but prob not for the 23rd July wich is sil's so be in photos again, blooming dilema!! Im knacked now so goona chill as Im also out with the girls tonight for SATC2!! Im really excited about pop corn and iceblasts how sad!

Darcie is such a lovely name, and she is soo cute, still praying for them every day. Ive paid for my 4d scan just to book a date, cant wait for that either!!! Dh is off all next week was thinking of going away but now managed to think of lots of jobs for him, im sure he will be pleased!!!
hey ladies,

Mind if I join you all? Feeling a bit in limbo between 2nd and 3rd tri just now and it'd be nice to follow all you lovely ladies due around the same time :)

Hope everyone is doing well. xx
Cafferine you must have been terrified! I'm so glad all is ok but it's annoying they can't give you any answers. What Optical said sounds very wise.

Optical, sounds like we were and are the same weight which is reassuring. I was also a size 11.. blimen annoying!

Glad you're feeling better Emma.

:hi: missmousemum2! I will add you to the front page. Another member of team blue.. whoo hoo! We would love to have you join and follow us. It gives us another person to stalk!!

So glad Amy's little girl is doing well. I too can't wait to see the photos.

I had my mw appointment and my usual mw wasn't in so I met two others who were both lovely. Having said that so many things got missed. I'm not sure they checked my urine, I didn't get my form for my pregnancy certificate and health in pregnancy grant and I'm now totally confused as I have to make 3 new appointments all before I go away in just over a week's time.. agghh!!
Morning Ladies!!

First off Cafferine you poor thing!!! I can't imagine having to go through that!! I have no idea how Amy and her LO have stayed so strong...I'd be a mess I think.:cry: But I guess you never really know until you're put in that situation. :-( Happy to hear little Darcie just keeps on fighting!!!

And about the weight thing...I have to say I am a bit relieved that I am not the only one that's a little panicked by weight gain. I used to be VERY tiny...like probably a size 6? And then over the years with school and work I kinda let myself go...not proud to admit that. :blush: I gained about 60lbs (sorry I have no clue how to write this in stones...not even sure what a stone is! lol) Before trying to get pregnant I lost 10lbs...so I was about a size 16 pre-pregnancy. And now so far I have gained 14lbs since the start of the pregnancy. The MW tells me that's a good weight to have gained...but I gained 6 of those pounds in the last 4 weeks alone. :-( She said at that rate I'd gain close to another 20lbs and I don't want that...not sure what to do...especially now that my appetite is back full force! lol

Elmaxie: I too have my glucose tolerance test in 2 weeks. June 11 at 1:30...and TBH I am a little scared. I'm not reallt sure what goes on at the glucose test. I THINK this is just the hour one.... when you drink the stuff and an hour later they take your blood. I think the fasting one is only if you "fail" the first test right?? I am getting the requisition from my MW that week because I have a meeting with her then....so until then not really sure what I am supposed to do.

Anyway, lots to do today so I better get off my bum!! Talk to you all soon!

Hey Mamabird!

My first pregnancy I joined a research clinic within the hospital I am attending due to my weight or really BMI (I scraped in by 0.5 with Nathan) but I found it great as I got my glucose tests done at 14 weeks, 28 and then I think its 36 again...my first one was borderline and the 28 week one was well over. One those ones I was fasted from 9pm the night before, had bloods done and was given a sugary drink (lucozade) at 9am then had to wait until 11am to get bloods done again.

This time my 14 week one was normal:shrug:but it only involved me fasting from midnight the night before and being able to drink water then a one off blood test.
This coming one is a fasting and glucose drink one for me again.

Anyone else have a problem with not feeling full??? I have had the last few weeks a constant hunger...like my tummy is going to rumble and just feeling sooo hungry.
To the point I ate and ate and drank lots of water then woke in the night and was sick because I had packed myself so full:blush:so no I just eat my meal and drink plenty but I still feel soooo hungry!!:shrug:

:wave: Missmousemum2

Welcome back Nursekel, glad to see your back on line

Cafferine :hugs: hope your feeling a bit better, you must have been so worried xx

sarahKa - I can't believe you live in Calgary... my friends have just got back from Canada after being stuck over there during the volcano last month... anyway they were in Calgary and our first gift for the baby is a Calgary Flames hat... I'm assuming they are a good team ? lol

Well I finally decided to sit my exam yesterday, this week has been tough. I don't know if it was adrenaline but Babes was kicking me for most of the night Wednesday.... it was starting to make me feel really sick, it was quiet yesterday I think I tired them out after all my worrying. Get my exam result in late July and really hope that I have passed as I don't want to have to retake in November when babes is 6 weeks old.

I think everyone in the exam hall found me quite entertaining.... 1) you have to have your calculator on the floor for the first 20 minutes, it was fine putting it down but I then couldn't bend over to pick it up again... nearly fell off my chair ... 2) The guy next to me, before the exam started asked the examiner that if I were to go into labour during the exam would he be given special consideration in the marking !! Flaming Cheek

I'm glad to say that I'm now able to properly plan for babes arrival, even got my knitting needles out last night

Hope everyone's having a lovely day xxx

Ooo Mamabird cute bump vid on FB
:rofl: about the guy in the hall :dohh: I took exams when i was pregnant with Tabs, i found it SO hard to revise though :(
Sorry Jellycat I did chuckle about the guy in your exam.

Just seem the update on Amy's journal. Hoping the infection is a little blip and Miss Darcie keeps fighting on. I guess it is inevitable that there will be good and bad days x

I've been getting pains today, think they might be braxton hicks as they feel like they are in a ring around my tummy and back. They are generally ignorable but some have been sharper than others. The hardest thing about being a 1st time Mum is not knowing what is normal and what isn't.
Hi girls

Just a quick one to say hi as am in the car on the way camping so writing on my phone!

Mamabird I've got my gtt on Thursday too and its a 3 hour one . Hope it comes back ok!

Anyway have a lovely weekend girls Xx
Hi girls

Just a quick one to say hi as am in the car on the way camping so writing on my phone!

Mamabird I've got my gtt on Thursday too and its a 3 hour one . Hope it comes back ok!

Anyway have a lovely weekend girls Xx
Hi girls

Just a quick one to say hi as am in the car on the way camping so writing on my phone!

Mamabird I've got my gtt on Thursday too and its a 3 hour one . Hope it comes back ok!

Anyway have a lovely weekend girls Xx

I went camping last week, got a 8m x 8m tent and only me and hubby went. Going camping pregnant wasnt as bad as i thought, but the problem i had is trying to get up every time i slept on the air bed.. it was a nightmare when i needed to go to the loo in the middle of the night it was either waking hubby up to help me up or peeing myself...also hubby had to put the tent up himself while i just sat there watching, which wasnt a problem at all :winkwink:

and yes thats a sofa you see in there, i go princess Kara camping, im such a girl !!!


baby pink think im ashley donnelly on face book, on this apaton - paton is ohs name and wen we where ttc i didnt want any1 to find me lol x

We are friends already, that's what i mean by confusing!!:haha: (Clare Milligan to you!!)

I am going now, sorry not to hang about, but i am trying to get another early night!
Ankles itching and if i don't sleep i will scratch them all night!

Hope everyone is ok, night all, back tomorrow xx

Oh and a stone is 14lb xxx
:rofl: I think hell would freeze over before i ever get into a tent :lol:
I love the idea of camping but I don't know if I could actually do it!! We do caravans at Haven camps at the moment, cos the boys LOVE it! We go again in 5 weeks, I think it will be different this time as I will be minus the alchohol!!

Keep checking on Amy's journal. Good to see although Darcie has not been good today she's fighting like mad. Lots of hugs to Amy and family. x

I've missed loads on here today! Busy old day, am so ready for my bed.

I don't want to be left behind when you all start sneaking over to third tri! I may be noseying in to see what's going on! 2 more full weeks for me yet. x
lol its very confusing !! :rofl:
blob u ready to move yet?? lol ive been spying all day emma will hopeflly join us :)??? xxx

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