****September Stars!!****

not really sure how I missed this when everyone else did it but if anyone wants to add me to facebook my name on there is Laura Gabler and its just a pic of me (red head with freckles).
Morning all, well i'm feeling much better today - pain has nearly completely gone :happydance: and i've not had to take pain killers since yesterday morning. I feel a little achey like i've been in a Rugby scrum but nothing worse than that :thumbup:

Limpetsmum, that's good that your kidneys are ok. Did the Dr's mention you taking time off work at all? I would imagine that this could affect when you want to take your maternity leave?
They didn't mention anything about me staying off work so i'll hoping to go back monday on the lightest duties i can possibly do in my job.

Ladies, how do you feel about clubbing together and getting some flowers for Amy? Me and Becs have had a chat about it, she's at the front of all our minds I think and it would be a nice gesture from the September Stars.. I would be happy to organise? ANy thoughts?
Louise i think that's a lovely idea - i thought about it myself but wasn't sure how it would go down with any officials :shrug:. Maybe some flowers & a plant she can grow on in memory - or money to get something in memory. I know i love sitting out by my little Limpet & chatting to him in the sun :cloud9: Oooh just read the star idea & love that too x

I'm sooo releived my parents are ok - they live where the shootings were yesterday (they are in Frizington) Mom called me as it was happening to say they were ok but had been warned to stay indoors, they promptly got in their motor home & fled the area for a few days :thumbup:. I cannot even imagine what can prompt anyone to inflict that much horror into the lives of complete strangers! I hope no-one else on here was affected, it shook my parents up as they were at the scene of one of the shootings the day before at that same time......if only......scary thoughts!

Well i'm off to spend the day with my friend & her 3 little ones (ages 7, 5 & 6 months :cloud9:) thought i may as well take advantage of being off work as she lives 50 mile away so i don't get to see her much. Have a good day everyone xxx
I think if you folks over the pond want to use Paypal, all you need is an email address but I could be wrong. Do you want me to look in to it? I agree that naming a star would be lovely but I also like the flowers idea. I guess depending on how much people donate we could do both?

Sorry about the trouble you're having Choc. Re the UTI, hope it clears up soon. It sounds like you also have to deal with a crazy ex of your oh. Good for you for not being a door mat to that little girl.

Happy 3rd tri to me and Brigitte today!!! I will still be lurking on both threads though to make sure they stay updated. xx
hey ladies, i have not been on here as much as i would have liked, had alot going on in my life, my nans has been ill but now feeling better but my uncle is seriously ill with pneumonia and has been touch and go plus my grandads anniversary and my angels due date passed so i been an emotional wreck..

sooo sad to read about amys gorgeous girl :( sending lots of love her way.

glad to see every1 else is doing ok, hugs to u all!

Glad you're feeling better limpets! Good sign that bubs will be staying put :thumbup:

Drea - I wouldn't worry about the shingles, unless you've not had chicken pox before. From what I can gather, shingles is caused by the chicken pox virus which lies dormant in your system until you're run down, then develops into shingles as it resurfaces. So, you can't catch shingles... unless you've not had chicken pox. If you have (even when you were a kid) then you should be immune. It's german measles that you need to watch out for in pregnancy :)

Right folks... Hormonal superficial spoilt pregnant woman rant warning.

We have decided to get married next year, in August. We haven't actually booked anything yet as we're still trying to work out or budget (after baby stuff and cos we've just moved in to new house so don't know how that'll affect us). I want to get married next year, before we have another baby - I'd like to bring the family together and have us all have the same name etc.

We won't have a lot of money to spend, so we were thinking of getting married in the village catholic church (OH is catholic), followed by a reception at the local cricket club/pub. We would get married at about 12, then make our way to the club where we would all sit down with sandwiches passed around (no three-course meal to cut costs), have speeches etc. There would be a bouncy castle for the kids, then a band on and a bbq or buffet at night. We have about 80 day guests, and 120 at night. We were planning to do all of the catering ourselves, and decorating the club. My dad has a classic car to take me to church in, and our friends are in a band. I've seen gorgeous dresses online from china for less than £100. Our honeymoon would be a family holiday, maybe to spain/greece for a week with the kids in the week before DD goes back to school.

I'd always thought that i'd have the dream wedding, as i'm only doing it once. But with 2 kids, a mortgage and only one of us working, I was more than happy with what we had thought out. My mum and dad are giving us £1,000 towards, and we thought that we could, possibly, get the entire thing done for about £5,000 inc. honeymoon. Maybe i'm being optimistic, but I thought that was possible, and was getting pretty excited about planning it all properly.

Well, now, one of OH's best friends has said that they are getting married on the 16th July, at a frickin' stately hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are having the dream wedding, 3 course meal, string quartet etc etc. And it's so close to when we were thinking of tying the knot that everyone will make comparisons, saying how rubbish ours is compared to theirs. :cry:

I know I sound spoilt and morngy. I know it shouldn't matter where I get married, cos i'm marrying my OH, but it has really put me in a mood about it all. I was so happy making do with what I could, as it was more important for me to have all our family there and have fun than have it somewhere posh. But Chris' friends from uni are coming, who i've only met once at a wedding last year (another one with doves and stuff). What will they think to my working-class do?

I can't talk to Chris about it, because he automatically gets all arsey about it, taking it like a personal insult that i wouldn't be happy with what we've planned.
I wouldn't mind as much if it were even in June or something - just to give us a bit more time for people to forget. But with only about 4 weeks between them, surely ours will look rubbish next to theirs.

Sorry ladies, I just had to vent. I know I sound really spoilt, and it shouldn't matter, but it does :(

P.s. my mood won't change on here. I'm certainly not 'buzzed' but it's been stuck on that since my V-Day.
Just quickly from me, the star thing doesn't cost as much as it sounds so i think from the sounds of things flowers are totally possible too.


There is also a name a tree on there, and other ideas to look at.

If i could have an address pm'd to me i will send a cheque. I think the star thing is a brilliant idea for our first little star xxxx


Sorry for quick post and no personals, I am sick again today, and my dd has a party i have to get her to for 11, and that is half an hour away and i am still in mt dressing gown, ahhhhh!!!

Back later, caught up and will reply later! :hugs: to all xxxx
Awww optical, what rotten timing! For what it's worth, I really don't think a stately hall wedding with string quartet etc will 'outdo' yours at all, and I'm certain people wouldn't compare.... if anything yours is likely to be much more intimate/personal, and after all, it's YOUR wedding day, you must do it how and when you like! :hugs: If people compare, then maybe they shouldn't be going to your wedding at all!!!

So sorry to hear about people's upsets and illnesses... seems that everyone is 'getting got' at the moment with various UTI's etc.... fingers crossed they pass speedily!

Regarding the flowers/star, if all you need is the email address to pay via paypal then that is fine, I would think that's the easiest way for those not in the UK to donate? And cheques/cash in post are fine too.... I don't want to suggest an amount really, I think it would be better that people just donate what they are able to/happy to and we will go from there, I like the idea of flowers and a star if we get enough money :) I will work on pming people back this afternoon, I have a bad case of nettle sting on a 5 year old to deal with now!! x
Aww optical totally know how you feel but you needn't worry. We got married on a budget last year and I was so worried about how it would compare to friends weddings at stately homes etc. We married at the local ref office and had our reception at a local golf club. we got married late in the day so we didn't have to provide as much food- we had originally planned sandwiches and tea but the golf club offered us an excellent deal on a 3 course meal. A friend made our cake and did the decs, invitations were from a boot sale, ny dress was an Amanda wyatt dress but it was on sale, my sister did my make up, my unclr drove us in my dads car, and we went on a cheap package holiday to majorca for honeymoon. We also had a fantastic candy buffet which the lady did for free as it was her first one and we acted as guinea pigs! The biggest thing was when getting a quote from golf club I didnt say it was for a wedding, I said family party! Places increase the price as soon as they hear the word wedding!

I can honestly say that it was the best day of my life and o wouldn't have changed a thing. Everyone commented on what a beautiful and personal wedding it was, many saying it was the best they'd been to in a long time. So you don't have to spend a fortune to get the wedding of your dreams! My pics are on facebook if you want a look xx
Aww optical totally know how you feel but you needn't worry. We got married on a budget last year and I was so worried about how it would compare to friends weddings at stately homes etc. We married at the local ref office and had our reception at a local golf club. we got married late in the day so we didn't have to provide as much food- we had originally planned sandwiches and tea but the golf club offered us an excellent deal on a 3 course meal. A friend made our cake and did the decs, invitations were from a boot sale, ny dress was an Amanda wyatt dress but it was on sale, my sister did my make up, my unclr drove us in my dads car, and we went on a cheap package holiday to majorca for honeymoon. We also had a fantastic candy buffet which the lady did for free as it was her first one and we acted as guinea pigs! The biggest thing was when getting a quote from golf club I didnt say it was for a wedding, I said family party! Places increase the price as soon as they hear the word wedding!

I can honestly say that it was the best day of my life and o wouldn't have changed a thing. Everyone commented on what a beautiful and personal wedding it was, many saying it was the best they'd been to in a long time. So you don't have to spend a fortune to get the wedding of your dreams! My pics are on facebook if you want a look xx
Sorry about the double post and spelling mistakes, its hard to write on this phone! X
OK, nettle sting all 'doc leaf'ed up.....

Pm replies sent....

I'm on form!!
Ok will double check about paypal.

Optical, our wedding was very different to the stately hall type of chindig but everyone keeps telling us that it was amazing and so personal. It's just about the little touches. We did the same, got married in my local church and then went to the pub afterwards. My family, me and my dh all made village fete games like splat the rat and guess the weight of the cake and the prizes were lollies etc. The flowers were done by my Mum but we kept them in the style of a village fete, so they were really natural looking.. not formal if you know what I mean?

We had afternoon tea instead of sandwiches which went down a storm! The pub agreed to hire out the entire venue for £500 although we did have a sit down meal but that was optional. We could have had a buffet, hogroast or BBQ instead.

If you make it fun and personal, it just wont compare to the string quartets etc. Make it about your love and your family and people will think it's the best wedding ever! xxx
Oh fishy! I thought you got married at Waddesdon Manor! I was jealous that place looks amazing but costs seven grand just to hire! Did you just have a photo shoot there? Did they ask you to pay money for that there? I don't know about weddings everything seems so expensive.

I would like to contribute to Amy but things are abit tight at the moment so might have to wait till my maternity allowance starts coming through.
I wish Cafferine! It was a photoshoot that I did to 'help out' a lady on a wedding forum as she wanted to set up her own business. It was so funny as we kept hearing people say things like 'yeh.. like she's just got married here' and 'did you see her pull the veil out of a bag!'.
Thanks ladies... I've calmed down a little now and have decided to try and get my teddy back in my cot, or so to speak lol.

I love the idea of the village fete games and the candy! Both me, my mum and my friends have chocolate fountains, so I might have a table with just them on too. You guys have made me realise that it will be a completely different style of wedding, and to be honest I don't think that my family would do 'formal' very well anyway. I know i'd much prefer everyone to have a good time, but i'm just worried that people will get bored / go home half way through the day. I dunno... maybe i'm just panicking over nothing. Damn hormones are really making me messed up about the entire thing!

My mum has just called, and said that she'll make seat covers for about 80 chairs if I want - bless her. She knows how important this is to me and wants me to feel all special.

The weather is gorgeous again here today. I got your Pm, thanks louise - i'll send you something by paypal when i've got 5 more mins - just on my way to my mums for DD to go in their mahooosive pool.

Thanks for picking me up ladies :flower:

P.s. painting clay my little ponies is much more fun than you'd first think :)
Here are some photos from ours.

Home made bunting and all our friends decorated jars which we put candles in and either hung from trees or put on the tables...


I printed the table names on our printer and you can just about see the flowers that my mum did..


We did the speeches outside..


Afternoon tea..


Games (tombola)..

Oh and I forgot the most amazing part.. my dh set up a wedding website with a link to paypal so that people could donate money for our honeymoon! We ended up getting most of it paid for and we went to Bali! x
Hi Ladies!!!

I haven't had a chance to catch up with everything, but just wanted to say Happy Third Tri to Ann!!! Her and I both are moving over today!! :)

I will probably go back and forth to stay in touch...but today is moving day! YAY!!


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