****September Stars!!****

Louise, I was just thinking last night about doing just that for Amy! then I pondered on how we'd all be able to get our money together? post? I'd love to do that and I'm definitely in! :thumbup: just let me know all the details

Mrs Jo8, I'm sorry things have been so difficult. If you recall you and I had discussed having similiar situations a good while back. It seems to be a constant source of drama when you have to deal with these so called parents (I use this term loosely in regards to these ladies). My situation has gotten better with my DH's ex, but that was only after calling the police and filing harassment on her. It is ridiculous to deal with all the nonstop drama and I do feel for you honey.
Louise, same goes for you sweetie. I hope it gets better but unfortunately I have come to realize that we can't change these people. They are what they are. All we can do is continue to take the high road and do what's in the best interest of the children.
Congrats to all the viables! I have another week to go before I get there.
Sorry that some of the ladies are feeling so bad. I have been getting no sleep at all due to pain in my lower abdomen that just feels like someone is constantly stretching my skin and ligaments. Then there are the Braxton Hicks that are extremely uncomfortable, followed by the 6-8 trips to the bathroom. I guess on the bright side, I haven't had any of those scary vivid dreams you ladies talk about.
Ooo Menorca sounds lush! :D I'd love to go abroad.
We're just going to the Yorkshire moors for a week then the Lake District for a week after (staying in log cabins both times)
Hiya all,

Wow MrsJ and Louise, and NurseKel, you all have some difficult situations there. I can't imagine any mother being the way those women are with their own children. Talk about selfish. Sounds like all the kids involved know who loves them most (ie you girls) but are swayed by the cash and material goodies offered sometimes. It must be so difficult looking forward to having your babies but knowing the dynamics will change with the psycho maternal-mums manipulating the step-kids. :hugs: Sorry I missed your original post MrsJ, my head has been right up my bum this last week or so.

Hi to the new ladies :hi: and yippee to the viables!! :happydance:

Yippee Becs to putting furniture up! Putting our cot back up is DH's next job, although I am trying my best NOT to nag him about it at the moment.....

Limpetsmum, so glad your kidneys are not starting to play you up again, but hoping to goodness your backache is just that and not something else. I do think there is something to be said for intuition though, and if you feel as though it's nothing to do with early birthing then most possibly it's not!! Let's hope not. :hug:

Wanttobeamummy, I've had some discomfort in my ribs the last couple of days too, I don't think it's too much to be concerned about, just another pain to contend with! :hug:

Thanks F&C for your comment about Aunty Wendy. It was very very sad leaving today. I called in to the shop and got her some flowers to say thanks, and she said it's like losing two sons one day a week. :cry: (she also lost one of her own kids to meningitis last year)... it was all very sad. But we have arranged to meet up for picnic and stuff in the first week of the summer hols, and I will go round with Jack at least once before then for a brew. She also said that she will be happy to step in for the odd not contracted day during the summer hols to help out with the boys if I am fat, tired and need a break! So we will still see each other.

I am more than up for us getting Amy some flowers or something. How do we think we could sort it? I'm happy to be involved though. Lovely idea. :flower:
Hi Nurse Kel - yes I do remember talking to you about your SS back in 1st Tri I think. Lack of sleep, braxton hicks and constant trips to the loo. Not fun, hope things improve for you soon. I had the vivid dreams at the beginning of 2nd Tri. Bizarrely, as soon as I spoke to the MW about them and had my 22 wk scan they went away :happydance: I think I've had a couple of Braxton Hicks - pain followed by my tummy going solid for a few minutes. I'm not entirely sure though, I seem to be getting aches and pains all over the place. I took some paracetemol and went to bed for 3 hours yesterday afternoon and it did the trick. As DH is away tonight I'm looking forward to an early night sprawled across the bed like a starfish.
Log cabins in the lakes sounds amazing!

Asher, that poor woman loosing a little one to an illness. At least she knows she will still get to see the boys.

Louise, should I send you a cheque? xx
Hi All,

Back again, and there has been lots going on here!

I am also on the other side of the step parent and child thing, because although i have a step son, I also have an ex husband who has 2 of the children when he can.
My most precious things go to someone who i split up with for his alcoholism and because I wanted to protect my children over staying with him.
I truly don't understand mothers that don't just want the best for their children, to me that is all that matters:shrug:

F&C, great idea for Amy, will happily donate xx

Becs, wow you sound organised! I am getting the last bits out of the attic to sort out tomorrow, the baby car seat, and anything i can find, it was all away from the rat incident!

Well have another family crisis going on, dd wants to be in bed but my other dd wants to come downstairs and they are both crying about it, so must go and sort, as my 16yr old is stropping around about it!!

Will try and get back but prob not as dh will be out of the shower and want my laptop, the one he bought me and sits glued to so i have to ask if i can use it:haha:

Night all, back tomorrow where i will try yet again to complete a post!!!

Hey Apaton, Yes it was Blairdrummond, had a great day!!!

Wonder if any of you know about this, Ive Just had a call from my dad and he has just been diagnosed with shingles, I was with him Sat & Sun, should I do anything like tell gp or just stay clear for time being, was going to google but me and google get into bad situations:cry:
babythinkpink I would love to take the credit but that goes to Louise and Beks x
I think paypal might be an easier way of doing things, thats if most people have got an account lol!!!
I had thought about paypal, not quite sure how it would work, I do have an account with it..... Alternatively I would be perfectly happy for people to send me cheques and I will sort it... whatever is easiest for people! I don't think we need to put in too much each, from reading the replies and pms I have got I think there are quite a few people wanting to be part of it :)

The best bet might be to pm me if you want to donate and I will reply with my address/paypal stuff (if I can work it out!!), just make sure if we do the paypal thing you tell me how much you will be donating just in case I can't tell easily!! xxx
Hi girlies

I'd love to put towards something for Amy. I don't know if you think this is cheesy, but what about naming a star for Darcie? They do it here https://www.starregistry.co.uk/ and various other places. I just thought seeing as she was a September Star... or flowers would be lovely too! lol

Emzy, I think it's a lovely idea!

Ladies, I am possibly being a bit of a technophobe, but I have a paypal account but wouldn't actually have a clue of what info you would need for you to be able to pay into it?! I've just had a look and I really can't figure it out, so would it be possible for cheques/cash in the post???
That's fine with me, I just PM'd you and said I don't think I have a chequebook but hubby has so I can send one from him lol Just PM me with your address and who to make it payable to and I'll send one x
Emzy I think that's a lovely idea about the star
Louise pm your address and I'll post a cheque/cash. i'm glad you decided against paypal as I haven't got a clue :shrug:

Limpet & Babythinkpink hope your feeling better soon
Hi everyone

I'm also a step parent And two weeks ago my dp sd and I were out shopping sd started to throw a tantrum in a shop she is nearly 3.my dp not very firm with her and I work in a school so I told her to stop bein silly and to get up. She threw her shoes off and just say there I walked off and left my dp to sort it she came and said sorry to me. Wen paying at the till she went to run off I caght her by the hand and asked her to wait fir daddy anyway she said shut up stupid. Then at my patents house she came out with variations of the f word leavin us to expain we had no idea were this had come from. About half hour after dropping her off my dp had a txt sayin y had I shouted at sd and she didn't want me to say anything and if anyone was to dicapline it should be dp. I ended up loosin my temper with her and said if her daghter was gonna be rude to me I would tell her it's wrong and while she is with us she will be brought up how our child will be brought up. She didn't like this and stop dp frm having her lst weekend.

Well iv spent 4 hours on the labour ward today all the tummy and back pain ov been getting is a uti infection. To top things off I was told to take things easy And wen I got home I ended up cooking and cleaning and cos I decided actually no I shouldn't be doin all this I caused a row with dp although we r ok now.

Has anyone had a uti how long till u startedto feel betta cos I'm still in a lot of pain

sorry for the long ranting post xxx
Choc, I am so sorry you have to go through that. I tell you it's so hard when we love our partners so much and have to deal with all the drama. I had never dated anyone with children until I met my DH. He is absolutely perfect for me and I love him with all my heart but there are times I just get so angry that I have to deal with all the nonsense that I had nothing to do with creating. Also, sorry to hear about your UTI. With some antibiotics in your system and plenty of water and cranberry juice you should start to feel better in about 2 days or so. Be sure and get some rest as well if you can.
Hi Choc

I had a nasty UTI a few weeks back and it took 3 sets of antibiotics to clear it! If the antibiotics they have given you are the right ones, you should start feeling better in 2-3 days. I've just had another UTI and it went within 3 days of starting them. I hope you feel better soon hun x
Emzy, your idea is lovely!! Made me cry again actually. Naming a star after our first little September Star...perfect if you ask me!

Louise I will happily contribute...but it make take a little while for my cheque to reach the UK. Just PM me and let me know how much we each need to contribute in order to buy a star for Amy.

I totally agree with Mamabird. I'm in the states so not sure how it would work but let me know please.

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