****September Stars!!****

Here's a few of mine, the one of me in the dress shows the spectacular view in the background. The cake i bought from Tesco (largest one was £12.99 & i just decorated it myself & stacked all 3 sizes!) the little cakes my friend made for me, i made my table plan, place settings & guest book. I also had great fun (your gonna think i'm mad) getting up at 5am to decorate my own room lol

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mrs j08 your wedding venue looks familiar where is it?
All the wedding pics are great.
I got asked by the cashier in sainsburys if i was about to have the baby, i explained that it wanst till sept but its twins, i hope that explained why i look huge .
Hope everyones coping with the heat x
The heat has been a bit much for me today!!After my really bad painful sunburn I am keeping well out of it! I am sure its made me uber sensitive as I am itching so bad on my back, I am sure its prickly heat! I am sat here with a cold pack on it!!
mrs j08 your wedding venue looks familiar where is it?
All the wedding pics are great.
I got asked by the cashier in sainsburys if i was about to have the baby, i explained that it wanst till sept but its twins, i hope that explained why i look huge .
Hope everyones coping with the heat x

I got married at Athelhampton House in Dorset, beautiful place with stunning gardens.

Limpetsmum, your a clever little bunny xx

MrsJ08, we were married 1st Nov 08, your cake looks totally fab xx

Only a quick one, just got back from bbq, it was lovely, had a great time, the kids are all tired out, and will be shortly getting the tucked up, youngest in bed already, and others need shoving in the right direction!
Tooth fairy has to come tonight, but have already said if dd doesn't get to bed the fairy won't come tonight, mainly because she will be fast asleep too, but dd still not in bed so fairies may have to come tomorrow!

Night all :hugs:xx
Hi girls!
Just another quick check in.
This week just about killed me.
I am fried! The teaching schedule is nuts right now and although the kids are generally lovely, they still take a lot of energy and I'm doing double programs everyday. I am just completely pooped.
I plan to putter around all weekend and get my energy back.
Hope all are well!
Grrrr I get so annoyed with everyone saying "ooh I bet this heats hard for you?" No actually, I love summer, this is what I class an ambient temperature (I should have been born a reptile or something lol)
everyone's wedding pictures look so lovely. I got married in February but we didn't really make a big deal of it. We had already been living together for 7 years so we just figured it was about time we made it legal and went to vegas lol as I was already pregnant at that point it just made for a very long trip, but are having a delayed wedding reception the 27th of this month so I will share some pics after that's done and over with. I was
Grrrr I get so annoyed with everyone saying "ooh I bet this heats hard for you?" No actually, I love summer, this is what I class an ambient temperature (I should have been born a reptile or something lol)

I totally agree im being asked this every day, i went out with a friend yesterday who wanted to find me a nice chair in the shade, i sat in the sun because ive always liked it :haha:
Grrrr I get so annoyed with everyone saying "ooh I bet this heats hard for you?" No actually, I love summer, this is what I class an ambient temperature (I should have been born a reptile or something lol)

I totally agree im being asked this every day, i went out with a friend yesterday who wanted to find me a nice chair in the shade, i sat in the sun because ive always liked it :haha:

I am not finding the heat any different from any year, I know from seeing pregnant women thinking b4 it must be harder to be pregnant in the summer, but I am finding it the same.
I am not a summer person, I get heat rashes but I am actually enjoying the warmth, and so is bump! Less clothes is nice.
I have had 'you must be feeling the heat' but my honest answer is its no different from any other year, and like genies girl says its just nice at the moment, not what i would class as really hot.

Hey how r we all I'm absolutly shattered all the time Nd iv been off for half term this week oh well only 35 teachin days left. My oh just gone to pick up his dd let's hope she behaves this weekend lol. He wants to take her to the farm this weekend but iv only just thought can I go to a farm with all those animals bein pregnat didn't think wen I agreed to go lol

Have. Good weekend every one x
Hi ladies

I agree, I'm not really finding the heat any different to any other year, it does make me feel tired sometimes but it would do that regardless of being pregnant. I too am enjoying the sunshine and wearing floaty dresses and sandals is probably the most comfortable attire for pregnancy.

Not sure what we are up to today yet, we are waiting for my DH's uncle to arrive as he called us last night to say he was popping over. I'm hoping whatever we do might involve afternoon tea and a large slice of cake!

I've just been going through the babies stuff and counting how many things I have in each size. I guess I had better wash them soon, although I think I might wait until after my 28 week scan.

I went to get my baby bath yesterday but it was out of stock in John Lewis - I knew I should have bought it when I saw it a couple of weeks ago. Much to my Mum's disapproval I am going to get a Tummy Tub. Mum doesn't like them - a bit too unusual and modern for her taste, but I've watched the video's on "You Tube" and fancy giving it a go. Anybody else having one??

It's my birthday in a couple of weeks and I'm thinking of using my birthday money to treat myself to a Lin&Leo Changing Bag. I figure it's going to be my handbag for the next couple of years so I'd like to have a nice one.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend x

Well I had a crap nights sleep, couldn't get comfy and my back was itching like mad!! So got up early cleaned the house form top to bottom, took the dog out and then went back to bed for 2 hours!!!

Off out this afternoon for a nice cold frescatto!!!
Hey girls!

Just got back from our 4D scan and it was amazing!! She is so cute and just would not keep still, wriggling all over the place! I've posted some pics here on a separate thread if you'd like to see: https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-third-trimester/344045-our-baby-girl-4d.html

I've also put the 30 odd pics we got on facebook so you can have a look if you have me on there too. We also got a dvd of the scan which I've already watched twice!!

Hi ladies. Hope everyone is doing well. I have to say I am definitely feeling the heat. I normally love summer and you can't keep me indoors but...not now. Of course it probably has a lot to do with the fact that here in Texas it is 95 degrees but feels like 107 degrees with the heat index and the humidity. UGH! Not to mention, I developed a horrible toothache on Thursday and now am taking antibiotics for an infected tooth. The pain is horrible but at least now I think it is slacking up a little. I will be so excited for next Thursday when I finally hit my V day. I feel so far behind everyone else. LOL
Just had a look at your pics Emma, they are gorgeous xxx

I am sure Hope has had a growth spurt, feels like she is getting a right little porker and my bump is deffo getting bigger!!
Emzy, those pics are soooo cute!

Lovely weather again this weekend. :thumbup:

I was going to be buying my own pram, I'd see one I liked on sale for £605 and a few others for a bit cheaper but my mum sprung that she'd bought me a second hand one from a carboot sale for me. I was a bit miffed at first, I didn't get to see it and say if I liked or wanted it and sorry to sound ungrateful but said I probably wouldn't use it and would buy myself the one I'd seen BUT she did a real good job, was so surprised. I think it's lovely! it turns in to a pushchair at the front for when baby is older and all sorts.


And....it was £20!!
I love seeing all these wedding pics! They're gorge :thumbup:

Thanks so much limpets - I can't believe how organised you were! I'm a little stressed by it all already - and we're a year away!

I've decided to give myself a 'day off' from thinking about the wedding today, and we went to York for the day instead. It was lovely, even though we had to carry the umbrella around with us in the blazing sun because there was a really heavy downfall! I had tea and the most amazing slice of victoria sponge EVER outside in the sun.

Thing is now, I'm shattered, and DD is due to come home any minute. I hope she's tired too.

Emzy - you're girlie is soooo cute! I've seen all the pics on FB - they're amazing.

Bekklez - that pram is gorgeous, and look at the wheels - it's brand new! What a bargain! And I thought mine was good for £150 - your mum sure knows how to shop!

Hope you've all had a fab day today :)
Hi everyone

I just posted in the all new 3rd tri thread :happydance:
I thought i would pop in here.

I'm glad to here your all well and i cant believe how quick the time is going.
Pretty soon you will all be in the 3rd tri and i'm so excited for you :happydance:

Love to you all

Hi girls!
Simon is napping, we've been puttering around getting small chores done, and I can finally sit down with a cuppa and bnb!
I missed a bunch of wedding fun, it seems!
I did a quick skim, but there are just too many posts to catch up on everything (chatterboxes! :)), so forgive me if I just sort of start from here!
Bekklez - that pram is wonderful! And a brilliant deal! I love scoring those kind of bargains! Your mum rocks! She just saved you $1000 CAD! :) Stroller prices are getting to be absolutely obscene. I used ours a lot when Simon was a babe, but by 6 months, he was big, strong and wiggly, and we switched to using a backpack carrier (also a secondhand score). That suited him a lot better. And now, he just wants to run everywhere.
So many of those big ticket items of baby gear don't even get the use you think they will. I've tried to be a baby gear minimalist for that reason, and I still feel like we are drowning in carriers, bouncy chairs, etc. :nope: It's hopeless!
Baby is so very strong and kicky these days. Husband is able to feel regular kicks and baby seems particularly excited when he hears Simon. Sweet little bean. :cloud9:
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
It's not snowing anymore, but mostly cloudy and overcast and pretty cool. At least most of our flowers did survive the snow last week. That makes me a lot more cheerful!
The garden is a disaster again, though. I need to get out there in the mud and battle those weeds.

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