****September Stars!!****

Hi girls, sorry I'm not here much, still half term here so I have three children to entertain, plus hubby is home from work so my pc time is limited.

Roll on Monday lol!

I made viability omn friday! Feels good! :)

Chat more on monday.xxxx
Bekklez - Lovely pram, what a bargain !!!

Limpetmum et al - I'm the complete opposite I'm struggling with the sun at the moment. I find the heat unbeareable it makes me feel so sick.... I've never been much of a sun worshipper

Emzy & Elphaba - Congrats on your 4d scans and :blue stork: elphaba

Well haven't been on here for a couple of days as I've been so busy with work / family. I'm slightly unsure this week as my kicks haven't been as frequent nor as strong, but I think after the stress of last week, baby is just having a slow period... I only starting feeling the kicks a couple of weeks ago as I'm a chunky monkey, so I haven't got a 'normal' pattern at the moment anyway. Got my MW appointment first thing Tuesday morning so going to tell her about it all and see what she thinks.

Meant to be going car shopping today as I need to exchange my convertible for a more sensible car (thinking Ford Focus), but we ended up having a long day yesterday as we spent the day with my sister whose decided to call of her wedding... I'm heartbroken for her at the moment. As nowhere near us have a car I really want we have decided to take it easy today instead. Think I might do some knitting

Louise just Pm'd you

Hope everyone is having a nice day xxxx
It's a sign, no sooner did I write my post the baby started kicking away happily.... and for the first time I saw my belly moving :dance:

Oh well glad I didn't get too worried
:wohoo: Jellycat!

Somehow - I always find writing on here about baby being quiet or other things makes the baby start kicking and moving around soon after. They must know we're talking about them :haha:
I am totaly freaked out by the 3rd tri too.... I keep coming back in here it's too scary!!

Bekklez your pram is lovely, what a total BARGAIN!!

Elphaba Congrats on your little boy! He looks like a right cutie too x

Becs Your pricky heat sounds ouch!! I have this horrible sore rash under my boobs, I think where they've got big and I have been sweating (how glamorous!) and that's all itchy and sore too, driving me nuts!

Happy 25 weeks babythinkpink!

Happy 27 weeks Louise!! Oh and I will sort out the money for Amy soon I promise, I need to try and figure out paypal and if I can't I might have to get your address lol I'll let you know

Happy v day for last friday Snoozie!

I tell you what, baby has been going nuts the last few days! The sonographer yesterday couldn't believe how much she was moving around and didn't believe me when I said it's been like that all day every day for a good few days! It's lovely, but very tiring as I hadn't been able to sleep very well as she kicks all night and I have to get up for a wee at least 4 or 5 times in the night at the mo. The sonographer said she was head down yesterday so that must be why I keep needing a wee!! I was so tired last night I went to bed at about 10pm and slept til 11.30am this morning!

Asher those photos are lovely!

MrsJ your wedding sounds so romantic and atmospherical! We got married on a hot day and I was sooooo hot in my dress. It made me have to get changed in to my jeans at about 11am!!!

Ahh.. great minds limpetsmum!

Genies girl, people keep asking me if I'm having twins! It must be nice to say yes and explain your bump.

ooh Laura I can't wait to see your photos.

I'm not suffering too much in the heat although my feet and ankles swell up and that's quite painful. Also I get worried about the baby so don't stay in the sun too long incase he's getting too hot.

Emma those photos are amazing. Did you cry? I think I would have!

Bekklez that pram is lovely.. you have a clever Mummy.

Will catch up with the other posts later! Too many in one sit! x
Hey all!! Hope we are all well, its a bit cooler here thankfully!! Im usually ok with the heat as we dont get much in Glasgow:haha: Well i had a lovely birthday yesterday, very quiet and relaxing it was just perfect actually!! I got some nice pressies, Im going to have a lovely bath later with my new bath oilds and take in my new book then put on my new jammies lol. My dh & ds took me to TGI Fridays and I had 3 amazing courses and my dessert (the best hot choc fudge EVER!) was served with a candle and all the hosts sung happy birthday :blush: Mason abso loved that tho!! I then pooped into our local pub to see my dad and there was a fundraiser on for injured and retired soldiers, and a few of them were there, there was entertainment on and I also got a happy birthday in there it was sung to me with an accordian lol(old mans pubs are the best!). I had a few visitors and then relaxed and watched BGT with some munchies, just PERFECT!

Beks what an amazing pram for £20!! It looks brand new!!! Congrats on all viable and 3rd tri movers, eek!! Just loving all the 4d pics, I have paid for mine at baby show I just have to call to arrange date, not sure when to do it tho!! I got it at about 28 wks with Mason I think.

Louise I am just posting the money, dh is posting in morning so you should get on tues/wed. Loving all the wedding talk, could do it all again!! I have 3 weddings in the next 8 weeks so might not feel the same after that lol! I know I have forgot loads of things I will catch up again later!!!
Hi All xx

Done our Sunday shop, but not much fun with the children asking fro everything and 2yr old wanting to walk not go in the trolley!
But spend was low so that was good, I wasn't picking everything up at random because i was watching the children, my youngest puts everything she can reach in the trolley so i do have to watch for that one just in case i go through the till with loads of stuff i didn't want, the only thing she got past me was a multi pack of Mars bars, but i let her off those:haha:

Baby has been really active again, seem to have a day every now and again that is very busy baby, and it is not comfortable, not quite sure how baby is lying but i get a leg or arm across the front of my tummy, then back again, then again, and it gets quite sore after a while, cute to watch but feels all across me at the moment, will look forward to head down so the space makes a bit more sense in there!

Drea, Glad you had a lovely Birthday, sounds lovely, and yum for the fudge pud! :hugs:

Emzy, don't be freaked out by the 3rd tri, it will be ok once we are all over there!! And the funny thing is as we all wait for 27 weeks the babies will all come along when they are ready! My ds was due in the Feb and didn't show up til mid March, so would have kept you guys hanging on for that one! I am hoping for on time baby here, but some first time Mummies may be late and could be delivering the same time!

I have a camera shy bump, it wriggles like mad, and as soon as i put the camera on it stops!!

Snoozy, we finally have laptops for most of us in the house as the children have one to share, and the eldest got his own, so it is just dh i fight for the laptop, and that is enough! School starts tomorrow!

Jellycat, hope your sister is ok :hugs: Yay to baby wriggling again!:hugs:

Just managed to get wriggle bum on camera, will not have to figure out how to get it on here! It shows the leg or whatever going across my tummy, looking again i would say it has to be a leg its too big to be anything else.

Back later :hugs:

My dd just said, 'baby in there, waiting for her to come out' (she always says her) 'waiting for her to get bigger, and bigger and bigger!'
Um yes, not too big thanks!:haha:
Hi girls!
Enjoying a very nice day outside with my boy. We have planted some sunflowers and washed rocks (Simon's very favourite activity :dohh:) and played all sorts of silly Simon games.
Now he is quite tuckered out and collapsed on my lap with his bottle. I'm hoping he takes a nice long nap while I get the rest of the gardening done and do some photo editing.
I need a relaxed day to really be rested enough for another grueling week. I am counting down the days until our school programs are done. The kids are great, but so overly excited and I just feel so drained after having dealt with them all week long. :sleep:
Gardening is a nice change of pace! :)
Hi Angie, so nice to hear from you! Hope you are doing well.

I agree about the 3rd tri. My worries seem petty there as everyone else has big concerns ie labour etc. I feel like I'm 'playing' being pregnant compared to them!

Becs I got prickly heat until I used P20. Have you tried it? It's AMAZING!!! You apply it only once and it lasts all day, even if you have a swim! It doesn't clog your pores like normal lotion does as it's alcohol based.

Happy 26 weeks Asher!

Elphaba, that is a lovely pic and congrats on your little boy!

Louise, have you got my cheque yet? Also if you need more let me know and I'll add a little more to the kitty. Thanks for organising it all Louise.

Hi V-Day from Friday Snoozie!

Jellycat, Ford Focus' are great cars and very practical. I bet you feel bad about loosing the convertible though and yey to seeing the baby move!

Happy 25 weeks babythinkpink!

Happy birthday for yesterday Drea. Glad you had a good one.

Been busy making juices today as my sister-in-law gave us one that she wasn't using! It's amazing but we've already used about £12 of fruit!!!

Louise my money has made it to the envelope but not the postbox - promise it will be winging it's way to you tomorrow! Grr I am crap sometimes!

Hope we're all okay today, can't wait til we're all over on third tri now. Not long.

We've had a lovely day today. Swimming with the boys, I did my swim and felt great for it. There was a lady in the swim lane who was 8 months preggers and struggling to swim, and she said she thought I was amazing! Woo hoo! That made me feel good for the first time in ages, and also made me feel glad I have kept up the exercise as much as the SPD lets me. :thumbup:

We then went to B&Q and got a few bedding plants, which DH and the boys helped me to plant. That did my back no good, but our little back garden which is tiny, now looks quite nice.

I think I might do some of my knitting tonight. DH thinks I am very twee with my knitting needles!! :haha:
Good evening everyone....hope ur all well! Love the pram bec and those 3d scan pics are amazing ladies!!

My LO had a real wake up call last night at about 2am...Chris n i were both fast asleep in bed with the window open as it was really muggy, then the loudest thunder you have ever heard started....Chris n i both literally jumped out of bed, i ran to the window thinking something was going on outside then realised what it was!! Poor baby bump was going wild, kicking like mad and spinning around!!! x
I am so glad its cooled down!! I bought some e45 itch relief today and its working so far, but as I have scratched so much my back is really sore! I am deffo gonna make a Dr's tomorrow!!

I really must get my money sorted for you Louise, I don't know where the time has gone!

Hope the 4d scan went well Drazic!!
....oh my goodness im 27 weeks on Tuesday!!!! Arghhh...i dont want to move over either!!!!! x
We will all be fine once we are there, anyway, we have little choice girls, these babies are growing and will want out in about 13 weeks or so!!

Had a nice day, children bathed and ready for bed, dh in shower, all on target for a reasonably early night!

F&C I may get that cream tomorrow, my feet and legs get pretty bad, although weather is supposed to cool down from now on in.

Asher, we have a small garden too, and it is full of little tubs and flowers, it is really pretty this year as the girls have been planting with me and we are waiting on our strawberries now! Really must get some tomato plants in some grow bags a bit quick!

Well I am off now, hope everyone has a nice night, back tomorrow,:hugs:

Louise, hopefully you will get my cheque soon, thanks again for organising everything xx

:baby:thinkpink xx
Hi ladies. Hope all is well for each of you. I am still battling this awful toothache and hoping I can get in with the oral surgeon tomorrow to have it pulled. I need relief. The Cade bump is moving around like crazy (as usual) despite me having to take Codeine for my tooth. It's a bit of a relief to know it hasn't knocked him out like it does me. LOL
I know what you all mean about 3rd tri. I have snuck over a few times to read some threads but so many of the ladies are announcing births.....Aaaaah! I keep forgetting that our times are right around the corner. I have told DH that we are picking a nursery theme by tonight and ordering it b/c so far we have done nothing towards getting ready and I feel like we are slacking.
Congrats to all the ladies who have hit V day recently and the wedding pics were beautiful. You ladies make me jealous with all the gorgeous castles and other places you had your ceremonies.
Hi ladies,
I've had a bit of a crappy weekend :cry: i was meant to go to the crop on saturday 10-5pm but had a row with DH & ended up tellin him to move back to his parents :cry: i couldn't face being around people so i came back & rowed with him some more. Then i cried for about 4 hours, then we agreed a truce but i still cried randomly. I decided to re-try fitting the car seat only to find out my back seat belts are not long enough (so i cried again) it fits in the front but i have air bags so i can't use it in the front, not sure what i'm going to do :shrug: DH said he will look into replacing the rear belts with longer ones but i hate to think how faffy that will be.
Today was better, spent the day in the garden getting it all mowed, strimmed, last of the plants potted etc. Got housework & a pile of ironing done between us. Then we had a bbq (just the 2 of us) & i'm just going for a bath now to ease my muscle aches :dohh:.

I'm just uploading some photo's of the garden & the tortoises onto facebook........i have also snook a photo or two of me in the garden looking hot & fat :haha:

Well back to work for me tomorrow, i still have the pain in my kidneys but it seems to come & go :shrug: i have another check up appointment witht he consultant on wednesday so they can monitor us more closely :thumbup:

Emzy - i saw your piccies on facebook, thay are amazing & i bet the video is even better (although 4D still freaks me out a little lol)

Choc - probably too late now but i know you should avoid lambs due to a virus they carry but not sure about anything else - i'm sure the farm would know.

Bekklez you have a Jane' too :happydance: i have one (but a 4 wheel one) they are awesome! I can't believe she got it for £20 bargain! What car seat do you have for it? I do believe you can only fit the Jane ones too it but they do quite a few, you can also change the fabric covers for them if you get bored - ebay have loads!

I have a camera shy bump, it wriggles like mad, and as soon as i put the camera on it stops!!
I have a person shy one! Whenever i try to feel or get DH to feel he stops moving :growlmad: same when i look, i olny catch a few kicks then he stops grrrrr lol
:hugs: Limpetsmum

Yes we will all be moving over very soon its so exciting, nervous, crazy oohh its just EEK!!!

I got the e45 itch relief from my gp which was fabby, saved me from buying! (love this year free lol)

Glad you had a nice day Asher! Its so good when you feel good:)

Awh nurse Kel how sore!

Im just out a lush bath with all my new products and new jams and slippers on:) Hubby is working tonight, finnishing at 10 but Ive had him at home for a whole week which has been super!

Well maybes bed time for me soon, ds has started getting up through the night, not sure why as he has always been a great wee sleeper, right through since he was 7 weeks. Hopefully get him out of it before bubba comes!.x
Oh Drea, the new jams and slippers sound lovely after a lush bath. I am so jealous. Of course it is only 4 pm here so not quite bed time yet.
Limpetsmom, I am so sorry you're having such a hard time of it. I hope things get better for you soon.
Babythinkpink, you are so right...hahaha. These little stars are coming out regardless if we are ready or not.
Louise, I have no idea what is going on with the money hold til the 9th with paypal. Hopefully it won't create a problem for you. You are such a doll for organizing all of this.

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