****September Stars!!****

Thanks angie sweetheart, hope you are doing okay :hugs:

I am not so sure about third tri, I feel like the youngest in the class again! And not too many people answered my 'is diarrhoea normal? TMI question. They are all lovely, I just feel weirded out by it!

Got my 4d scan tommorow, so nervous and excited :)
Hi All,

Mrs J08, I really must sort out what i have too, I think i have loads but then i look and its not as much as i thought and i expect i have a load of stuff all in the same size and nothing else!:hugs:

Emma, you lucky thing seeing baby so clearly, lovely pics, still really want a 4d scan done, still thinking about it! :hugs:

Bekkles, No Way!! that pram is gorgeous, and Jane is a really good make, and £20 what a steal, sounds like a deal made by a husband while the wife was off getting a coffee!!!! It looks brand new, I can imagine what pictures you were thinking up when your Mum mentioned it!!

opticalillus, How are you hun, hope you have had a great day!:hugs:

Angie, I was a bit of a late comer on here, it is sweet of you to pop by :hugs:

Well been a nice day, dd decided she didn't want her nappy on today, and we have potty 5 sofa 1, not bad really, for her choice, I was not ready to start tbh, i have been saying i will wait til she is ready, but telling us 'nappy off' is i suppose as clearly as she can get and Mummy just has to get to grips with her baby being ready to be potty trained!

Done a mountain of washing, and ironing, just glad its all done.
Just sat down to bgt, and not overly bothered by it, very strange really I watch these things to the final then don't care who wins!!

Big waves to everyone, I think with the third tri movers the second tri is getting easier to keep up with!!! Will be moving soon, then back up to the speed of us all chatting away!

Time to go, back tomorrow, big :hugs: everyone xx
Ha ha Drazic didnt you say that about 2nd tri - you will be fine. - I'm going to have to pop by to see your pictures of the 4d scan - how exciting.

Only here for a quick message. I am really glad that most of you ladies are handling the heat so well and its not even an issue. We have been having unseasonable cold weather, which I love but now its warming up. I hate the heat anyway and living in California we get such high temps that it just drains you. Yesterday was only like 90 degrees (think that's 32 Celsius) so not really all that hot and I was not liking it at all so hate to see when it gets to the 110 - 115 mark ugh.
I am not so sure about third tri, I feel like the youngest in the class again! And not too many people answered my 'is diarrhoea normal? TMI question. They are all lovely, I just feel weirded out by it!

I have to say I agree! I was in there a few times and felt like I was drowning in labour questions, birth announcements...and I posted my very first 3rd Tri bump pic in there Thursday and everyone just ignored me too!? So I went back to 2nd tri to read stuff in there!lol Hopefully it gets better. :shrug:
Evening all!!!

That pram is lush Bekks!!!!! Your Mum is an awesome deal maker!!!!

Drazic I hope your 4d scan goes brilliantly, can't wait to find out how you get on!!

My bloody prickly heat is giving me jip, I am sat here with a flippin ice pack on my back!!
Hi Angie!! Good to see you, how are things with you?

Officially 26 weeks today :happydance: nearly at third tri, although I agree about the scariness of the place!! Lots of labour questions and people having babies! Eeeeek! And I've done it twice before! :haha:

Sounds like everyone has had a productive day!

Drazic you sound like me with the pelvis/back/hip thing. I have good and bad days, and the bad days stink.

Bekklez I love your pram! It's like mine! I had one originally for Archie almost 6 years ago, and still use it as a pushchair for Jack. I got a new one of ebay for this baby cos I love it so much. Not so neat folded down, but fab for pushing, and really comfy for baby. :thumbup:

Fab scan pics emzy! She looks so gorgeous! Bet you can't wait to meet her in a few weeks time now!

Good luck Drazic for tomorrow and your scan, enjoy every second!

Babythinkpink go your little one! Jack made a similar "nappy off" decision at 2 years, 2 months, and there was no going back once we had started as he's a stubborn little rotter!!

We had a nice day, topped off with a trip to the airport viewing area to watch the planes (one of which was the in-laws flying off to Cyprus (cue two very excited little boys!), then off to the park, then called in at a shop to get magazines and treats. A nice day. :)
3rd tri is scary!! Its like its finally getting really real!!
Its like up until that point its been a dream and then wham!!! Reality!
Definitely, it's lovely. Time to be nesting and getting ready for becoming a bigger family! Such a nice thought. We'll be more tired but happy to be tired. Can you tell I am in soppy mode tonight. My hormones are ruling EVERYTHING at the moment!
Hope everyone is enjoying the weather and isn't wilting too much.

I had my 4D scan today and am pleased to announce we're expecting a little boy! Can I have a little 'blue' pic added next to my name on the first page? :blue:

Here's a pic from my scan - Im in love already :cloud9:. I'll put some more on another thread as well as in my journal.


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Elphaba - I just came on especially to check your journal! Congratulations on your gorgeous little man :happydance: I'm so pleased he wasn't shy, really happy for you xxxx
Aw congrats Elphaba on a little boy!! They're wonderful!! xx
Hi Asher hun
yeah i'm really good now thanks - just starting to save for ttc - i'm aiming (and there is a very good chance of getting there) of ttc at christmas like before so i can get a september star 2011 :kiss:
I can't believe I have been up for an hour already!!! Damn prickly heat and scratching!!! I think a trip to the Dr's is in order tomorrow, I cannot carry on like it, I am seriously sleep deprived and so is Ian!! A cold flannel only works for so long, I have put all I can on it!!! Its only really bad at nights and first thing in the morning!!!

Congrats on the :blue: Elphaba!!!!!
Thanks girls, glad it isn't just me! Guess it just all seems real and scary. Why would they care about my poo problems when they are giving birth :rofl:

Will let you all know how the scan goes later. She is wide awake now so will probably sleep later and turn her back to the scan, she tends to misbehave at them! :rofl:

Sending love to you all :hugs:
drazic enjoy your scan x

Bekklez your pram is stunning id be very proud of it x

Back to work after half term for me tommorow, its my last 6 weeks for a while so i cant complain x
Good Morning All,

Hope everyone feeling ok today!

Yes reality hits me when i am sorting out baby stuff, tha't when i start to realise this wriggly thing is gonna come out and is a real baby, and this is my 5th!
I can't wait to do stuff, and the more i think about it the more i can't wait.

Elphaba, Congrats on your little boy, he looks so sweet, just love those 4d scans!

Drazic, Hope baby behaves for the scan! xx

Genies girl, we have those 6 weeks we are counting too, luckily we have a hoiday in 4 weeks, so i am counting down those 4 first, then 2 more school weeks then summer holidays so no long school run, then the children change schools and I can waddle til baby is here, then pram push:happydance:

becs, I will ask the midwife, but i am pretty sure all my itching is prickly heat, I get it every year as soon as the weather gets slightly warmer, but this year I have not taken anything for it, i get it on the tops of my feet, hands, arms, and if i scratch it needs more and i could keep going til it bleeds, so i try not to touch it at all, like you have had the ice packs etc, something i remember from childhood having ice packs on my arms!! Its not so bad now i am an adult but most prob because i have been able to take stuff for it usually!

Anyway, hope it is ok weather today as i have more washing to get out, it looks ok at the moment but it is supposed to rain later.
Dd has decided 'nappy on' today, but again not sure how long it will be for as I think she is just tired, she is grumpy today, she is funny because she gets in real strops! When i was pregnant with her if i bent over to get stuff out of the cupboard she would have a good old kick, like she was moaning and i used to say we have a right stroppy madam on our hands here, and she is!:haha:
She has just told my 10 yr old he cant sit on the sofa with her because her books are there, he has sat on the floor, and knows better than to argue with a 2 yr old!!:haha:

Hope everyone has a great day whatever your up to today :hugs:xx

Oh and YAY 25 weeks today!!
Hi everyone!!

27 weeks today wooooooooo!! I am no longer 'supposed' to be in here, I am merely visiting hee hee!!!!!

Becs, sorry about your itching :( It sounds really pants, hope you get some joy with the doctor!
Bekklez, what a gorgeous pram!! What a bargain!!
Drazic looking forward to seeing your piccies, hope you have a great time at the scan!
Emzy and Elphaba your piccies are gorgeous, congrats on a blue bump!!
Forgotten everything else... really going to have to get that notepad! I always feel so guilty when I re read after posting and I've missed something!!

By the way ladies, if anyone else is wanting to make a donation towards Amy's gift can you please PM me, quite a few people seemed interested but there isn't much at the moment, I just wanted to remind you :) I intend to start looking at options during the week, ideally I would like the 'gift' to get to her by next Friday :)

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