****September Stars!!****

Hi ladies!! Thank you for those people who have sent money :) We have £50 at the moment and lots more promises for money so hopefully will be able to get something lovely for Amy :) Any more, PM me!!!
Ooh lovely bump want2beamummy! And I posted in your other thread too, as we have the icandy cherry too! I keep pushing it around the house lol x

It's a lovely pram isn't it, so light as well for how it looks. I had my changing bag in it and everything pushing it around our lounge hehe :haha:
OMG i only realised i'm into double digits & have been for a good few days :dohh: how exciting :happydance:

kaidie-rae amielia dawson
Oooooh DH wants to call ours Kaidie (but spelling it the celtic way cei'de) and i want to it Amelia if it's a girl.....hope we have a boy - at least we can agree on that one :haha:

I think we are so extra sensitive when pregnant, and no one else seems to see that because apart from the obvious bump we look the same, people should know pregnancy makes you unstable! Sending anyway, nice pregnant sympathetic, I know how you feel ones!
:hugs: straight back at you hun, i know - it makes you super sensitive doesn't it.
I did have a car seat and not enough belt, i had to put it in upright and push it down tight, it works but obviously bit difficult with baby in the seat, you could try this method with the seat then put baby in once its in? It took some pushing though!
We will have to put a cushion under the car seat in DH's car as his seats slope backwards so the seat sits tilted :growlmad: how bloomin annoying!

Oh dear Limpet, I think we all have days where we could quite happily rip our OH's head off!! Its deffo hormones!!!!
I dunno about rip his head off, i was ready to murder him & he offered me contact through the csa :haha: even reads funny when i type it now haha, we usually get along just fine teehee.

And last night I did a budget calculator for the wedding and even with booking the local cricket club it's gonna cost about £5,000. I've decided i'm having 2 bridesmaids, which is gonna seriously upset 3 of my friends. But I just can't afford to have 5! I'll have to tell them soon...
Awww hunny :hugs: can you not ask them if they can pay for thier own dresses? I'm sure they would love to if they are really true friends :hugs:

totallyashley - i looked into deactivating the air bag but it's not an option on my car :nope: how rubbish!!! Love the name Daisy - it was my nan's name but again DH not keen on it for ours :growlmad:

Well it's my half day today, i tend to hate them on a monday as it means a full 4 days till the weekend. And i'm on call next weekend - hope i'm not too busy! I can't face working 12 days through :nope:
Gonna try to clear some more clutter out of the house this afternoon & this evening. DH at football so he won't be home until late.
Hope everyone else is having a good monday :hugs:

isnt that weird lol great minds think a like ey..well i think they are both lovely names( obviously lol) have them both if u want her tohave a middle name!! good luck on your scan
Yes I have been practising! It's a lovely pram and I keep looking at it lol

Bekklez my cat keeps sleeping in the cot! I have even put the cat box in there to put him off as he hates the cat box, but he still gets in it!! I want to get him out of the habit before the baby is here, but he seems to think it's his new bed!! Naughty kitty x
i was just wondering if i could join this thread lol.
i need some friends that are willing to talk baby as none of mine are :(
Hope you have a lovely holiday Fish & Chips!!! Happy V day Mrs N!!!

Im back from my shopping and finally got a dress for the 2 weddings I have woo hoo!! It was so hard, No where had nice maxi dresses for me (plus sized gal:() I finally got one and then found another Ill maybe post piccys to see what you guys think, I currently have them both but thinking of the more summery one as better to accesorize! Im so shattered now, walking around town all day in the rain and a huge 3 course lunch, Im thinking nice hot bath and then bed:).x
:hi: Rachii and welcome:) Lots if baby talk and lovely people on here:)
thanks hun ooo good :)
i've just moved to a different county as well so i know nobody.
i feel very alone at the moment, as well as my hormones its all just not very good!!!

Is everybody ok?
Hi Rachii :)
I know what you mean, I'm conscious of talking baby stuff too much to my friends, but I can say as much as I like here hehe x
Awh, hope the move went ok, Well there is usually loads of chat, questions, support (and preggo hormonal rants lol) on here :) I love it!:)
i could rant all day about my OH atm aha!
what are these bump buddy things
** i'm sorry am not very good with forums am new to it hehe **
Hi Rachii :hi:

Welcome to September Stars. Bump Buddies are just people you get friendly with because they are due the same day or within a few days of you. To be honest the September Stars are a like one big group of Bump Buddies. Feel free to talk as much baby stuff as you like with us :hugs:
Welcome Rachii :hi:

A Bump Buddy is someone who is due around the same time as you and you follow what each other are upto etc

Congratulations Mrs N on V Day :happydance:

Well I know it's late but i'm hoping to share some wedding photos (with the help of :baby:thinkpink) ..... Hopefully there will be a couple of pics from last Septemeber.

Got told off by the MW today, she told me that with the limited movement last week I should of gone to the hospital.... so folks from now on I'm doing as I'm told and calling them if anything unusual occurs. But baby is all good except it's currently breech so needs to move in the next 10 weeks... got plenty of time :)
Hi Rachii!! Whereabouts are you hun? Welcome to Sept Stars, lots of lovely ladies and good natter in here!! You've come to the right place!! :hi: And you'll get the hang of the forum thing quickly enough too.

F&C have a fab time, we will miss you! x

Glad Carley's okay, I was wondering about her too. Good to know she's just AWOL cos she's been busy.

I think I've missed a lot today post wise! I just popped on tonight and there are loads of posts!!Hope everyone's ok. Third tri is fast approaching. I was only thinking before that if I make it as far as I did with Jack (36 weeks), I've got less than ten weeks to go before I might little matey!! Eeeeeeek!!

Love your pics Jellycat!! You look gorgeous and you both look so happy. Hope your little one gets to turning soon enough!! xx
i everybody.
Asher - i live 15min drive from manchester :)
whereabouts are you??
I'm in Stockport! Are we on the same side of Manc or opposite?

Drea I meant to say before that I had the swine flu vax before I was preg because of my asthma and work, and it hurt like bloody hell! I couldn't sleep on that side for a week, felt like I'd been punched in that arm! Jack had it too just before Xmas, but was fine.
hello ladies.
Hope everyone is feeling okay. Not had a chance to properly catch up just wanted to have a quick post.
Welcome to the new Stars.
We are starting our birthing class tomorrow (once a week for 6 weeks). Not really sure what to expect, I feel as though I will be doing it a bit early but the next one offered at our hospital isn't until August and I am not wanting to put it off until that close to the baby day.

I'm completely exhausted today. The baby seems to think when I want to sleep it should kick the crap out of me lol and I love the kicks so once it wakes me up I am stuck laying there all night feeling ever movement so not getting much sleep at the moment. Also I have started getting leg cramps at night, anyone else?

Morning sickness still going strong too lol it has days when it eases off but today has been a full on miserable day where I want to throw up at the slightest smells, ah the joys.

Hope everyone is great, will try and catch up later.:hugs:
Welcome Rachii :hugs:

Anyone else really cranky/bitchy lately?? after dinner it seems im annoyed and mean for no reason! Im so bored all day that when DH comes home i almost want him to entertain me or something but hes usually playing video games or something!!!!

I was planning on going for my 3d/4d scan this or nxe week and i called and they said the earliest app i could get was JULY 19th!!!! WTHHHH:growlmad: we were waiting until we got some money and i will be 31 weeks then and it'll be no point!! sorry guess im in a ranting mood!!!

Have a great night ladies!!!:flower:

ps= my morning....aka all day sickness is back!! maybe thats why im cranky!!??? LOL :)
Welcome Rachii. Nice to have you. Wonderful group of ladies on here.
Jellycat, gorgeous pics and your dress is beautiful!
I have been trying to keep up as well but with this horrible toothache I haven't felt like doing much. I saw a different dentist today who gave me a stronger antibiotic and have another appt on Thursday with a specialist for a root canal. The pain is so bad I just cry at times. I can not wait for some relief. On a happier note, Dh and I picked and ordered our nursery theme last night and we decided on yellow rubber duckies. It is really cute and has bright blue as a background so hopefully Cade will be well stimulated by his room. LOL
Hope everyone is feeling well. I have an appt with my OB tomorrow and will hit my V day Thursday. Yea....finally!
F&C, have a wonderful holiday!
Laura and Jessica, sorry to hear about the MS. I thought that was one plus to being as far along as we are...? Thought that went away.LOL Feel better soon!
Hi everyone!
I will also join the "knackered" club! I am getting an impressive amount done at work everyday, but I sure feel it in the evenings. Wiped out.
I'm saving all my energy up for Simon, then when he's finally in bed, I drop like a stone on the couch and stare off into space for about 30 minutes, occasionally wiping the drool off my chin! :)
Tonight, though, I feel the nesting urge nudging me to go do things.
I am telling the nesting urge to GO AWAY. I want to sit and stare and drool. It is relaxing.

We have a nice treat to go to at work tomorrow. The Zoo is opening a new play area for the toddler crowd with a really lovely carousel and a little train ride. Simon will be over the moon with excitement. All staff and family get to go have a preview and a test ride and a nice staff BBQ.
Of course, it is supposed to rain, and will probably snow as it's Calgary, but a very fun event to look forward to, nonetheless.

Drea - the H1N1 shot is brutal. I have had lots of vaccinations for international travel and because I work with animals and I don't think any of them has ever been quite that painful. It really sucked.

F & C - have a great holiday!

Amy - great to hear from you and happy happy birthday to Caitlyn!

Welcome to all the new stars!

Congrats to all the viables, double digiters, and thrid tris!

Phew. I think that's everything!

Oh! Meant to add - yes, they do measure your uterus. It's fundal height, but basically it tells them an approximate guess at baby's size.
I heard that "good size baby" stuff a lot last time around. There were dire predictions of Simon being a 10-lber. He was 8 lbs 10 oz.
This baby is also measuring large. My fundal height was 25 cm at 22 weeks, so about three weeks ahead. I'm not worried about it now that I know that there is no GD or anything like that going on. :shrug:

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