****September Stars!!****

Phew, just caught up! Lots of posts, too many to reply but have plenty to say, you guys will just have to pick out your stuff!!

About the house, I think MrsJ08 said what I thought too! It is a shame but inheritence always brings out the worst in people, greed sadly is a vile thing:nope:
I hope it all works out for the best and it can be taken into account accurately what their true share is, based on the value minus the work and things used, divided by 2 not 3, If i have the right end of the stick!:hugs:

Sorry for those still suffering morning sickness, not just me then:haha: It is rotten still having my head in the sink every day, but i am used to if from previous pregnancies, this has been not so bad!

My hospital suggests the bonding 4d scan at 30 weeks, so still point in doing it, that is when i was thinking of having one done, still 10 weeks to stare at the scan pics!:happydance:

Welcome newbies, plenty going on here, I tent to try and keep my baby stuff to a min with friends, for different reasons with each of them but mainly not to bore!:haha:

Asher, love the bump:thumbup: mine is always flat like i walked into a wall! I am used to my flat bump, and love it, my lovely wriggly round and flat bump:cloud9:

Carley, Glad to hear your fine, just busy!:thumbup:

Manners, don't get me started!!! I think people are so rude, I will always say something if i think people are rude, and if people comment on how polite or nice my boys are (which of course they are!!) I say i am bringing up little gentlemen because they don't exist any more.
It costs nothing to be polite, even not being thanked for waiting for a car to pass really bugs me, I really want a flashing finger sign on my car!!!

Had some bargains today!:happydance:
Went to Boots and they had a half price on baby clothes, all in newborn, I got a 3 pack of white baby grows (I do love white on newborns!) an outfit with legs and a top, a reversable jacket, matching 2 pairs of trousers, and 2 co-ordinating tops and it all totalled £21!:happydance:
That is a few newborn outfits and some more grows sorted! I got another 6 vests, and 3 grows in other shops too, and more nappies, I also got stuff for my labour bag, so breast pads, mat knickers, mat pads, and some things i have not seen b4 some sheets you put on the bed, they are meant in case your waters go in bed, but i am not so bothered about that, it was more for after the birth as i find when breast feeding the non feeding boob leaks and runs down onto the bed, and it would be much easier to just keep these sheets down, and breast milk does stain!
I know its all a bit early still for some of these things but i know how i should get these things when i see them and now i know they are there!

Anyway I am being nagged yet again to get of the laptop, My dh is perfect, it must be lovely to be that perfect and never do anything wrong, i am being told i am on here too long and i have let the camera battery go flat and this is why we have 2 so one is charged, but i haven't charged it, like i say would be nice to be perfect!

Hey Becs totally agree with optical and was going to write something similar myself!

I catch buses everyday and see ths quite often...i got up once and stood at the front sideways on overly rubbing my bump to make a point!! hehe!!

Have a lovely holiday F&C! and hi to everyone else!

Jayne x
Jayne, It was a big Boots, but worth a look, I do love their stuff, I look in every Boots and its always so varied what you can pick up, i went in just to see and found loads!:happydance:

Louise, forgot to say, yes think that's a great idea and have you received my cheque yet?

Wondering what it is in pregnancy that makes me see dh in a whole new light, is it just me or do husbands grow horns when we are pregnant!? I hope they go when baby is here, I will be looking at house rentals at this rate, he is driving me nuts:wacko:

Bye bye til tomorrow!

Mrs J, I just think people are so ignorant and in their own world these days. Well done on you for saying something.

I have been on the go all day, just had a shower and now chilling, looking forward to BB later!! Yes I know I am sad!!!

Ian is in London, has been gone since 5am and won't be home till early hours of the morning! They are going to Whitehall then watching the practice for Trooping the Colour!!
Babythinkpink yes I received it thank you! But of COURSE all of our OHs are completely perfect in every way! Or so they would have us think, hee hee....
Sorry guys got lots to say tonight....

Asher - Loving the bump it looks perfect and round

Bekklez - Big :hugs: hope the house gets sorted out soon, family's really do pick their moments!

Carley - Glad to see you back and look forward to seeing pictures of your new nursery

Nursekel - Hope your tooth pain gets sorted soon :-(

Ladykara - I'm alos looking forward to BB starting tonight at least I can watch something whilst the world cup is on!

Louise - Have you recieved my £, I think a star and flowers would be perfect, thank you again for organising this xx

Mrs J08 - Some people are so rude and damn lazy!! I gate queue jumpers too

Choc - Congrats on 3rd tri :haooy dance:

Cubby - Welcome to September stars! :wave: can you private message Fish and Chips as she's currently on holiday and won't be able to update until next week

Babythinkpink - Loving the Boots Bargains and good info to know about the boobs leaking and getting sheets . Thanks

Just sat here watching tv and the tampax ad came on, anyone else think its weird not having periods!!!?!!!!
Evening all, thanks for the lovely bump comments. I think it is comedy-esque! Such a round thing! My friend from work came to see me this afternoon and said she can't believe how massive I am! Oh great, so only another 10 weeks at least to go (I made it to exactly 10 weeks past today with Jack!), and I'm massive already! Not a good look eh!
I do think I'm lucky so far with the no stretchmarks thing but then I never got them with the boys, so maybe I'll get away with it again. My mum never had any with me either, so maybe it's genetic.

MrsJO8 good on you for tearing a strip off those people on the bus. I like some good old fashioned manners thanks very much, can't be doing with rudeness at all.

Love the idea for Amy, Louise. It's nice to think we can send something from us all.

Lilia, cool you living in Cheadle! We should get together for a brew!

Go you Babythinkpink with your bargains!! Woo hoo!!

My cot mobile, baby monitor and bouncy chair arrived today. So cute!!

I've missed loads I think! Need to get my pad and pen out!
So sorry Bekkles for some reason when i refer to you i put becs...just spotted the post from becs and realised! :blush:

& becs (this is for becs lol) yes i agree it is weird...iv had a pack of always sat in my bathroom gathering dust since Christmas lol! ..and dont know about you but i used to get them so painful id almost pass out so i aint looking forward to there return! :nope:
I have to say I am NOT looking forward to having PMT again!!
Sarah - Hope you and Simon have a great time at the work tomorrow (today?). Do you teach at the zoo? I think i've missed a post somewhere (or it's my baby brain) but I can't remember what you do for work :blush:

I probably never actually mentioned it because of my progesterone-addled brain!
Yes, I am School Programs Coordinator at the Zoo, so I work in education running the curriculum-based programming that is offered on grounds. We have other programs that go offsite, but I deal with all the various school groups who come to learn some science curric through Zoo courses. It's a great job and I really love it as I get to do lots of writing and development, plus a good amount of teaching.

The staff BBQ was very fun, but poor wee Simon was very tired by the time he got to the carousel and really wasn't very keen on staying in his seat until the ride stopped. He is usually in bed by 7 pm, and that's what time we left the festivities, so no wonder. It was quite a lovely carousel and I think it will be a big hit with the toddler crowd. I have a feeling Simon might like it more when he's a little older or even just a little more rested.

I had a terrible, harassed, stressy morning because I didn't get anything prepped the night before as I was too tired. And I am still too tired, but am willing myself to get up and just do a few small things to make the morning go smoother than it did today. Blergh. I just want to crawl into bed.

Bekklez - sorry about the house situation. That is frustrating. You know what I would do? Start looking around casually for something else, just in case. Plan for the worst, hope for the best, you know? Then at least you will feel like you are doing something and have a bit of control back over the whole situation. And if the worst does happen, you'll have two extra weeks of searching to get you ahead on the situation. Fingers crossed for you.

Cute bump, Asher!

Speaking of bumps. I have had three different people exclaim to me that they had no idea I was pregnant until now. Very odd, as I feel like I am way bigger and way more obviously pregnant this time around. :shrug:

I forgot what else I was going to say, so :happydance: to anyone who has hit a milestone and :hugs: to anyone who needs them!
I am going to go stare really hard at the dishes and see if they will do themselves.

Oh, and I love not dealing with periods for nine months! :) I actually didn't get my cycle back until a good three months after I stopped breastfeeding, so I had a good long break. And when it did come back, it was lighter and with almost no cramping. Huge improvement!
ooo thats sounds nice with the lighter happier periods - hopefully thatll happen to all of us YIPEE.

MrsJo8 you were right ppl should have been more considerate - good for you!!

Louise what do i need to do to send some cash for Amy? i completely missed those posts.....
morning ladies :flower: hope you are all well,

congrats to people who are viable today and reaching third tri :wohoo:

ive got my 4d scan tonight :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: ive kept it a secret because i want to surprise every1 with my pics , thats y its not on facebook :yipee: xxxx
Morning All,

I don't miss periods at all, I hate the things.
I think i will have the mirena fitted again after this baby, it is a coil with tiny amount of hormones like the pill (can't take the pill) and they stop periods all together after a while, and was great. (after initially spotting for a while though)
Lots of people have problems with them but i can't say i did, and i conceived 3 months after mirena removal with dd, I had a normal coil i after that and after removal of that it took 9 months to conceive this baby so i cant say it intefered with my ability to conceive either.

Becs, How was BB?? Saw a bit of it, my mil is so sad its the last one!:flower:

Jellycat, Well I'm here to help!! I think boobs vary, but mine seem to turn on like a tap once the milk is in, I walked into Tesco once, no baby with me, someone elses baby started crying and my milk started pouring, Had no pads on or anything, had to go to customer services to stuff tissues down my top!:haha:

Louise, My dh certainly thinks he is perfect, he thinks i am very lucky to have him, that he is fabulously looking, and has no habits, and is a breeze to live with....mmmm I could have something to say about that!
I thought he was joking when he said how good looking he was, but no, he is serious, I married Mr Perfect!:haha:

Sarahkka, Your job sounds great:thumbup:

Apaton, Hope scan is fab, can't wait to see pics!:thumbup:

Well still looking for wooden units, going to look at a place later, and then the next auction is in 2 weeks so going to that too.
Saw a perfect chest of drawers yesterday, perfect except the price, £499, I think not! I need at least 3 if i replace one in each bedroom, plus other furniture so don't think that is an option at those prices!:dohh:

Anyway time to go, was not sick today, but not feeling great now, will just have to see if i am sick later!
Acid indigestion is constant, I hate it, never had it with dd and so i am really noticing this! Hate gaviscon but only thing that works:shrug:

Back later


:baby:thinkpink xx
BB was the usual freak show!!! Scary to think that most of us will have LO's before the end of it!!!!!

Hubby got in at 2am this morning and has now gone into work, we had a lovely lay in this morning!! Just gonna dust my living room then I am all done!! The weather doesn't look too good out there today!!
Hi girls

Looking forward to the scan pics apaton! I had a 4d scan with Caitlyn it was brilliant! Got a dvd and everything :cloud9:

im feeling a bit under the weather today but probably jus coz of all thats happened over past 3-4 weeks! x
oh amy chin up hope you feel better soon.

On another note BRAXTON HICKS - is anyone suffering? they are coming and going every couple of hours i have about 3-4 constractions which make me keel over and cry the only thing is they are really high up just under my rib cage. they have kept me up every 2-3 hours through the night too..... seriously if these are "training me for labor" i dont think im going to be able to do it and ive alwyas considered myself to have a very high pain threshold.....

Please say im not alone with these, they are intolerable.
Its hardly surprising you have been thro so much recently Amy, you just take it easy and chill out xxx

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