****September Stars!!****

Should have said my bump is a little girl and due on the 14th Sept :)
I woke up at 3 am to deal with a fussing Simon and could not get back to sleep. I have a huge day at work today and I am going to be barely getting through it. I am so tired I feel like I could throw up, but I cannot get back to sleep.
I finally just got up, did the dishes and am trying to get calm before I go in early to work. I am full of that wild, completely irrational pregnancy rage about my insomnia. It's someone's fault!! I'm not sure whose, but someone's!
When I get some rest, I will be able to laugh at myself. :dohh: Until then, nobody better even look at me funny. I will take them out. :growlmad:
Apaton - really gorgeous pictures. They are so clear!

MrsJ - I'm so sorry that you SD's mum is causing so many problems, hun. It must be so frustrating for you and your DH. Impressed with how your SD handled being told she would be pushed out though (although horrified that her mother would say that to her).
Fantastic video Apaton.

Elphaba - thanks hun. To be honest, that's the tip of the iceberg she has said much worse. This includes saying that my DH tried to commit suicide because he didn't love my SD (complete fiction he's never even contemplated such a thing). In the few months before we got married she relentlessly told her we wouldn't be bothered about her any more and wouldn't want to see her. This was on top of telling her since we had got engaged that we would never get married because DH didn't really love me. (All this 10 years after she split with DH after a very brief relationship) Around the time of the last court hearing when her Mum had read in the social services report that SD had said she wished I was her Mum and that she wanted to live with us - she told her she never wanted her and wished she had never been born. I won't even elaborate on some of the four letter swear words she has called her as it's too appalling. The woman is a menace and I'm so glad the NHS are refusing her a sterilisation reversal. Women like that shouldn't be allowed to breed.
Mrs J - She sounds crazy! Big :hugs: to you hun.

Apaton - your vid and pics are wonderful - i can't wait for my scan!

Sarah - Bad news about your sleepless night... Fx you can make up for it when you get home and today isn't too stressful!

Carley - so glad you're feeling better now. Can't believe that your MW's phone was off though!

Well, today i've been lazy (again). I'm so tired all of the time, and yesterday I went down to the horse, did one barrow of mucking out, and today my back is killing! I'm finding simple things are getting much harder - like putting on mine and DD's shoes, and walking up hills. I'm sure i'm getting a waddle.

I'm bored. And OH is working tomorrow and then going out to watch the football, so i'll be bored again :( it doesn't help that 2 of my friends are abroad on their holidays, and my other friends work etc. And like i've said, I can't spend all my time at the horse like I used to.

Someone's coming to look at her on Sunday as i've decided to put her up for sale. It's really going to break my heart - I've had her for 11 years, but it's selfish of me to keep her and not work her. I thought about loaning her out, but I've done that before and it didn't work - they basically allowed her to develop a condition which cost me a fortune at the vets! I know it's for the best. Still, hormonal woman and goodbye's don't mix!
Mrs J ~ So sorry you are going thro this, not what you need at this time xx Some people hey x

Carley ~ So glad you are feeling better xx

We have had a lovely day, Ian finished work early so I went and had my hair cut then we took the dog down to the beach!! It was really nice, the sun has just come out and its quite warm!!
Hello All,

Just a pop in, wow what amazing scan, I was glued to it! Such a beautiful baby, its really funny I wonder what we expect to see in there!! I am always in total amazement at my babies when they are born, I just stare at them for hours, I remember my last i kept prodding her in her cot and in the end got her out of her cot to lie with me because i wanted to look at her, poor little thing had just been born and wanted to sleep, I was wide awake and wanted to admire her!:haha:

Looked for furniture again today, still no luck, going to try ebay and the auctions, saw what i wanted new but it was way too expensive still at nearly £300, not for 1 unit when i need to go through all the rooms to replace everything!

MrsJ08, sorry things are such a mess, it is never easy and not helped by others, hope you all find some happy conclusion and soon, but sorry to say sounds like with what has gone on the others involved don't know the meaning of reasonable:nope:

Carley, Glad things have eased off, perhaps you just over stretched yourself somewhere? I am finding just walking hard at the moment and can't understand why, I get a stitch like muscular pain each side of the bump, have tried wearing my belly band but it didn't help.
Anyway hope your pains stay away, bad news about the midwife, hope she is not who you call when labour starts:shrug:

Sarahkka, my sleep is very much the same, I have more things than not to disturb me, either one of the children, or a snoring dh, or aching one side or the other, or cramp, or indigestion, or needing a pee, that is the list at the moment!! Oh and heat and the light in the morning coming into the room as we don't have the black out blind down with the window open, and the birds at 3am onwards ans we live backed onto a park and the noisy little things start up early with a chorus of ducks then the little ones follow on!!
So with all that in mind i think i get a few hours at a time!:hugs:

opticalillus, Sorry about your horse, its sad when you have to sell and i know how very attatched people get to their horses, my friend is a horse nut and she would be crying buckets at the thought of selling hers:cry:

Well not been a bad day, managed to drag dh out to look for furniture, although he still doesn't seem aware of the need although out drawers are in bits on our bedroom floor!
We do need time together, sounds mad that he is at home all the time and we don't but i mean quality time with us and dd out of the house, we talk and things are better.
I think i get very insecure during pregnancy because i feel fat and unattractive, and we don't dtd during pregnancy which is his idea and i find a bit too cautious tbh, and that all goes in making me more insecure, so we need 'us time' to stop me spiralling out of control!!
This morning i was still in i don't like him mode but i have gradually thawed as the day has gone on, he has gone to watch football in bed now, which is great, laptop to myself, and all the time i need to clear the house up!

Time to go and check out facebook, and play my treasure isle, sad i know!!

Back later, big :hugs:,

:baby:thinkpink xx
Babythinkpink - Is treasure island a facebook application? it doesn't sound so bad. I'm back to being addicted to World Of Warcraft over the last week since I don't have much better to be doing :haha:

I'm a level 80 human priest. Ohhhhhhh yeah! :dohh:
MrsJ - you could be talking about us! It's amazing that people like her exist, never mind the boyfriends!! My SS's mother has said alsorts to them, including the stuff about us not wanting them once we get married, to the fact that DH won't be in the slightest bit interested in them once we have a baby, to the fact that the baby will be NOTHING to do with them, it would only be their sister apparently if it was grown in HER tummy, not mine! Luckily, they don't believe her... well at least they say they don't when they are with us!!

Amy :hugs: good to see you!

Carley, naughty you for not popping in to have it checked out like you said you would! But glad it's subsided, make sure that you get it checked straight away next time!!

Becs.... sounds lovely, I haven't had my hair done in over a year!! Fancy popping over and walking my dog?! I don't have the energy!!

Forgotten everything else! Sorry! x
I got a chest of drawers and a wardrobe from Argos, they are just plain white and look ok, and considering its only for baby clothes they are nice!! My parents bought them, only cost £130 for both, the warddrobe was half price! I thought they would be ok for a couple of years until we cann afford to buy some really nice stuff!!
We have been given by my sister the cot she bought for my niece, that is white too!!
lovley furniture bex :thumbup: ive got mine too, and my i love my bear stuff arrived today :wohoo: x
Hi everyone,
sorry I'm not writing much on here. I seem to have problems loading up the pages and reading the unread posts. Some days it works and on other days it keeps going back to the first page.

I seem to be getting some tighenings and now I'm in a panic. Is it too early for Braxton Hicks? I can't remember. I'm 24 weeks.

Pinky, hi, it's not too early for Braxton Hicks... some people feel them really early, I know I could feel them from around 18 weeks I think? To me they just feel like my bump has gotten tighter, sometimes I only know i'm having one if I feel my bump and it's hard! If you are concerned, you should give your midwife a call though :hugs:
I think i've been getting Braxton Hicks, but I don't know what they feel like. I don't think I ever got them with Emma, and if I did I can't remember. Today, I was walking the dog to the stables and I kept getting what I can only describe as 'spasms' down one side of my bump (the right side). It was very localized, and not painful... they just kinda felt like a pulling and made me jump. It was as though they should have hurt - like a crampy spasm or something. It's really hard to explain - like muscles contracting and releasing really strongly but really quickly in one spot. Is that what they are? I kept stopping and sitting down, and they only happened when I was walking. Or maybe i've overdone it? I did hoover and mop and fully clean the house today, maybe walking with the dog pulling a bit was a little bit too much? I had quite a few over the space of about 2 hours, but only when I walked to the stables and again when I walked back home.

At the moment, I have retreated to my bedroom with the laptop to avoid the bloody football. It's only just started and I wish it would end - I used to 'get into it', but by that I mean don an England shirt and get drunk. If i'm honest, I hate football. And now I can't drink, I've just become a victor meldrew-esque morngy pregnant world cup widow. I want England to lose, quickly. And then we can all get back to normal. Any of you who have me on facebook will have seen my rantings.... Tomorrow i'm going to the cinema when England are playing... I can't think of a better place to get away from people being overly-excited about a bit of leather being kicked up and down a bit of grass, with that god-awful wasps-nest type droning in the background. I refuse to sit in the house and mope while OH goes out and gets stupidly drunk, so i'm going to go out. My friends either like football or have other plans, so I'll probably just take bub, a huge bucket of popcorn, and a ben n jerrys core sundae. Funny thing is i'll probably go and see that action film 'brooklyn's finest' as I really liked training day and it's by the same director. It's a pretty manly film, so it'll look quite funny to have a pregnant lady sat on her own at the back lol.

I must say, I'm feeling pretty lonely lately, and I really appreciate having you ladies to talk to. It's tough not being at work anymore, and I don't really see anyone apart from OH and my girl-friends once a month or so. So most of the day i'm pretty bored and on my own. I don't feel right going to surestart groups just yet because I don't have a baby.... i dunno. I guess what i'm trying to say is thanks :flower:
Awww Optical, I feel the same way. I don't really have any friends here and even tho we moved back to my home town I don't have anything to do with my old mates. We all grew apart and have nothing in common. My OH is my best friend and I feel so lucky to have him. You girlies are my lifeline, you are all fabulous xxx
Mrs J08 - Sounds like you have a very sensible young lady for a SD, you must be very proud. hope the mum sorts her life out soon

Apaton - Loving the video, your baby is very cute, It must be really good binding time with the baby

Carley - Glad your BH have subsided, I was thinking of you last night

Opticalilus5 - I'm also starting to feel tired again, got home tonight and slept on the sofa for 2 hours I haven't done that since 1st tri

Well I've been in a meeting today from 9am until 3.30pm lets just say baby was getting annoyed with me not being able to stretch out every now and then... even lunch was sent upto the boardroom so ate and continued with the meeting.... glad to be able to stretch out now:)

Surprisingly my work have given me a payrise today... twice the average increase !! As i'm off on Maternity leave I wasn't expecting anything but my new boss thinks I deserve the payrise and says they want me to come back...... which I want to do anyway so win win situation :)

Went car shopping last night have found a car I like and am going for a test drive tommorow morning, told my husband we need to take photos of my convertible before we exchange it.... I'm excited about getting a sensible car, I got excited over the boot size last night of all things !!

Well i'm off to do a bit of knitting and take some man juice Gaviscon, as my heartburn is killing me this evening

:sick: Gaviscon :sick:

I hate the stuff! I've had horrible heartburn pretty much since the end of first tri, and I just can't bear it..... I'm a rennies gal myself, once that gaviscon is in my mouth it makes me think of..... yukkkkk!!!!!!!
Hi to all you ladies! Hope all is well for you.
Between the pregnancy fog brain and having such a time with this toothache, I have missed a lot and I've read the back pages but.....arrrgh. LOL
Beautiful scan pics and vid to you ladies.
I reached my V day yesterday and while it was exciting the celebration was minimal as I was having a root canal done...ugh. At least now the pain is managable versus unbearable.
MrsJo, I am so sorry honey. As you know we deal with this as well but thank God our situation has gotten much better since the call to police a few months back. I wish you could get more help where you are. I do think you have to feel a little fortunate that SD is old enough to defend what she knows is right. Unfortunately for me, SS is too young and is totally his mother's child. He has absolutely no interest in me or the baby because he has been told those types of things as well. Sadly, the ex has convinced him that he is being replaced. I use to really stress and get upset but then I realized that people are who they are and we can't change them. The ex is a sorry excuse for a human and always will be. All my DH and I can do is show our unconditional love to the child involved and make sure he can see things differently while in our home. And believe me, it is easier said than done at times. Hugs to you honey.
Hey girlies

I thought I'd just pop in and say a quick hi... can't believe how much I've missed in here the last couple of days! No time for a proper catch up tonight, but I'll try over the weekend. I'm so damn tired from work at the moment! Can't wait for a lie in tomorrow, then we are having some friends over for a BBQ and to watch the world cup! I'll try and pop on sunday to catch up properly.

Anyway, I've followed apatons lead and put my 4d scan dvd online too! I've watched it about 8000 times already! It's here if any of you would like to watch it:

(removed as realised it has my dob and other personal details all over it, so if you'd like to see it pm me and I'll send you the link!)

It's not as clear as yours though apaton! I can't get over how much detail you can see in yours! Your baby is adorable :kiss:

Anyway off to bed now, have a lovely evening and I'll pop back on soon


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