****September Stars!!****

DH and I did some visiting last week and we came back with bags full of things! My sister gave me a bin liner full of 6months vests and sleepsuits, and she has another bin liner full of 0-3 for me too! My mum and aunty have knitted a big bag full of baby clothes too, cardies, jumpers and blankets etc, they are all very very cute and not old fashioned at all thank goodness! Just need to buy some girl/boy outfits and going out outfits nearer the time methinks! My mum has also given me a bag full of toilettries for baby, not going to have much left to buy!

Becs are you using an army issue cot? We are going to use one till Wayne gets back from Afghanistan, they only issue brand new cots and mattresses so seems silly not to, then when he gets back baby will be about 6 months ish so we can deck out the nursery with a cute cotbed and furniture etc with his bonus!

Luckily my sister has given me hers, just bought a new mattress for it! She paid quite a bit for it from John Lewis so seems silly not to have it!! And its white which is what we wanted! Just got to get some furniture to match! Luckily we move 4 weeks after bubs is due so we will have our DA!! Never even thought about having an army cot tbh!
I hadn't until my sister told me, her husband is also in the army, and she bought a cot before she realised that the policy is that they only issue brand new cots and mattresses! I don't know what they look like, but we're starting off with a moses basket anyway I think.. although need to look into where we can buy bedding for them as I don't recall ever seeing any!
Its domesticated bliss on here with all the washing and baking!
Another lovely day, I went back to bed and just wanted to share my little moment!
I have been worried about lack of movement, i have not felt kicks, just a bit of a weird motion sort of sensation, but nothing enough to say that is baby.
So i led down on the bed, and got tummy out, I could feel the weird turning thing so i thought baby was awake, and i put a little box low on my belly, it was just a box of vapour rub i had from one of the childrens snuffly noses, it was a bit cold, but within seconds of putting it on my belly it was nudged off, baby realy wanted it gone!
It was brilliant, and although i am not getting kicks yet that movement has made my day! I did it a few times and could see like my belly moving and stretching to push the box off, as baby grows i suppose they will get more defined and then kicks!

Anyway, just wanted to share that with you all!! My little Mummy/Baby moment!

Just managed to boil a pan of boiled eggs dry, I mean how do you burn a boiled egg!!! Only when I'm pregnant!!
Not even going to dare bake a cake!!:haha:

Have a great rest of the day everyone xx:hugs:
I am getting a moses basket, seems silly putting a cot up for a few weeks!! I think you can get the sheets from mothercare but I have seen them on ebay!!
yeah mothercare do loads of sheets for moses baskets / cribs and cots all different sizes... cute ones too !!!!
My dad is painting away in the kitchen bless him. I have the job of glossing the bathroom after caitlyns gone to bed. Something i'm NOT looking forward too :dohh:

I dunno if im gonna be able to keep it a secret at my scan in a week... im desperate to know :lol:
I dunno! I wanted to stay on team yellow but the closer it gets the more uncertain i am haha you? x
someone suggested if you aren't sure how about getting them to write it down then put it in a sealed envelope. at least you have the option then!
With caitlyn we found out. With evie we didnt get to the scan as we lost her just days before. I dont mind either way but im eagar to shop colours and paint nursery etc... and i think it'll help me bond a bit more. :cloud9:
Hi Girls

Blimey you lot are chatty today!! I have only just been able to get back on as it was broken earlier on when I popped on. I haven't had a chance to read everything properly yet but wanted to say thanks for all the kind messages about the rude sonographer. I wasn't going to complain, but Matt rang them today and gave them an earful and said he wanted to know about the 'upper limbs- see comments' thing. The lady he spoke to was shocked and said that it is not acceptable that he spoke to me that way. She said it is not his place to comment about the Downs screening for sure and if he did have an issue with my weight at the scan, there are ways of saying it tactfully. She said that she struggled to see why it was a problem if he managed to see everything he needed to see though. I know I am overweight, but I'm not absolutely huge! I am a UK size 16/18 pre pregnancy and I am short so a bit dumpy lol but I am sure lots of women who are bigger than me get pregnant. Anyway She assured him it wouldn't happen again and said that she would check the notes he made about the scan to see about the arms thing and call back later this afternoon, so we'll see whether he wrote anything different in his notes than on mine.

It's been lovely having my mum here. She's made me lots of yummy food, bought me lovely new clothes and has just given me a lovely pedicure! She always spoils me when she comes to visit as she lives 250 miles away so we don't get to see each other all that often. We want to go swimming as well, but I am waiting for my new phone upgrade to be delivered! Grr I hate waiting in for deliveries.

Have a good day girls


Just back form my scan, all was well and we had a lovely sonographer (I see you have had a bad exprience with them emzy...it really puts me off now when I go!)
Baby let her emasure everything and was just so lovely to see everything and obviously baby again!

She thought I had said we didnt want to know the sex but I said we did so she went back and had a good scan at the baby bits and said she thinks its a girl:cloud9:obviously she didnt want to say 100% as usual incase of being sued but pointed out the 3 lines and said when I go back on 30th for artery scan just to ask again for confirmation.

So happy all is well and feel strange its a girl. I had no clue and quite a few people said boy in my family.

Congratulations on your girlie bump Emma! Just goes to show my 'instinct' is nothing more than eenie meenie minie mo!

I have the BEST husband in the world ever! My scan isn't till the 28th which has been taking forever to get here... well he secretly booked a 2D gender scan for Friday for us, even though it's only just under a fortnight before the anomaly scan he wanted to do it as he knows I'm desperate to know the sex of the baby.... and he is deperate to know too... and because my stepsons will still be here then and it would be lovely for them to be able to see the baby at the scan.... love him!!!

So now I only have 3 days to wait!!

Although he has just written 'baby due' on the calendar on the 8th September... even though we're due on the 5th! Doh!
Hi Ladies

Bekklez - you poor thing I feel bad about moaning now it sounds like you are having things really tough at the moment. I know it's a bit rich my giving you advice but I keep telling myself to live in the moment rather than focussing on the if's, but's and maybe's. I think the best way to approach it in your situation is to think forewarned is forearmed. Given the family history you have had, it's inevitable that you will worry that it will happen to you too but at the same time you are best placed to recognise the symptoms and get help if you need it. It might be worth talking to your midwife because you may be able to see a maternity psychiatrist. According to my midwife they regularly refer people who have a history of depression or anxiety these days and the psychiatrist visits the maternity unit. I think the primary reason is to try and support people and minimze the risk of post-natal depression. Take care

Mrs N - your employer is on incredibly dodgy ground there and you could use that as evidence of constructive dismissal (ie you are being made to feel in such a way that your position becomes untenable) Make a note of who said it, where, and when in your diary and do the same if anyone behaves in such a way that your pregnancy is perceived negatively. When you are pregnant you have seriously enhanced employment rights and your company has a duty of care to ensure you are not put under any unnecessary stress or strain both physically and mentally. To my mind there is in implied threat in what they said to you and that is illegal.

Well I am back from the MW and feeling much better for getting a few things off my chest. It wasn't a routine appointment, I requested it because I've been feeling upset. My next scheduled appointment is at 22 weeks and that would have been the first appointment since booking. I had a good chat with the MW and she made me feel an awful lot better. Best of all she pulled out the doppler and found the baby's heartbeat. It was 149bpm and I'm 18 weeks tomorrow. Boy or girl anyone? I know it's only an old wives tale but I'm still interested to hear your opinions. Apparently anything between 110-160bpm is normal although so many of you have your own dopplers you probably already knew that! The baby ran away almost as quickly as she found it which was quite funny.

It was a good job that I went because apparently my blood test results from my booking appointment hadn't been processed and she had to take them all again - ouch! I think there was an admin issue because the computer's were down and the only stickers they had to put on the test tubes were in my maiden name. The student midwife used the stickers with my maiden name on but put a line through it and wrote my married name on in pen. Apparently labs are so careful with results that they rejected them because my name was handwritten.

Anyway, I'm going to go and see the maternity psychiatrist about my anxiety disorder. Some people wait months for counselling and I've never been offered it before for free so I figured I may aswell take advantage of it as it was on offer. I think the MW is concerned I'm under a lot of strain with my DH being so ill and in and out of hospital. To be perfectly honest it was nice to feel that someone was concerned about me for a change. I'm such a coper that I spend all my time worrying about other people and not taking care of myself. I've also got to go and see the anaesthetist as it is possible I won't be able to have an epidural (not that I was planning on having one but who know's?). I had a back injury last year where my bottom 3/4 vertebrae fused together, that combined with my bmi may make it impossible apparently. (Although she did say that because I carry most of my weight in my legs/hips it might be less of a problem from a weight perspective)

Emzy - I'm glad that Matt complained on your behalf - good on him and you never know you might get another scan as a result. FX for you.

Take care all x

ooo I've just noticed I've moved up a box on my ticker :happydance:

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