September Stars

Blimen hec I'm a rubbish house wife!!! The house is lucky if I do it once a week!
I don't know why I go in Baby Club forum sometimes, the people in there REALLY wind me up! Someone puts on an innocent thread asking about something like weaning and they get FLAMED. This girl asked when everyone weaned their babies out of interest and someone said something like

"Wait until 6 months. I did. It did not make any difference to sleeping. It did not make them happier. It should be done for the good of the BABY not the PARENT"

Now that really winds me up, as that's making out that the OP wants to wean their baby to suit them, they said nothing of the sort and how bad is that going to make them feel, people saying things like that? It really pisses me off!!! Arrgghh know it alls!!!

On a similar note, you know how I was saying how crap my HV is and that my friend up the road sees hers regularly and it's so different? Well she received a letter inviting her to a weaning class (her baby is 9 days younger than Holly) and asked her to rind and book onto whichever one she wanted to go to. I didn't receive anything like that and my friend tells me that the one held at my local centre has now been and gone! I'm furious!! I can't even get to the one that she's going to as it's not easily accessible by public transport and my friend is taking someone else so can't take me, so now I can't go to a class at all. I've written a big complaint letter to the Senior Health Visiting Nursre, as I feel like we've just been left and forgotten about. I don't even know who my HV is for gods sake!! We'll see if I get a reply!
im the same fishy once a week Haha!
Congrats young mummy!
James is very random with his sleep last night he was up every 2 hours thrashing about!
Beautiful pic btp!
...thats all iv read i think sorry if iv missed anything! X

Well i feel dreadful today, full of cold and banging head and its typical cos we have my Christmas meal tonight and Chris' step sisters 30th tomorrow plus Christmas shopping to start!! Argh! X
aww lbb hope you feel better in time for your meal and party! Can you have cold medicine when BF? x
i dont think i can but im just taking paracetamol at the moment and Il see how i go! I dont know why but when im ill i tend to be hungrier lol x
LBB, hope you feel well enough to go out xx

Emma, I try not to look in there, that thread should have warning attached to it. Obviously you have to know it all to reply and have an opinion in there!!
shall we all go in there and defend the poor people lol i have seeing people being put down i cant help myself sometimes and just have to stick up for them! :haha:
I'm with you F&C and LBB - I do my housework once a week, sometimes twice and I do a room at a time. That said - I've been a lot more conscientious since our Mouse incident.

Ooo on the subject of the mouse - I haven't told you guys what it did the other day. We are convinced there is only one because there is so little evidence of it and we only hear it in one place at a time. We have traps all over the house in it's favourite spots but still no joy. Anyway, I put a carrier bag in the cupboard under the stairs containing some of my SD's Christmas presents - a hairdryer, beauty bag and a tube of Pink Smarties. They weren't on the floor of the cupboard but higher up on top of some other things. I took the bag out with the intention of wrapping the presents up and heard some rattling inside. I opened the bag to find Smarties all over the bottom of the bag. The mouse had climbed into the carrier bag - chewed through the tube and had a feast on the smarties and then climbed back out again. I couldn't believe it!! Suffice to say I have scoured the house making sure that there is no food in boxes anywhere. I did have some box's of Christmas biscuits etc on the dining room table but I have hidden them away in plastic storage box's now. It's favourite place is under the cupboard in the living room. I've just pulled the furniture out to hoover under there and found all sorts of bits of silver paper and foil. I have know idea where it has got them from but the really irritating thing is the little pile was right next to the bloody mousetrap. Arghhhhh!!!

Emzy - I have only been in Baby Club once and ran back out again sharpish. I can be a bolshy, opinionated cow when I want to be, especially when it comes to politics but I wouldn't be like that here. If I don't agree with something, I just say nothing. I don't understand why people feel the need to be like that on a friendly forum where people are asking for advice and support. I just don't get it! Anyway in my experience at Toy Library the most opinionated, self righteous people have the worst behaved children. :rofl:
Thanks for the nice comments on the pic, too many to individually thank, was reading away thinking i should have thanked as i went but forgot!:wacko:

I don't look anywhere else on here now, just in a friends ttc journal and here and of course the sept stars diet place too!
I would think if you have a hungey baby it was to their advantage you start weaning when they are ready and if they are hungry they are ready, I mean there is only so much breast milk a baby will take and all mine have refused a bottle so hungry baby milk was no good, so what then? I used baby rice with mine, one was a bit older about 5 months and i used fromage frais suitable from 4 months, Rosie shows no signs atm that milk is not enough.

As for nights i seem to have the model baby, she goes 6-8 hours then is up for a 10 min feed then sleeps anther 2-3 hours.
Sophie was up ever 2 hours til about 15 months, just goes to show how different they all are!

Back later, my mum just arrived!
BTP xxxx
curiosity is making me want to go visit the baby club thread, i must have missed the hand out of know it all wisdom when i was in hospital , maybe i was asleep at the time :)

I have to keep the house tidy as i can, this is only since the girls arrived but it drives me crazy otherwise ive turned into a right Monica!

Tonight is the night the girls go stay with my friend for the night ive just been packing bags they seriously need a lot of stuff and i labelled the bags my friend will take the piss because she is nothing like me, i am crazy excited about getting dressed up and eating my dinner all in one go not to mention the wine :) but i keep having pangs of missing the girls and they havent gone yet i think it will be worse when we go to bed but we both really need some relaxed time!

emzy- as a rule i cant stand hvs mine is nice but in general the arnt very helpful your right to complain! i cant go to the weaning workshop near me because its to far for me to walk

lilbump-i hope you feel better for the weekend

mrsj- sorry you have a pesky mouse, we get them in the garage all the time!
:hugs: LBB

Hmmm glad there are others here who are a bit more messy was starting to feel like a slob :blush: If both girls are a sleep seriously i'm not going to clean.

MrsJ have you tried those plug in mouse things??

Awww Genies have a good night :hugs:

Does anyone elses baby not sleep really just cat naps maybe 10 mins then awake all the way through the day?
Blob, Holly is strange. Most days she will have one big nap of about 2-3 hours and 2 small ones of 45 mins. She tends to have the big one when I'm out with the pram. But then some days she just has 10 mins then is wide awake again and does that all day! She's been like that today and I'm trying to get her to have a longer nap as I find the better she sleeps in the day, the better she sleeps at night. She is currently asleep lying next to me on the sofa and I've just left her there in the hope that she'll have a longer sleep!!
Yep Olivia is a cat napper during the day but abit longer than the 10 minutes you mentioned. She sleeps overall for about 3 hours during the day on and off. But then slleps at night from 10/10.30pm until about 8am at the moment. xx

I posted my Secret Santa today :) Hopefully should be with you by monday/tuesday :) I hope you like it :D

Went and got Kimi and Lukes pressie today and ordered my engagement ring as they didnt have my size in stock!!!

Kimi had 7.5 ounces in one sitting today :) I hope when I get her weighed on Tuesday she would have put on enough weight to satisfy the HV!!!

i NEVER go into the baby club.... too scary... lol!!!

Kimi will have one long nap (2-3 hours) then 20 mins here and there all day!!! I like it though as she is awake and playful!!!

Does anyone elses baby wake up really beautifully??? Like...wake up, and just coo and gurgle away to themselves???? Kimi does this after a nap and when I take a peek in her moses basket...she has this huge smile on her face and just coo's at me!! Makes my heart melt!!!:cloud9::cloud9:

Hope everyone is having a good day :)

I recieved Olivia's secret santa prezzie today :flower: Thank You whoever you are. xx
Heya everyone

Ive finally caught up!! Baby club = no go area – I never put what I want too for fear of bitching!

I hate that baby rice – its ugly looking and tasting (I taste and try everything before giving to Roxy! Even infacol – blerghh!!) I’ve been giving Roxy the banana porridge only in the morning – 1tsp to 4tsps milk and she loves it! I won’t be increasing the amount or frequency she eats until she’s about 5 months. She just seemed so interested in food, so I thought i’d try her on the porridge stuff – she loves it, and uses the spoon (in her mouth) really well, as well as swallowing! Very proud!

Roxy hates tummy time – she makes an effort with her legs and hands but gets frustrated and starts to cry bless her!!

Becs – we watched the new shrek today, great isn’t it! Sorry you feel poorly :( hope your feeling better?

Louise – hope your ok lovely – have been keeping up to date with your fb status’s - your so brave *hugs* go Lilia with the crawling!!

Genies – big hugs!!

Laura – congratulations!!! Gorgeous pic of the 3 girls!

Mrsj – i don’t want to go out either!! I miss her too much!!

Youngmummy – gorgeous pics!! Congratulations on the engagement!!

Emzy – poor Holly having to have 3 injections! At least the next lot aren’t until she’s one! Roxy had that random getting up aswell last night – 3am and didn’t go back until 5 – I do think its harder when you’ve been sleeping through every night though – its like how it was all those weeks ago! I love that Minnie dress! Roxy has all minnie stuff aswll –mostly the pink stuff though – its so lush!! That guy sounds like a right muppet lol ewww minger haha!! Thanks for that blog to read! Glad the person you met wasn’t an axe murderer!! I watched inception on Monday and think its amazing!!

LBB – awesome picture!! Look at his smile!!

Asher – sorry to hear Sam is poorly :(

Ladykara – how great you’ve had a good day – its lovely when they smile all the time isn’t it! I don’t want to go out either! I love nothing more than staying in and im only 22!

Carley – sorry about your nan :( hugs

Blondie – lush picture!!

F+c – happy 3 months to Harry!!

Hope everyone else is good!!
Just realised that this time last year we conceived Harry! I can't believe it's been a year!
Genies, enjoy your night out!!!

Blob, Hope is a bit of a cat napper, some days she will just have the odd 10 mins but if we are out in the buggy she will seep for ages, she really likes fresh air!!

Youngmummy, go Kimi, she must be feeling so much better xx

Stmw, nice to hear from you!! I normally stay up to date with people on fb!!

Fishy, what a difference 12 months makes!!

Evening all!!!

Been at my parents while Ian went to karate with my nephew, we are all showered and relaxing in front of the tv!! Hope is fast asleep and about to go to bed!! Ahhh so glad its the weekend!! I am in desperate need of some new bras, I have no idea where mine have all gone!! Had a lovely 5 mile walk with Murphy earlier, it was lovely!
Tomorrow we are going to see my Mum at work as she works with my Uncle. he hasn't seen Hope for about 6 weeks!!
Can't believe its only 2 weeks till Christmas!!
My secret Santa present arrived yesterday, a big thank you to whoever it is, it is under the tree waiting to be opened.

I have been to the baby forum once but if its anything like some of the posts on the pregnancy forums i can see it being a bit bitchy at times...

I have been looking for other mums with young babies in my area, i posted on netmums and asked HV yesterday. I was in line to post things at the post office yesterday when this lady i knew from jakes school YEARS ago said hello, i didnt know her name she was more like the people you would smile at when passing. She said she had a baby boy 8 weeks ago.... Turns out she was also looking for another mum, she has two daughters Jakes age too. We have so much in common... it was fate i bumped into her.

Paige was awake every 2 hours for feeding last night, i feel like daisy the cow.... she used to sleep for 8 hours.... arghhhhhhh just when i thought we were getting somewhere

Emzy, that awful, i cant believe how you have been treated, or not treated is more like it, disgusting !!!! we dont have any weaning classes but i was told there is a post natal meeting ill be invited to soon. Im glad you complained. x

Becs- im a clean freak, not only does the house have to be clean but every cupboard has to be sorted and organised. I have Major OCD, last week around 2am i realised i didnt pick the dog poo out, there i was while it was snowing picking dog crap up in my dressing gown, the thought of it being out there meant i could sleep.. the really strange thing is, i love doing the house work, i love the feeling of looking at the house all clean i feel i did something that day...i may have to seek help very x

Mrs J- so many people seem to be having problems with mice at the moment, my neighbour had carpet fitted in the bedroom and thinks she has trapped the mouse under the floor boards so now she is worried that it will start to smell and may have to take the new carpet up.... x

BTP- on the subject of your LO sleeping.... show off !!!

Blob- paige sleeps for 10-20 mins or when ever i put her down she wakes up, but has a lot of them, never up longer than an hour during the day before sleeping again.. unless its time for her to go to bed, then she is awake for hours arghhhhhhhhhhh !!! x

Fishy- a year already, amazing how you get this adorable bundle of joy at the end... this time next year they will be walking... x
Hi ladies, just a quick one... there are 18 pages to catch up on so i'll wait till I'm home on Sunday to do that! Just to let you know that I spoke to Wayne today and they have now decided that he should do a full tour, so he won't be home until June now. He will get R&R in March though. Utter pants! Means he will stay out there when the rest of his lot come home, he'll miss his medals parade and everything so i have no idea how they're going to work that. Also means Lilia will be 9 months old when he gets home :(

Other than that everything with us is fine! I'm sorry to say I haven't posted my secret santa present yet though, ended up in too much of a rush on Wednesday, I will do it on Monday! You'll know if it's me as it'll be late!

Love you all! x

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