September Stars

BTP, trust is so hard to regain once its been trashed, it takes time xxxx
Blob, I think you are right!! Hope was fab, she cried for about 10 seconds then fell asleep in her car seat, where she is still asleep!! The nurse even said they are better when they are a bit older!

I had to wake Hope up this morning as she was still fast asleep at 8.45!! She looked so cosy and comfy!! On the plus side I have done all my washing and housework and I am now enjoying a brew!!
I'm all ready for christmas, I've bought them all wrapped them all, hid them away, wrote all the cards and posted them, done the food shop and put it all away in the garage, then i'll prepare most of it on christmas eve so i dont have as much to do on christmas day.
The tree is up and decorated and i've taken the kids to see santa so now all i have to do is wait for the big day lol.

Tyler is still sleeping at least 10 hours a night and hes doing really well. Although he hasnt had his 6 week check yet because i couldnt get an appointment and then when i did finally get an appointment i couldnt get to it because of the snow so now i've finally managed to get another appointment for monday! I know hes doing well though so i'm not worried.

becs hope you manage to get your flea problems sorted. we've just had out marchout bill through and they reckon i'm paying £800 for carpets to be replaced that didnt need replacing so were having to go through appeal.

Louise :hugs: so sorry wayne is having to stay out there longer

Fishy the necklaces you are doing are lovely.

BTP i cant imagine how hard that must be for you, i've never had any trust issues with my DH so cant imagine having to go through his history to see what hes been up to :hugs:
Boony, we have estates manager and a surveyor round tomorrow to go over the house and our complaints!!! MHS are also attending!! We are hoping to get our quater regraded too, its ridiculous, the people that lived here before have so not looked after the house, they have ripped out units in the kitchen and not replaced them, the carpets are all worn and bloody filthy, the list is endless, no more nails on everything, windows not fitted properly so we have had to tape them up to stop the draughts. Never had such a shit house and this is our 4th in 6 years! Our grade 4 quater was in better condition than this, this is meant to be a grade 2, I think bloody not! The system is all wrong, they seriously need to look at it, and take in to consideration that the people that are housed here have a 50 mile round trip to work each day! I shall be getting my moany head on, I hate complaining but I feel we are totally justified this time!
BTW, you are far too organised!!!!

Hope has just woke up, had her bottle and is now playing on the floor! She is giggling away!! Just waiting on my vanilla cupcakes to finish baking, they are for a friedn that lives down south who Ian is seeing tomorrow!
The weather is yuck outside, its so misty!
we have the same problem with a draughty window in the bedroom and we rang them 2 weeks ago to sort it out and someone came round and its not fixed so we rang again and they said nobody could come round till after christmas because its not an emergency!! wtf i have a 2 month old baby sleeping in that room. I dont blame you for complaining they are rubbish!!
Hi girlies

BTP hugs hun, I would feel exactly the same as you. I hold onto things for ages and ages and IMO trust has to be earned, so if he has done something wrong, he has to earn trust back from you. It's natural that you will feel like that for a while hun and I think the only way to get over it is time. I'm quite fortunate with Matt, but years back when we were at uni, I went away and he went out drinking with a friend. He ended up back in some girls room (a friend of his and it was halls of residence) and she made a drunken pass at him. He told me the next day and I went mad!! Thinking about it now, it was nothing but I was soo mad and as far as I was concerned he had betrayed me by going back to some girls room and getting so drunk that he got himself into that situation. He had to earn my trust again and it took me ages to get over it!! But we did and here we are 6 or 7 years later. It just takes time hun but he has to make an effort to make things right! :hugs:

I got Holly's secret santa pressie today! Are we opening them now??

Got my antenatal friend coming over in a bit for a brew

Oh meant to say we are taking Holly to see Santa in Manchester on Wednesday. I know she's too young to appreciate it, but I want a photo for her memories box! There is a pic of me with santa at about 9 months old and I love it! x
Thanks guys, appreciate your comments and thoughts!

I would never have dreamt of looking on his history, I trusted him totally and it was only while i was pregnant he became more and more quiet and distant, I was worried he was emailing someone so i looked on history, and found unsuitable material, all viewed when i was out or in bed, it has all stemmed from there, and just basically meant he has lied to me, and then lied again about it, more recently lied again as well as carrying on what i asked not to! He had made comments on a site as public as this one about how 'tempting' something obscene was, and i thought it was all over with but it eats at me, he told some guy that was posting pics of his girlfriend how 'lucky' he was because she had a stunning body, (and requested more pics too obscene to post so supplied his email address!) at the time i was 6 months pregnant, and the biggest bug is that i have never stopped any sexual contact, it has been his choice not to dtd during pregnancy, not mine. (It is not as if i am shy of anything if you know what i mean!:blush:)
So i think its the lies that make me look, because he lied to my face and i never thought he would lie to me, i thought we were best of friends, so i am almost grieving the loss of a friendship i thought i had!
I am trying to forgive and forget, i forgive ok but am struggling to forget!

And breath!!

BTP, thats awful, in a way its worse than actually doing the deed, I hate lying!!
Me too, I think lying about it is worse than actually doing it. Big hugs xx
Yea i think i would be making OH pay serously for that. I remember you saying about that now :nope: Men are so stupid they look elsewhere and dont realise what they have at home. Think i also would be snooping for a long time also :hugs: :hugs:
Blimen hec BTP I didn't know it was that bad! I can't believe he asked for photos of some guys girlfriend!!!!! I'm not surprised you feel like you do. Big :hugs: xx
BTP *hugs* I'm sorry to hear you are having problems with your hubby. Personally porn doesn't bother me that much, to be honest I'm probably more into it that my DH is but I can understand why you are feeling hurt. I think what he has done is out of order but at least he hasn't strayed? I know how hard it is to re-build trust once it has been lost. DH and I had a bust up a long time ago over a text message I wasn't happy with. Something didn't feel right so for the first time in our relationship I checked his phone. To say I went ballistic is an understatement, despite the fact that I knew he was just being a prick and it was innocent innuendo. That happened nearly two years ago but it still upsets me so I think it's fair to say I hold onto things for a long time. My DH wasn't keen on DTD while I was pregnant either and although I know it was because he was worried about the baby it really dented my confidence and I still haven't recovered. I feel really self-conscious about my body and I'm slowly starting to feel comfortable being intimate with him again. It's quite an about turn in our relationship as I'm the one with the high sex drive - but it's disappeared since having Scarlett. I really hope it comes back soon as for me DTD is part of what makes me feel close on a mental as well as physical level. Just a thought but do you think he might be trying to provoke a reaction from you to get attention? Obviously I don't know your husband but from what I can see of my own DH and my friend's experiences Men can feel a bit rejected after a baby is born and I know you have a toddler too. I know it's pathetic and to be honest it irritates me that they are so bloody stupid, but I've been trying to make sure I give DH lot's of attention so that he doesn't think I only care about Scarlett. Feel free to PM me or mail on facebook if you ever need to talk :hugs:

Louise - I'm really sorry to hear that your DH's tour has been extended. I can't begin to imagine how hard that must be for you :hugs:

Becs - hope your flea situation gets sorted out soon - what a nightmare for you.

Damn I've forgotten what else I was going to say.... Not much to report here. Weird weekend - DH and I had a big row on Saturday over him not pulling his weight with Scarlett at the weekend's. He has the best of intentions but when it means he is going to have to get out of bed and give up his lie-in it's a different matter. In anger he told me he thought our relationship was "fucked". Nice! I know he didn't mean it and he was just angry with me but it hurt nonetheless. In the afternoon he apologised and took me out for a Hot Choc and piece of Carrot Cake. I must admit I did brood on it all weekend but things are resolved now and we had a nice day yesterday.

Yesterday I saw my Dad - he came up from Dorset as it was my Step-niece's birthday. Dad bought Scarlett a lovely Silver Cross High Chair for Christmas so he brought it up with him so we don't have to find the room in the car next week when we visit. This is it - what do you think?
I put her in it this morning just to take a photo for my Dad as she is too small for it yet. I think she will love it when she is big enough - it's height adjustable and has a play tray aswell as a feeding one. It's nice and padded so I think it will be perfect for her to sit in and play with while I get on with cooking in the kitchen

Right I can hear her waking up so I better go. Catch you all later....

p.s the mice found the mahooosive box of Ferrer Rocher DH bought me for Christmas. Fortunately I heard them trying to nibble the seal so whipped it away before they got into the box. Shame I found my pressie but he should have found a better hiding place..........
BTP - :hugs::hugs: I know exactly what it's like... Luke was texting a girl when he went back to his dad's one day and deleted all his sent messages and texts....the only way I found out about it was I asked to send a text (he had credit and i didnt) and he'd accidentally left a sent message on there saying thanks for not coming round last night :( .... well I knew him and this girl had 'history' and to say I went mad is an understatement...even now I find it hard to trust him but if you wanna be with them and make it is key.

I recieved my SS present today!!! It was gorgeous :) Thank you whoever it was!! I will upload pics of it later on to show you what they sent!! Was very thoughtful and made me cry in Burger King when I opened it!!

I'm hoping my person gets there's soon!!!

Not much to say...taking Kimi to get weighed tomorrow!!! Please keep your fingers crossed for a significant weight gain!!! I'm so nervous that this HV is going to get me 'investigated' even though I know I'm doing everything right...i'm just scared they'll take her off of me :(

Hope everyones okay xx
Youngmummy good luck with the weigh in tomorrow!! I'm sure little Kimi will have gained nicely now she is feeling better. You go in there with your head held high and if they do 'investigate' you then let them, all they will find is a healthy little baby being looked after well by a very loving mummy!

I opened Holly's SS pressie, thank you so much whoever you are! Holly got a TaDoodles Rainbow Tower, which is like a light up stacker toy and some super cute wrist rattles, one with a bee one with a sheep. Thank you so much whoever bought them for her! :flower:

MrsJ, thats a lovely high chair, I have been looking at some, going to buy one after xmas for Hope. They are nice for them to sit in as they are higher up so like you say you are in the kitchen you don't have to keep looking down at them!!

Emma, that sounds lovely!!

I hope the person got my SS, I sent it last week!!! Wonder where mine is!!
Evening all, I am going to attempt personals, I know I've been crap this last few days!

Hope you feel better LilBumpBlue! x

BTP, so sorry to hear about your hubby. I have no idea why they think it's in any way okay to do this stuff. No wonder you're finding it hard to forgive and forget. Seems to me it should be him making a huge effort with his gorgeous wife!! Get yourself an extra squeeze from little Rosie. x

Aw Becs, so glad little Hope went okay with her jabs. Brave little lady. xx

MrsJ, don't talk to me about mice! Pesky little buggers! I had to wash all my reusable nappies the other day as one had found itself a nice cosy bed in the nappy basket. We now have about 8 traps set up to catch them. My neighbours are also having an issue though, and we think it's to do with a school being built and some roadworks close by disturbing their habitat. Hope you're feeling better after your issues with DH too. x

Good luck Youngmummy, we know you're doing well with Kimi. x

I got my SS today!! I opened it naughty me!! So thankyou to my santa for sending Sam a fab Vtech peekaboo ball!! xxx

Sam's still not well, God love him. It's really just been a nasty cough and cold, but I'm worrying now that it's not clearing and heading onto his chest. I think we'll be at the docs tomorrow. Bracing myself for another rubbish night with him!

Will try and be back tomorrow to chat! Nighty night all. xxx
Mrsj- lovely looking high chair ! hope things are better with dh things said in anger always stay with you but im sure he cant have meant it oh and forero rocher mmmm!

Emzy- we have those wrist rattles (it wasnt me though) i hung them on loopy links and attached them to their car seats for a while

youngmummy- good luck love be confident and calm they will see Kimi is well taken care of

btp- they lying and secrecy is horrid ive lost count of how many people i know in the same situation , the worse part im sure must be what it does to your confidence , men sre strange creatures sometimes and just like naughty little boys! feel free to vent your feelings

Amelia has done nothing but chew her fists all the time no signs of teeth so not sure if its a ive discovered my hands or a im hungry phase!
Layla is eating better but still every two to three hours she just cant take large amount to fill her up!

Which bubble bath does everyone use ? im finding lots of them are drying my hands so dont like what it must be doing to there skin? i want to find a nice gentle bubbly one?
Ooooooooo am I the only one who has my SS and hasn't opened it !!!? You naughty lot !!! Im saving ours for Christmas day. My dogs SS turned up today aswell so they kind of destroyed the tree earlier having a little sniff around !! Lab + Cocker + Tree = Carnage !!

Youngmummy I hope Kimi's weigh in goes ok tomorrow. Olivia is a really slow gainer (shes now 14w3d and still only 11lbs 2ozs) if one more HV at the clinic tells me to give her a bottle of formula I am going to start hurting some people. She will NOT take a bottle and is still putting on weight albeit slowly. Dont let them bully you. YOU know your daughter best hun.

BTP - :hugs: I have had trust issues in the past with my OH and know how hard it is to forgive and forget. I hope you can get through it. xx
When do we tell our SS who we were?!?! I'm desperate to know who sent mine and tell my person that it was me?!?!?! :happydance:


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