September Stars

Morning all!

Hope all the little ones having injections are okay today, and their mummies too!

Emzy, go Holly in her own cot settling on her own! Yay! And Becs, fab about Hope doing 12 hours!!

Hope you feel better soon SisterRose, there's so much about at the moment.

Just a really quick one, as I have to go down to school in a mo to collect Jack from nursery, then we're off to my works for a Xmas lunch buffet. I have done my best to look nice for it!

I went to the docs with Sam after another poo night. He sounded his chest and said it's definitely the start of a chest infection as he can't clear the phlegm from his cold. I told him my glands in my neck are up, and he had a feel and said "ooooh yes!", reckons I've got a residual infection from my sinuses being all bunged up. So we're both on amoxycillin! Ah well, hopefully we'll all be good for Xmas.

Love to all, catch up later. xx
Hi girls

I've caught up but forgotten everything...erm...

Asher hope you and sammy pants feel better soon! Poor things. At least you both get it out of the way for Christmas! :hugs:

Becs yay for 12 hours! Maybe Hope is dropping her night feed now!

Can't remember anything else!!!

So, Holly went to sleep on her own at 10.45... and slept til 10am still!! I couldn't believe it! I totally expected her to wake up. She was thrashing around a bit when Matt got up at 7, but didn't wake til just after 7. I'm going to try and pull it back a bit earlier still tonight and see how we go. It's almost as if she wants to be put down to sleep on her own now too, as when she's tired I'm automatically picking her up for a cuddle, but she crys so I put her down and she goes off to sleep herself. I just have to pop her dummy in for her a couple of times before she goes off to sleep. She's just done it now for a nap!

Going off on the train into Manchester this afternoon for a bit of christmas shopping and to meet Matt after work. I always worry about getting the pram on and off the train, but there are usually helpful people on hand!

Have just ordered Holly a highchair from Babies R Us, its this one (it wont let me put the babies r us link in) and it was half price, so only £32.99!

Hoping it comes before Christmas so that she can sit at the table with us for Christmas dinner! Also ordered a door bouncer, which I think she'll love! Decided not to get a jumperoo as they're so expensive and we really don't have the room for it anyway, not now we've just bought that swing! I'm still waiting for the swing to be delivered... it should be delivered today but no sign yet... hope it comes soon as I want to go out!!

A huge thank you to paiges secret santa, we opened the present up today... i think i may have to steal the blanket, so soft, paige is curled up in it now and the bath set and hat and mits are perfect.. thank you xxxxx

MrsJ- i HATE losing stuff, even if its stuff i dont want to use, if i know something is missing i do not stop until either i find it or i replace it... Grant says its very scary and he hates asking where things are incase the item is missing. But a ring !!! they are so small, when i was slim (think that was last year sometime) my rings would come off in the dish cloths, i suppose being over weight now has its bonuses ..xx

Asher- sorry to hear your both ill.... i hope your better by xmas day.. xx

Emzy- Love the high chair, i dont have the room for a highchair so hoping to use the bumbo , we dont have a dining table just a breakfast bar with one chair (I got a tumble dryer where the other chair used to be) I wasnt going to buy a jumperoo until one of the girls on here said it was in the argos sale... and i understand about room, we are limited and as i am a "minimalistic" type person i am hating having stuff all over the place.. xx
Lady K what a lovely SS pressie!!

Asher, aww poor little man, hope he is better soon xx

Mrs J my OH is always losing things, really pisses me off!!! Have fun at the shops!!

Emma thats lovely and a bargain, hope you had a nice time shopping!! We are lucky as we have a big 3 bed so plenty of room, dont think we woud of bought a jumperoo if we had limited space.

Lilia, glad Charlie-Jack liked his SS pressie xx

Well took Murphy for a 5 mile walk, got wet!! Where has the time gone today?? Ian is on his way back from down South, I have cooked tea so just gotta put it in the oven. Hope is loads better today!! I got a right bargain on ebay the other day, a lilac bumbo and tray for £6.50, hardly used, its immaculate!!
Mrsj, oh i really hate loosing stuff too, well done you for finding it, men seem incapable of finding stuff so they don't bother looking!:hugs:

Asher, hope your little man feels better soon xx:hugs:

Had my coil fitted today, no problems, but glad its over with, can stop worrying about it being done, the doctor was nice and the nurse did her best to small talk me through it!
Rosie giggled last night when i tickled her, going to try and get it on camera and post it on fb, its so cute:cloud9: proud mummy moment!
She has come to the dentist and doctors with me the last 2 days and been such a good girl for me, love my baby girl!:cloud9:

Well on the insurance thing, dh stepped on ds's laptop a few weeks back, destroyed it totally and we are waiting to hear if we are covered, he has had the same insurance for 16 years with no claim, i hope it is covered but it has made him sort it all out and make sure we have the right cover.
Got to go, camera moment oppertunity!

What a bargain Becs!!
BTP Lilia hasn't giggled yet, she does big open mouth grins but hasn't yet broken into a giggle even though she looks like she is about to! I can't wait to hear her giggle!

I'm not going to be able to catch up on everything I've missed, just not had the chance to come on the past week! Hope everyone is well and babies are behaving!

Lilia is teething at the moment I think, she iis biting down and chomping on everything she can get her little hands on, then she is struggling with bottles again, presumably because her gums are sore from all the chomping! It's hard to settle her because as soon as she has the dummy she wants to chew it not suck it so it won't stay in!! I have been a little tempted to sellotape it to her face!! Hee hee!!!

I sent my SS yesterday so hopefully it has arrived today? If not it should definately be there tomorrow! I am so looking forward to receiving Lilia's pressie!

I've had a busy week or so, wednesday went to waynes mum and dads till sunday, didn't go to the funeral in the end for two reasons, 1 because i had Lilia and 2 because of the people who were going, couldn't face it alone! Then my mum and dad came up monday till wednesday which was nice but i'm looking forward to some alone time with Lilia! I feel like I've not given her a bottle for aaaaaaaaaaages!! I'll be off up north to my mums next week as my birthday is next friday and I'm there for christmas, then back to minehead for new year! Argh!
BTP, Hope giggle lots especially when being tickled and making funny noises and faces at her!!!

Louise what a busy time, at least the time will go quick and before you know it Wayne will be home xx Poor Lilia, we are having teething issues too, everytime I feed her the bottle hurts her gums and she sobs, its hard work!! Been ging her calpol just to ease the pain and got some ashton and parsons powder which seem to be doing the trick!! Can't have my chunky monkey getting slim lol!!!

I know the person got my SS pressie!!!
becs, -OMG what a bargain !!!!! I asked my sister for a pink one for xmas but realised if i have a boy next i cant reuse it for him....

BTP- i hope you get the giggles on video.... Did it hurt having the coil? can you feel it?

Louise- Another baby teething !! paige dribbles and tries to bite down on my fingers or her fingers but i cant feel any teeth so unsure why she does this...
Can who my secret santa is pm me their address please so I can send a card of thanks for Kimi's beautiful presents????


LadyK I have read that it can take a month or more from them starting to 'teethe' before their actual teeth pop through! We had the dreaded red cheek yesterday although it's gone today!

We have a blue bumbo for Lilia! My sister gave it to me, my nephew absolutely hated it! I don't mind that it's blue, to be honest apart from clothes, Lilia doesn't have that much pink stuff! I think it's good for them to see lots of colours!
Sorry girls!
I'm completely overwhelmed by everyday life, the toddler/baby combo, and all the holiday prep these days, and am being a rotten threadmate again.
I'm about ten pages behind on everyone's news, so :flower: apologies!

I am just about finished with all the shopping. Next is the wrapping. That's about 70% done. Then I have to pack everything up to drive eight hours to my parents next week.

And even though I have been making and checking copious lists, I feel like I'm forgetting something really important. I hate that feeling!

Hope you are all well! :hugs:
Asher hope you and Sam feel better soon xx

Becs I still can't decide on the bumbo seat, how long are they meant to be able to use them for?

Emzy glad holly is starting to be able to settle herself much more

BTP Congrats on the coil !!

Think JJ is still sleeping in his crib in his own at night but dud wake at two this morning. He seems to be sleeping alot the past couple of days think it's a growth spurt. Went to mums yesterday and realised his trousers were too small so changed him into a sleepsuit which I then realised he couldn't straighten his legs so ive packed all his clothes, it was really sad he had some lovely clothes. Is it weird if he still wears sleepsuits during the day or should I really be putting him in trousers and tops at ten weeks?

By the way mrs j my husband lost his wedding ring the first night of honeymoon, he swung his arm and the ring slid off we spent half an hour in the dark on our knees searching just as we gave up to look on the morning I stood on it. Such a relief!
Jelly, they can go in them from around 3/4 months, I thought even if she uses it for a few weeks I will still make my money back on it. On the whole clothes thing I dress Hope everyday then bath and sleepsuit at night. Its like a routine I guess so she knows day/night etc. Also she has that many clothes shes gotta wear them lol!!
I sometimes let Lilia wear a babygro during the day, she finds them easier to kick and wiggle about in I think, but I am starting to think I should dress her in her other clothes every day! If I'm travelling much like I have recently I will put her in a babygro for the car though!
I get Olivia dressed if were going anywhere but if were just having a day at home then I will leave her in a babygro. I do have a couple of really lovely babygro's that count as outfits though. x
LadyK I have read that it can take a month or more from them starting to 'teethe' before their actual teeth pop through! We had the dreaded red cheek yesterday although it's gone today!

We have a blue bumbo for Lilia! My sister gave it to me, my nephew absolutely hated it! I don't mind that it's blue, to be honest apart from clothes, Lilia doesn't have that much pink stuff! I think it's good for them to see lots of colours!

I didnt know that, thank you.. will keep a eye on it.I dont think i would want to carry on breast feeding once she gets teeth and i would be so upset if i had to stop...
Hubby said i wasnt allowed to make all her toys brown and cream or all pink as he was worried she would have colour blind issues so we brought the most colourful baby gym we can find... but i still would have gone for the brown and cream one !!! it matches my living room colours... !! lol

Can who my secret santa is pm me their address please so I can send a card of thanks for Kimi's beautiful presents????



should we be sending thank you cards? i want to know who mine is too.... i put a hint in mine as i thought we were doing hints but i dont think mine put a hint...

Asher hope you and Sam feel better soon xx

Becs I still can't decide on the bumbo seat, how long are they meant to be able to use them for?

Emzy glad holly is starting to be able to settle herself much more

BTP Congrats on the coil !!

Think JJ is still sleeping in his crib in his own at night but dud wake at two this morning. He seems to be sleeping alot the past couple of days think it's a growth spurt. Went to mums yesterday and realised his trousers were too small so changed him into a sleepsuit which I then realised he couldn't straighten his legs so ive packed all his clothes, it was really sad he had some lovely clothes. Is it weird if he still wears sleepsuits during the day or should I really be putting him in trousers and tops at ten weeks?

By the way mrs j my husband lost his wedding ring the first night of honeymoon, he swung his arm and the ring slid off we spent half an hour in the dark on our knees searching just as we gave up to look on the morning I stood on it. Such a relief!

I dont think it matters , i always said paige would wear baby grows up until 3 months but i always dressed her in dresses, I always put her in baby grows or PJ's at night and dressed in outfits during the day, but this is also due to the fact i have a million outfits and only a few baby grows.. I want to make sure she gets use out of them all...
James was fab today with Santa but really broke his little heart when he had his injections he cried and sobbed for about 15 mins, so much so he made a woman in the waiting room cry too! :( sorry about the lack of personals i have a grumpy lil man on my lap and am on my phone x x x
becs, -OMG what a bargain !!!!! I asked my sister for a pink one for xmas but realised if i have a boy next i cant reuse it for him....

BTP- i hope you get the giggles on video.... Did it hurt having the coil? can you feel it?

Louise- Another baby teething !! paige dribbles and tries to bite down on my fingers or her fingers but i cant feel any teeth so unsure why she does this...

I tried but only got a half giggle, she is asleep now! She coo's for ages telling me really interesting stories with really expressive facial expressions (i am expressive so that is mummy's trait, only i can't hide mine, if something discusts me it's written all over my face!)
It is then she is good to giggle, my ds makes her laugh by just saying stuff to her, i have to tickle!
No the coil doesn't hurt, and no i don't feel it there, tbh it is brilliant, i have had coils since i had my eldest, so 16 years, between babies! I have always conceived as soon as they are out til Sophie which took 3 months and Rosie who took 9, but i put that down to my fertility dropping off with age.
It is no more unpleasant than a smear, and once it's in you can forget about it, just check the threads in it once in a blue moon.
You need to relax when it goes in, and i find it helps to think of something totally different but like i say all in all i would reccomend them, and the mirena gets rid of periods so that is brilliant!
If you want to know anything else pm me, i am the font of all knowledge when it comes to coils!!!:haha: DONT GOOGLE IT, all you get is scare stories from the rare occasions there have been a side affect, i can honestly say i have not had a days problem from any of my coils xx:hugs:

Anyways just noticed the time, the apprentice calls me!! I love tuesdays, in bed baby on boob, and the apprentice on!:happydance:

Back tomorrow byeeeeeeeeeeee xxxxxx:hugs:
James was fab today with Santa but really broke his little heart when he had his injections he cried and sobbed for about 15 mins, so much so he made a woman in the waiting room cry too! :( sorry about the lack of personals i have a grumpy lil man on my lap and am on my phone x x x

Oh bless her for being upset for him, how sweet!
I am avoiding mine now til after christmas, poor babies:cry:
Hope he feels better soon, perhaps another visit to Santa! :hugs:xx

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