September Stars

:rofl: I have the born at Christmas on the planner...starts at 8pm christmas eve EEK!!! Robin is NOOT amused with me. He thinks that since we've had Rosalie i shouldnt still want to watch these things ha ha ha!

Louise thats most of the point of these things to be able to rant and complain and get things off your chest :)

:hugs: JC i'm pretty much single just now, Robin goes out at 5am and is only back in around 11pm and he's so shattered he doesnt help at all with Rosalie ( I have to get him dinner when he comes in )

Emzy i think that they just have odd nights where they mess about.
Good Morning all,

Oh dear, sounds like some unsettled babies and some tired hormonal Mummies!
Rosie was up last night, unusually, she has a sort of dream feed usually at about 5am but that is 10 mins and back to sleep, but she was moaning and trying to get wind out so i got her up for a feed and a cuddle, she was still moaning so i rubbed her tummy massage style but left her grow and stuff on, hey presto very soon she was getting all her wind out, then a poo, then after a change and another cuddle i couldn't resist, she had a bit of boob and slept since. (now half 8) so must have felt better!
I used to be up constantly with Sophie so i suppose Rosie is easy in comparison, also i used to think how lucky i was to have all the mummy baby time i had during the night, i used to think all the other mummies were asleep missing this time, but perhaps not!!:hugs:

Ladyk, love the carrier pic, Rosie hates her carrier, hates the pram if its not moving, and anything that means she has to go out! She is definetely a staying in baby, she is really happy and contented at home, but not out! :hugs:

Jelly, dh has recently taken much more on since we had our falling out, and i happened to mention how i did everything for him and he did f all, unfortunatly it is only temporary but he is doing so much more, and it is so much easier when they just chip in.
It was so funny, he cleaned the kitchen up and my ds made him a certificate congratulating him on clearing up! Says it all really, children are so innocent and honest! xx:hugs:

Emzy :hugs: xxxx

We have a local shop that does the hand and feet casting, but it is very expensive and depends if you like it, they are a lovely idea but almost to 'real' to look at! Fabulous keepsake but not sure if or where i would display them.
I did a plate with the girls handprints on which i have picked up, will try and get a pic on here later.
Got to go, my little girl has a nasty cough and cold and the snot is making her sick poor baby, i just hope Rosie doesn't get it.
Now for carpet cleaning!!

LOL at the certificate BTP!! Bless her cottons!

JC, you poor thing, you must be knackered. I am very lucky with my dh. He does a lot around the house and often cooks dinner whilst I'm upstairs feeding Harry and putting him to bed. Like I've said before I do sometimes feel like Harry is ultimately my responsibility and that I can never get away but I guess that's just what happens when you're a Mum.

Last week we got 6 mugs with Harry's handprint on for relatives. They are ready today but due to the snow there is no way we can go get them :(. Will post a pic when we manage to!

I agree re the casting looking too real sometimes. It can look a bit freaky having such real looking feet in a frame. Having said that, what an amazing keep sake. I'm full of contradictions today aren't I?!

What a lot of naughty babies with their 'coughs' !! lol!
Hey girls
Feeling a lot better and less grumpy today, holly slept til 915 after her messing about last night! She must have just needed a poo! Lol

Btp lol at the certificate!! So funny!!

Hugs jelly, I feel like that sometimes. I just think men dont get it and I often feel like Matt is babysitting her for me!

Am just on my way to town to get a few last minute presents. And I'm on my OWN!! Feels very strange with no pram and no baby to worry about... but nice to have some time to myself! Xx
JC Chris made a comment a couple of weeks ago when someone asked if James slept through he said "yes he sleeps until 7ish usually" my mouth dropped open and i said "thats because you sleep through the 3am & 5am feed!!!" :haha:

ooh lovely Emzy!

I do think sometimes to myself that life would be so much easier if i was a single man to cook for & clean up after! :lol: x
I do think sometimes to myself that life would be so much easier if i was a single man to cook for & clean up after! :lol: x

I quite often think that - especially today after finding an empty plate in the fridge (hed eaten the contents and left it in there !!, empty apple juice carton in the fridge and my bedroom looks like it has been burgled as OH couldnt find the t-shirt he wanted which is currently in the washing machine - Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :haha:
jelly cat- When i started breast feeding full time hubby was happy because he thought it meant he didnt have to get up for any of her feeds, i told him there is nothing wrong with him giving her bottle to give me the night off, im still waiting for that night off. He does cook dinner every night and takes her from me when she is crying and just walks her but he just takes her to Jakes bedroom to play xbox. I still ask if i can have a bath or if he is alright looking after her... I actully get on better when he is at work because i can keep to a routine. xx
I can't moan about mine at the moment because for all his faults, I'd much rather he were here annoying me right now! I dunno, give me till about day 4 on R&R and I might change my mind!!
Hi ladies

I've been catching up on the last few pages with a knowing smile!

Laura - you are not a bad Mum. After being an angel child Scarlett's routine has gone out the window the last 10 days and she's been getting very over tired and feeding every 1.5 to 2 hours and I'm feeling shattered. Last night she was so over-tired I put her down in her cot at 10pm, turned all the lights off and left her with the panda nightlight on. A couple of times she shouted out (no crying) but after 15 mins she went to sleep and slept through until 5.15am. I feel so much better for getting a decent run of sleep. After the 5.15 feed she was up again at 6.30 went back until 8.30 when I expected her to want to get up properly be she went back down until 10am! It's so hard at this age because they can't tell you what is wrong but can make one hell of a racket.

I can also empathise on the OH front!
LBB & Jellycat my DH sleeps through nightfeeds too. I find it so irritating I'm tempted to kick him sometimes.
BTP - :rofl: at the certificate
I had a classic with my DH today, he told me not to worry about the washing - he would take it out and hang it up to dry. What has he done? Fallen asleep on the sofa and muggins here has done it as usual.
Laura - sounds like my DH - never puts his bloody clothes away, leaves empty cartons in the fridge. uses the butter and leaves it on the counter rather than putting it back in the fridge. Uses the last of things that I don't eat (like Tomato Sauce) doesn't tell me then kicks up merry hell when he next wants it and there is none there. I could go on, and on and on......

Yesterday we were supposed to be having a big family meal with my best friend and brother but the snow messed it up. My brother still made it but my bf couldn't risk the drive. I cooked a feast with a lovely glazed ham, fed Scarlett endlessly and did all the washing up. All DH wanted to do was go and play in the snow like a big kid while I slaved away in the kitchen and ran about looking after Scarlett too. I've tried to talk to him about these things and he "trys" for about a day and then goes back to normal. I'm not feeling myself at the moment - I'm still getting a lot of stomach cramps and I haven't lost any weight since the birth as I'm hungry all the time from breastfeeding. I don't think I've ever felt so unattractive but DH can't grasp how I feel and isn't exactly reassuring me. Men! They have no idea. Unfortunately I tend to bottle things off so when I lose my temper (and it's not far off) he will know it!!!!

Right I'm off as I'm in a grumpy mood and could go on all afternoon.....

Oh don't start me off on men, i was very happy with me and the kids, till i fell in love with my lump of a dh! I can't complain of his recent tidying and cleaning mood, and he has been looking after our dd who is poorly while i do housewifey stuff, so today at least he is ok!:haha: I also think of Louise who's dh is away and feel lucky good or bad that i have him about:flower:

I have a 6-12 month m&s sleep bag for a baby boy, my friend gave it to me, it is in lovely condition, with little puppies on it, i kept it in case i had a boy and just found it in my clothes to use again bag! If anyone would like it, it is fairly light so about 2 tog, would be fine for spring or a warmer sleepsuit and the bag on top.
If anyone wants it just email me an address so i can post it xx

Talking of dh's mine went upstairs to turn the xbox off, and hasn't returned, its the little on button but looks like he could't find it!

Back tomorrow xx:hugs:
:rofl: BTP (turning off the xbox)

Dont think i can even start on my OH the list would be too make it short he would not pick up A THING or help with any nightime feeds or nightmares. I've had to feed Rosalie and run through look after Tabs then go back and re feed :dohh: The most he will do if i nag is take the bin from the door to the bin outside. Though i wont complain just now since he's working so hard.

I also always think of you too Louise :hugs:
I often think that too LBB...would make it cheaper!! I spent flipping £300 on a tescos shop (normal not christmas) last week and have already been back and spent £50 today...he eats TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:

I'm going to have no money left for christmas dinner at this rate :shock:
Crikey just caught up!!!

I feel so sorry for you with lazy OH's!!! I feel so lucky with mine, I know sometimes he doesn't do things as I would like but thats just me and my OCD but he is fab! He does the night feeds, baths Hope does housework and ironing so I have no complaints!!! I can send him round for lessons if you like lol!!!

Louise, you moan away and dont forget I am on the end of that phone!! I know how you feel!!

Breakfast with Santa was fab, my nephew and niece loved it!!! I have a lovely smiling laughing Hope on the floor next to me, she is full of giggles today!! We put her jumperoo up last night and she loves it!!
Tomorrow I am finishing off some shopping, Ian is on leave till Jan so I am making the most of it!! Also having my new blinds fitted tomorrow!! I am so easily pleased!!
Andrea waves and says hi?! Remember me;) laptop been goofed and phone was mo good but now have a snazzy new iPhone and battery for laptop:) I'll be on all the time again!!!

Hope you and all your gorg babies are well, have to say wee Cooper is just a diamond! honestly I can't believe how laid back and brill he is. Absolutely loving being a new mummy again! No bad feelings this time, I know it's still early but I'm doing great;)

Are we all ready for Xmas?.cxx
Drea, so good to hear from you!!! Hope all is good with you xx
:wave: hi Drea :wave:

Mrsj :hugs: think she's just gone through a growth spurt?

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