Heya everyone!
Well Roxy was a madam again yesterday. She woke up at 16:15 and then didnt sleep until 22:30. That was filled with crying, fussing, feeding, nappy changes and just continuous cuddles! Ooosh im not sure whether shes having a growth spurt or something but it wasnt easy!! She slept until half 3, had a feed then went back to sleep until 8ish this morning, so at least she has caught up on some sleep now =) I cant really moan about having the problems now after having Roxy - I had the easiest pregnancy and birth imaginable - so I suppose I had to feel some bad stuff now to make up for it! It isnt that bad, im just annoyed that I cant feed Roxy - she is more than happy with the bottle - but that wasnt my plan
but I suppose with children you cant really have a set plan can you?
opticalillus5 - glad to hear your mastitis has cleared up, sucks about LO still having thrush and getting all that gas
we took our baby cards down aswell - the room looks empty now!! Roxy also does the weird stopping breathing thing - I read somewhere that this is normal and a natural way for them to bring in more oxygen through a big gasp so to speak. Obviously we shouild continue to check on them though - but yes it is rather scary!
Sayuri - congratulations on the birth of your LO!!
Bekklez - id get checked over just to be safe - its not so much pain but a horrible discomfort - I can only explain it as if something was attached to my lady bits and pulling downwards :S its also swollen to look at on the one side and you could feel a hardness on the one side
it feels a little better now but I think its because Ive been taking it a little easier now! I also asked the midwife and HV about rashes and things and apparantly its a normal babies way of getting used to their environment as they're being exposed to lots of new thing (fabric softners, clothes etc).
Asher - glad that Sam is putting on good weight!!
Sarahkka - sorry to hear your LO hasnt put on any weight - whats the HV said about that, do they have any explanations for it? If his poos and wees are good and hes eating well, then obviously hes not poorly - hopefully they will figure out why hes not gaining!