September Stars

I love that last pic geniesgirl - So cute with them cuddled up together ! x
Genies try feeding some warm boiled water in a bottle, really helps holly get going when constipated. It's horrible seeing them in pain isn't it. Also a warm bath and belly rub and move legs in a bicycle motion Xx
Genies, those pics of your girls are just heart melting! I love them all! That first one of them both doing the "ooooh" face is lovely!! Sam does that face too, and I remember both the big boys doing the same! The one where they are cuddling is gorgeous too. They're all gorgeous!

I will be back in the middle of the night to comment some more. I need to get to bed, not eaten yet so having some quick supper before bed.

Love to everyone, good to see some new September mummies here!!

Oh yep, today I took Sam to be weighed at baby clinic, and he's put 21oz on in 10 days, the little chubster! He's 10lb 7 now! And from now on to be known as Sammy Fat Pants!!!! x
And the pics are lovely! I love the last one too, so cute! I bet they will always be the best of friends x
Lovely pics, genie's girl!

Having an absolutely horrible day today. All because we took Toby to be weighed again at the clinic as it's now 12 days after his birth and he should be back up to his birth weight.
He hasn't gained an ounce. Not one.
I'm so upset and I can't figure out what is going on. He seems to be eating well and his poops and pees are textbook. He's sleeping well, having lots of quiet, alert time, etc. So why isn't he gaining?
I'm guessing it's the thrush? I thought it was going away with the topical treatment I was using, but I had a lot of that awful burning feeling deeper in each boob today, so maybe not. I see the consultant on Monday, but meanwhile, I am so worried and discouraged and upset.
I think I still have lots of hormones coursing through me, so that isn't helping me have a rational response at all!
Genies, they are sooooo cute xxx

Sarah, sounds like you are having a right time of it, can't be easy with a toddler aswell xxx

Asher, what a chunky monkey you have xx

We gave Hope a dummy today to help her go longer between feeds and it worked a treat, she loves it!! I didn't really want to give her one but my Mum said to try her on one to see if it worked, she has been 3 hours with 3oz when she has been 2 hours and then wanting a feed but only having an ounce!! I just can't believe how relaxed she is, its amazing!!
I had a lovely bath earlier with some tea tree in it to help my bits heel, was so lovely!!
I am going to treat myself to some new tops and jeans tomorrow, I have hardly any clothes!! Got a few bits for Hope to get, we are going to try her in her grobag tonight!!
:hi: girls

Just up feeding holly. I'm soo tired today! Really feel like I need to catch up on sleep. Holly fed at 10pm but then wouldn't go off to sleep til 12.30. Then she woke for a feed at 2 and just now. I'm hoping she goes back to sleep after this one zzzzzzzz Xx
Heya everyone!

Well Roxy was a madam again yesterday. She woke up at 16:15 and then didnt sleep until 22:30. That was filled with crying, fussing, feeding, nappy changes and just continuous cuddles! Ooosh im not sure whether shes having a growth spurt or something but it wasnt easy!! She slept until half 3, had a feed then went back to sleep until 8ish this morning, so at least she has caught up on some sleep now =) I cant really moan about having the problems now after having Roxy - I had the easiest pregnancy and birth imaginable - so I suppose I had to feel some bad stuff now to make up for it! It isnt that bad, im just annoyed that I cant feed Roxy - she is more than happy with the bottle - but that wasnt my plan :( but I suppose with children you cant really have a set plan can you?

opticalillus5 - glad to hear your mastitis has cleared up, sucks about LO still having thrush and getting all that gas :( we took our baby cards down aswell - the room looks empty now!! Roxy also does the weird stopping breathing thing - I read somewhere that this is normal and a natural way for them to bring in more oxygen through a big gasp so to speak. Obviously we shouild continue to check on them though - but yes it is rather scary!

Sayuri - congratulations on the birth of your LO!!

Bekklez - id get checked over just to be safe - its not so much pain but a horrible discomfort - I can only explain it as if something was attached to my lady bits and pulling downwards :S its also swollen to look at on the one side and you could feel a hardness on the one side :( it feels a little better now but I think its because Ive been taking it a little easier now! I also asked the midwife and HV about rashes and things and apparantly its a normal babies way of getting used to their environment as they're being exposed to lots of new thing (fabric softners, clothes etc).

Asher - glad that Sam is putting on good weight!!

Sarahkka - sorry to hear your LO hasnt put on any weight - whats the HV said about that, do they have any explanations for it? If his poos and wees are good and hes eating well, then obviously hes not poorly - hopefully they will figure out why hes not gaining!

Hi just been to the doctor and it seems my womb is enlarged still so they think I have some retained placenta after c-section. Had a massive bleed yesterday which wasn't normal so have now been put on antibiotics and go back on Monday for a check up but they said it is likely that I will have to have a D&C to get rid of it. My blood count is still low too and feeling really shattered. Mum goes back tomorrow and has offered to take my 3 year old home with her for a week, I'm not sure about that at the moment but it would be easier. I'm worried as she is still small too!! Any advice appreciated.

Sorry for the selfish post.

Llinos x
Blondie - I just wanted to give you a big :hug: I had a C-Section too and recovering from that itself is hard enough, my blood levels are also low. I think you should let your Mum take the pressure off. Talk to your 3 year old and explain she is going on an adventure to stay with Nanny/Grandma for a few days and that they are going to do lot's of fun things together. You can always buy her a little present for when she get's home. I went to stay with my grandparents when my brother was born (I was 3 years old) and I remember it. I'm sure she will just see it as being made a fuss of and lot's of extra attention

I would think your 3 year old would love staying with her granny for a week!!! she would be spoilt plus it wouldgive you time to rest and get used to baby!

Go for it!!
Have had a few more manic hours with the little madam today. She woke at half 8 and has only just gone off to sleep at ten to two! Shes getting herself all tired and irritable. I dont know whether its to do with gas, reflux or constipation - but she isnt happy bless her. Have sent the DH to tesco to get some bits and bobs as well as aptimel comfort as supposedly thats meant to work wonders on babies with iffy tummies - we will see!

blondie35 - that sounds so nasty! You poor thing. Hopefully you will get things sorted soon *hug*

Blondie, you poor thing. I would let her go, you need time to get yourself well xxx

I woke up feeling quite refreshed, so off we went and got Hope registered, got some pics developed to send to Ian's Nan, got back this afternoon and I guess I was more tired than I realised as I have not long woken up. I know my tear is going to take a while to get over and I think I have been trying to do too much, my iron levels are still low and looking back maybe I should of had some blood, I wil see how I go over the weekend and if I still feel poo I will tell mw on Monday. I hate not being able to do as much but I am so glad Ian has taken it all on, he is doing the night feeds, housework etc, just feel awful I can't help out a bit more!!
Blondie- you poor thing big hugs x

Becs- make the most of dh helping he is probably happy to do it and enjoying taking care of the women in his life! you have done the hard work so far x

MrsJ- i love your avatar pic such a lovely photo

Took Amelia to the drs today the dr not concerned said im doing all the right things so hopefully she will be less constipated soon, got home and she greated me with a enormous poo so i think she feeling better now just got to hope she doesnt get colicy again.
laylas doing fine she is small but so alert i think she will be the boss :)
Blondie I agree with the others I reckon your 3yo will love going to stay with gran and it will do you the world of good to have some rest and bonding time with Lo.

Becs I feel your pain! I had a bad tear and also lost lots of blood. My iron levels went right down and I was put on tablets which I'm still taking. Did they give you tablets? Make sure you rest and take it easy as much as possible. It took me a good 3 weeks to feel like id recovered xx
ive put the girls into there grobags/sleeping bags tonight as its been colder, i wasnt sure if it was too early? is anyone else using them? ive been using swaddle blankets up until now x
Emzy, I am taking iron tablets along with half the bloody pharmacy and I have injections twice daily to stop my blood from clotting!! Its all good fun!!

Genies, I put Hope in her grobag tonight, she loves being snug!! Its so cold and I worry about her getting chilly at night!

Hope is going 3 hours between feeds now, the dummy is fab!! Just fed her and put her in her carrycot, she loves being in there, she looks so snuggly!! I just want to hold her all the time but I know I also need me time!!
Oh Becs that sounds fun!! lol It might take a bit for the iron to get into your system, it did for me and I didn't start feeling better for a few weeks.

Genies yep Holly is in her grobag, snug as a bug in a rug! I've actually got 4 and it's a good job as they keep getting covered in sick and whatnot lol

I can't believe Holly is 6 weeks old tomorrow!! Time is going scarily fast!! :wacko:



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Becs - I know how you feel as my iron is also low. I was taking tablets before delivery and as I lost a lot of blood in surgery I have to keep taking them. Problem is they make me constipated and that's been causing me a lot of pain - worse than the section scar at times. I didn't take them for a day and half and it enabled me to go. The MW told me it takes 2-3 weeks for the iron tablets to get in your system x x x
Morning ladies, have been lurking just not posting! I seem to always have a baby attached to my boob and when I've not I've been getting on with housework and stuff. Aforementioned baby is currently clamped to my left boob so at least my right hand is free!

Got Archie's swimming lesson this morning, so I need to go and dress them all in a mo. DH is doing overtime again, so it's me and all the boys!

I actually went for my first post birth swim yesterday, it was bliss! I'm so pleased I managed to keep it up during pregnancy, I was able to get straight in and swim my usual 40 lengths. It was fab, I enjoyed every minute of it!! I felt so much less tired last night, much more like me again! A good stretch and exercise, and all my muscles really benefitted.

Of course, that all went out the window when Sam had a rubbish night, and now I feel tired!!! Plus, I was annoyed when I went to access my FB in the night, and DH had changed all our passwords (he is a techno geek and likes to auto generate weird passwords every now and again...). So I couldn't look at my FB on my phone, was super peed off!!

Right, better go and sort these boys. Hope the gorgeous mums and babies are all okay, will attempt a better catch up later. xxx

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