September Stars

Genies awww loveing the pic's of the girls! we use grow bags for Ollie, much easier than balnkets coz he carn't kick them off.

Oh yep, today I took Sam to be weighed at baby clinic, and he's put 21oz on in 10 days, the little chubster! He's 10lb 7 now! And from now on to be known as Sammy Fat Pants!!!! x

sammy fat pants :haha:

blondie i agree with mrsj, i'm sure you 3yr old would love to spend time with grandma/nanna and if you explain it as going on adventure and how she is going to do loads of fun things i'm sure she will be fine and it will help you too hun.

Asher i been lurking too, soon as i sit at the computer Ollie decides to cry :wacko: so i have to get up, he's been really grumpy of late and his poo was green last night so i think he has an upset tummy :nope: he is also snacking on his bottles again taking oz here and there.

DD has gone off to the granparents, auntie H has come up from leeds with her BF to see ollie which is nice.

what wasnt so nice was when OH's dad turned around and said that he hated ollies middle name and the less said about it the better :growlmad:
seems as though his mum and sis didn't like it either no i now feel like :cry:
I think it coz i picked ollies name (OH picked dd name) so they are been morons about it!
Asher I see from your ticker Sam is a month old today! Happy month birthday Sam!! It's scary how fast time flys... Holly is 6 weeks old today!

The little madam was awake from 9pm til 3am last night but then slept til 9am, so I got a good 6 hours sleep! I'm still bloody knackered though lol Still, tonight is Saturday night and so Mum's night off... wine and X factor yipee!! Matt does the night feeds on a Saturday night so I can have a full nights sleep and I can't wait!!

emzy- holly was a party animal last night eh, hope you enjoy your night off.

asher- glad to see little man is growing nicely ad enjoying his food

daisy- tell them to sod off! your baby your name!

im double feeding apologies for the typing, the girls are laying on my lap on the v pillow, dont know what id do without it essential twin feeding kit.
we went for a walk earlier just so i could get out for a bit, dh is working today.he goes back monday properly afterva month off he really doesnt want to go and leave his girls bless him x
Hello all xxx

We hada lovely walk earlier, I so needed the fresh air!! Then I took Hope round to see my friend. Got home and slept for 2 hours!! I feel so lazy, Ian is doing practically everything for me and Hope, I think he is enjoying it really!!! My little lady has been so good, she is going 3 hours straight now which is heaven!! Last night she wouldn't settle till about 1am but after that went 3 hourly feeds. I just can't believe how contented she is. She is changing all the time and I can't get enough of her!!
I have to say my boobs are not too sore either, they are leaking a bit but I thought it would be worse than this, maybe the worst it still to come?!!
heya everyone =) Roxy has been alot more settled since we changed her milk to the comfort aptimel! She's going to toilet alot easier now aswell - which is better for her! She's been waking up today every 2 hours for her 2oz's and going off to sleep, she even slept when we tried some tummy time! Bless her!

Genies - I bought a grow bag for Roxy today after seeing yours - I can see how they will be so much easier than blankets! She's forever kicking them off!

Daisybell - dont worry about the middle name thing - as long as you like it thats all that matters!

Emzywemzy - that 6 hours of being awake happened to me aswell :( but at least you got some decent sleep after! Lucky you having the night off! You chill out and enjoy yourself!

Hope everyone else is doing good and feeling happy happy happy!! (as well as tired!!!)

Hi all, just a quickie from me, sorry been quiet we have been visiting Waynes family. He has said all his goodbyes now and we are on our way home for quiet time.. only 4 sleeps together till be goes. In that time we also have to file for residency of his kiddies, its a big mess with their mum and even social services are on the case now! To be honest I'm beside myself with worry at the fact that he has ll this stress on top of going away. Anyway hope everyone is happy and coping!

Aw Louise, enjoy the next few days. Sounds like that will be hard to do with all the stuff going on with the boys. Get plenty of snuggling in with Lilia and Wayne. xx

Stmw, I'm glad Roxy's picking up and happier with her feeds.

Becs, glad you're doing okay, your Ian sounds like a little star! And you'll feel so much better if you're able to get some kip in! I think cos you're used to doing so much walking, like me, you feel good for getting out for even just a small wander. It's just frustrating in the early days that you can't do more for making yourself sore. x

Grrrr Daisybell, you and your OH love Ollie's middle name, and that's all that counts! I can't stand interferers!!!! x

Right, Sammy pants is crying for another feed! Better go, catch up again later. xxx
Emzy! Thanks for reminding me he's a month old today! The date had completely passed me by! I feel all emotional now! xxx
Louise, enjoy the time you have left, at least social services are on the case now xxx

Asher, it is frustrating but its just nice not to have to do so much in a way!!! Got to get my rest in before he goes back to work, his boss has said that he can do flexi time when he goes back what with me sown up foof!!!

Stmw, so glad little Roxy is better xx

I have one wide awake Hope, she is full of beans!!! I seem to remember that she always started wriggling this time of night inside me!! We are going over to see our new house tomorrow and to spend some time with family!!
Asher, it is frustrating but its just nice not to have to do so much in a way!!! Got to get my rest in before he goes back to work, his boss has said that he can do flexi time when he goes back what with me sown up foof!!!

:haha: Not funny for you, but the phrase "sown up foof" got me! Sounds as though you've got a nice day planned for tomorrow. And Ian's boss sounds reasonable, which is fab. x
His boss is lovely, really understanding as wife went through the same thing, so he knows the score!! I can do most things its just I get tired so quick and I am still pretty stiff and wanna wlak like John Wayne!!
Well hello Mummy's & Babies.... my goodness you just dont realise the little spare time you have when a baby enters you life...iv been trying to get on here and catch up for days to no avail, so iv come straight to post as i cant catch up!!! Its seemed very strange going to the september stars thread and seeing everyone talking about how long they have left!!

So i've had my baby!!!

Woke up at 7am on the morning of my induction (our alarm snoozes every 10 mins) with a light pain in my lower tum, pressed snoozed next time it went off i had the same pain, got out of bed and pottered around and sure enough every 10 mins i was having this light pain...more of a dull ache really!! Phone went and it was the hospital saying come down asap for induction, i explained about the pains and they said to still go in. Got there was monitored and sure enough was contracting ! They didnt know what to do with me so sent me home and said come back at 5pm as the labour ward was full! So got home cleaned the windows and wiped cot down & stuff. Went back in at 5pm (by this time the pains were a bit more painful) was monitored for a while, then they checked me and said i was 3cm dilated so they decided to break my waters, the pains got quite a bit more intense and at that point i decided to try the gas & air, it worked well and sometimes i just breathed through the contractions, was then checked again an hour later and they were shocked to discover that i was fully dilated and ready to push. (All a bit of a sudden shock) was pushing for about 2 hours and was getting extremely tired, then James' heart dipped and the midwife said "im just going to push the button for some help dont worry everything will be fine" before i knew it all these people came running in one was lowering the bed another flipped me on my side then i had an oxygen mask put on me!!! In the end i have to have a vontuse/kiwi delivery, the doctor who did it was huge and had the biggest hands EVER!!!

So baby James Cooper Seamark was born at 23:14pm on Tuesday 21st September weighing 6lb 8oz!!

Hope everyone is well and becs i know all about the 'sewn up foof' i was really really crying yesterday they really got to me...midwife has said it looks like i may have a lil water cyst which is catching (all i need!) What with that and my sore bleeding nipples!!! lol x
A quick hi from me.
I'm on an insane pumping regime to increase my milk and supplement Toby. There is seriously little time for much else.
I feel very much like a :mamafy:
hello all! how are you all doing?

Everything is going great here. I am not ashamed to say that I have a dream baby! She is no trouble at all!
heya everyone =)

lilbumpblue - congratulations!!!

sarahkka - sorry you feel like a milk machine!

littleaurora - glad you have such a contented baby!

Hope everyone else is well!

Hope everyone ia doing okay.

Ollie is a month old today cant believe how fast it has gone
Hey ladies,

Glad to hear so many of your babies are settling better and doing well.

Congrats lilbumpblue!

becs - don't feel guilty about letting OH do the work; you've done it for9 months!

Asher - well done for getting swimming! I had a tiny go on my horse yesterday, and felt like my ovaries were going to fall out. Just incase anyone is as naive as me, horse riding after a baby is not a good idea :dohh:

Well, it's been back to the docs AGAIN for Izzy today. Her thrush is now really bad on her bum, and has taken a lot of skin off. She's been given 2 different medicines for it. It's just one thing after another. She has a sticky eye too, but hopefully her cold seems to have gone.

I'm tired today... plus i've taken the dog to be spayed, so i feel like the cruelest of cruel people ever.

hope you're all doing well :flower: xxx
Optical, poor little Izzy, Hope has sticky eye too, was quite bad yesterday but seems to be better today xx Hope she feels better soon xxx

Can't believe my girl is a week old, we had midwifes this morning and Hope had her heel prick, she didn't cry or flinch, she was a brave girl!! I have a stinking cold but feel ok in myself, had a good nights sleep!! After the mw we went to Tesco and had costa coffee, was so nice to do normal things!! I am going to have a sleep after Hope has her next bottle!!
i am tired today, i think ive hit the wall not helped by the girls having temperatures, they are still a bit snuffly.
Lillbumpblue- good to see you , hope your feeling better today x

i walked to the local garden centre today to get some air, im getting used to the buggy now x

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